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Cote d'Ivoire Round 2 Abortion Follow-up Survey 2020


Structure number

Household number

Head of household's name

Respondent's name

Respondent's age

Did the respondent report that she "removed a pregnancy" or "regulated her period" in the prior survey?

[] Removed a pregnancy
[] Regulated her period

The year the event took place: ____

Did the respondent report using multiple things?

[] Yes
[] No

Only method used

[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Only source

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

First method used

[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

First source

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Last method used

[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Last source

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Number of friends discussed during first survey

Enter 0, 1, or 2. Enter their information on the next screen.

Friend 1 name

Did she tell friend 1?

[] Yes
[] No

Friend 2 name

Did she tell friend 2?

[] Yes
[] No

Respondent summary from Round 2

Head of household first name: {hh_head_prev}
Respondent first name: ${first_name_prev}
Age: ${age_prev}
EA name: {ea_prev}
Structure number: ${structure_prev}
Household number: ${household_prev}
Only method: {only_method_prev_lab}
Only source: ${only_source_prev_lab}
Year: ${event_year_prev}
First method: {first_method_prev_lab}
First source: ${first_source_prev_lab}
Last method: ${last_method_prev_lab}
Last source: ${last_source_prev_lab}
Year: ${event_year_prev}

001a. Are you talking to the correct woman?


[] Yes
[] No

002. Your ID: {your_name}

Is this your ID?

[] Yes
[] No

002. Enter your ID below.

Please record your ID

003. Current date and time.

Is this date and time correct?

[] Yes
[] No

003b. Record the correct date and time.

The date must be between 2020-08-01 and 2021-08-01.

004a. The following information is from the previous female questionnaire. Please review to make sure you are interviewing the correct respondent.

Enumeration area: {ea_prev}
Structure number: ${structure_prev}
Household number: ${household_prev}
First name: {first_name_prev}
Age: ${age_prev}

Is the above information correct?

If misspelled, select "no" here and update the information.

If this is the wrong person, find and interview the person whose name appears above. If this is the wrong person but she is also a respondent, exit and select the correct form from among your list.

[] Yes
[] No

Enumeration area

Previous enumeration area: {ea_prev}

Structure number

Previous structure number: {structure_prev}

Houshold number

Previous household number: {household_prev}

First name

Previous first name: {first_name_prev}


Previous age: {age_prev}

004c. Has the respondent moved since Round 2?

[] No, living in same household
[] Yes, moved within Region
[] Yes, moved outside Region, within District
[] Yes, moved outside District
[] Yes, moved outside country
[] Do not know

005. Is the respondent present and available to be interviewed today?

[] Yes
[] No

006. Did you interview the respondent in the previous round?

[] Yes
[] No

The following questions are about potential COVID-19 exposure to make sure it is safe for us to continue the interview. I am asking these questions of all respondents and will not share the answers with anyone.

COV_1. Have you or is there anyone currently living in their household who has tested positive for COVID-19, or recently developed any of the unique symptom (s) of COVID- 19, who are the loss of taste and smell?

[] Yes
[] No

COV_2. Do you or is there anyone currently living in their household who recently developed any of the symptoms of COVID-19 listed on the fact sheet but other than the unique symptoms of COVID-19 , who are the loss of taste or smell?

[] Yes
[] No

COV_3. Have you been in close and prolonged contact with someone outside the household who has tested positive for COVID-19, or has recently developed any of the unique symptom (s) of COVID-19, which are the loss of taste and smell?

[] Yes
[] No

Respondent or a household member is (in the case of a positive COVID-19 test) or may be COVID-19 positive. Save the form and tell the respondent you will follow-up after two weeks to again check for potential COVID-19 exposure. Until then, mark survey result as "Postponed".


Find the woman between the ages of 15-49 associated with this Female Questionnaire. The interview must have auditory privacy. Administer the consent procedures.

Bonjour. Je m'appelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . et je travaille pour l'École Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Économie Appliquée (ENSEA). Cette étude est menée par une équipe de recherche de Performance Monitoring for Action, qui s'appelait auparavant PMA2020, basée à l'École de Santé Publique Bloomberg de l'Université de Johns Hopkins.

Objectif : L'objectif de cette étude est de mieux comprendre les expériences des femmes qui font passer une grossesse ou font revenir leurs règles en Côte d'Ivoire. Nous souhaitons en savoir plus sur les connaissances des femmes concernant les services, les procédures et la sûreté de l'interruption de grossesses, leurs processus de décisions lorsqu'elles veulent obtenir des soins, leurs expériences dans l'accès à ces soins, toutes les complications qui ont pu se produire, et tous les traitements qu'elles ont ensuite reçus.

Participation : Vous êtes invitée à participer à cette enquête parce que vous avez participé à la vague de 2018, au cours de laquelle vous avez rapporté avoir fait passer une grossesse ou fait revenir vos règles, et vous aviez indiqué que vous étiez d'accord pour être recontactée pour un autre entretien sur ce sujet. Cet entretien devrait prendre au maximum 60 minutes au total.

Risques : Il n'y a pas de risques physiques associés à la participation à cette enquête. Cependant, il se peut que certaines questions vous mettent mal à l'aise. Vous n'êtes pas obligée de répondre à toutes les questions et vous pouvez interrompre l'entretien à n'importe quel moment. Avec n'importe quelle étude, il existe toujours un petit risque que quelqu'un d'extérieur à l'étude puisse voir vos informations, mais nous ferons de notre mieux pour garder celles-ci privées et confidentielles. Si certaines questions vous mettent mal à l'aise et vous souhaitez en parler avec un professionnel, nous vous donnerons un numéro de téléphone à la fin de l'interview et notre personnel d'étude vous aidera à contacter quelqu'un qui pourra vous aider à trouver l'aide dont vous avez besoin.

Bénéfices : Il n'y a pas de bénéfices directement associés à votre participation à l'étude. Cependant, certaines participantes peuvent sentir qu'elles aident d'autres personnes en étant impliquées dans une étude qui va contribuer à mieux comprendre les expériences reproductives des femmes, et les manières d'améliorer leur santé et leur bien-être. Ces informations vont également nous aider à mieux conseiller le gouvernement pour l'amélioration de l'offre des services de santé.

Confidentialité: Votre participation à cette étude et toute information que vous nous fournirez seront gardées complètement confidentielles. Nous enlèverons votre nom et toutes les autres informations qui permettraient de vous identifier en personne avant d'analyser ou de partager les données, et de présenter ou de publier les résultats.

Compensation : Vous recevrez un petit cadeau d'un morceau de savon ou de la poudre à laver d'une valeur de 1000 FCFA pour vous remercier de votre participation.

Participation volontaire : La participation à cette étude est entièrement volontaire. S'il arrive que vous ne souhaitiez pas répondre à une question, faites-le moi savoir et je passerai à la question suivante. Vous pouvez aussi choisir de ne pas participer du tout, et vous pouvez interrompre l'entretien à tout moment. Cependant, nous espérons que vous serez d'accord pour participer à cette enquête car vos perspectives et votre expérience spécifique sont importantes.

Si vous avez des questions sur cette étude et sur vos droits en tant que participante à la recherche, vous pouvez me les poser maintenant ou vous pouvez aussi contacter Dr. ___ au numéro : ### ou le Comité national d'éthique des sciences de la vie et de la santé au numéro : ###.

Pour le moment, est-ce que vous avez des questions à me poser sur cette étude ?

Before we begin the interview, please confirm the following statements are true :

[] I have been read the consent form
[] I have received and understood the explanations given about this research
[] The nature of this research was explained to me. I understood the nature of this research and the information provided. I have asked all of my questions and received satisfactory answers. I agree of my own accord to participate in an individual interview. I know that I can end my participation at any time during the interview, without judgment or explanation.
[] None of the above

The respondent has not confirmed each of the previous three statements and will not be able to continue the interview.

007. Read the consent form and verbal consent text.

Then, ask:
May I begin the interview now?

[] Yes
[] No

008. Respondent's signature

Please ask the respondent to sign or check the box in agreement of their participation.

Section 1 ? Confirmation of Previously Provided Details and Respondent's Background

As previously described, I would like to collect additional information on PREGNANCY REMOVAL. Sometimes women are worried they are pregnant or get pregnant when they do not want to be and they do something to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY. This is a common experience in Nigeria and we simply want to better understand it. I want to remind you that this survey is completely confidential and your responses will not be shared with anyone outside the study.

Section 1 ? Confirmation of Previously Provided Details and Respondent's Background

As previously described, I would like to collect additional information on PERIOD REGULATION. Sometimes women are worried they are pregnant or get pregnant when they do not want to be and they do something to REGULATE THEIR PERIOD. This is a common experience in Nigeria and we simply want to better understand it. I want to remind you that this survey is completely confidential and your responses will not be shared with anyone outside the study.

In the prior PMA2020 survey that we conducted in April and May of 2018, you told the interviewer that you had done something to REMOVE A PREGNANCY WHEN YOU WERE PREGNANT OR WORRIED YOU WERE PREGNANT.

In the prior PMA2020 survey that we conducted in April and May of 2018, you told the interviewer that you had done something to REGULATE YOUR PERIOD AT A TIME WHEN YOU WERE WORRIED YOU WERE PREGNANT.

100a. You told the interviewer this took place in {event_year_prev}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

100b. In what year did this event occur?

Enter 2030 if do not know.

100c. Approximately how long ago did this event occur?

Read answers aloud.

[] 1 up to 3 years ago
[] 3 up to 5 years ago
[] 5 or more years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response

100d. You told the interviewer you DID MULTIPLE THINGS to try to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

100d. You told the interviewer you DID MULTIPLE THINGS to try to REGULATE YOUR PERIOD. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

100d. You told the interviewer you DID NOT DO MULTIPLE THINGS to try to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

100d. You told the interviewer you DID NOT DO MULTIPLE THINGS to try to REGULATE YOUR PERIOD. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

100e. Did you do multiple things?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

101a. You told the interviewer that you ONLY used {only_method_prev_lab}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

101a. You told the interviewer that you FIRST used {first_method_prev_lab}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

101b. What was the ONLY method you used?

[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

101b. What was the FIRST method you used?

[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

101c. You said you took pills. Did you take any of these specific medications?

Show pictures of misoprostol and misoprostol/mifepristone packs as well as antibiotics, anti-malarial, EC, and contraceptive medicines. Refer to local brand names as well.

[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Contraceptive pills
[] Emergency contraception
[] Antibiotics
[] Anti-malarial
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

You said you took pills. Did you take any of these specific medications?

101d. Please describe what you first used in more detail.

[] Injection into arm
[] Injection into area other than arm
[] Drank household cleaning products
[] Drank large amount of alcohol
[] Drank large amount of alcohol in combination with something else
[] Drank or ate herbs or natural products
[] Put herbs or natural products into the vagina
[] Deep massage of abdomen
[] Tried to injure self physically
[] Other (Specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

Please describe what you first used in more detail.

102a. You told the interviewer that you got the {only_method_lab} from ${only_source_prev_lab}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

102a. You told the interviewer that you got the {first_method_lab} from ${first_source_prev_lab}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

102b. Where did you go to get the {only_method_lab}?

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

102b. Where did you go to get the {first_method_lab}?

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

103a. You told the interviewer that you LAST used {last_method_prev_lab}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

103b. What was the LAST method used?

[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

103c. You said you took pills. Did you take any of these specific medications?

Show pictures of misoprostol and misoprostol/mifepristone packs as well as antibiotics, anti-malarial, EC, and contraceptive medicines. Refer to local brand names as well.

[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Contraceptive pills
[] Emergency contraception
[] Antibiotics
[] Anti-malarial
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

You said you took pills. Did you take any of these specific medications?

103d. Please describe what you used in more detail.

[] Injection into arm
[] Injection into area other than arm
[] Drank household cleaning products
[] Drank large amount of alcohol
[] Drank large amount of alcohol in combination with something else
[] Drank or ate herbs or natural products
[] Put herbs or natural products into the vagina
[] Deep massage of abdomen
[] Tried to injure self physically
[] Other (Specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

Please describe what you used in more detail.

104a. You told the interviewer that you got the {last_method_lab} from ${last_source_prev_lab}. Is this correct?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

104b. Where did you go to get the {last_method_lab}?

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

105a. Besides this method, did you do anything else to attempt to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY?

Select all that apply.

[] No
[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

105a. Besides these methods, did you do anything else to attempt to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY?

Select all that apply.

[] No
[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

105a. Besides this method, did you do anything else to attempt to BRING BACK YOUR PERIOD?

Select all that apply.

[] No
[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

105a. Besides these methods, did you do anything else to attempt to BRING BACK YOUR PERIOD?

Select all that apply.

[] No
[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

105b. Where did you go to obtain this method?

Select all that apply.

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

105b. Where did you go to obtain these methods?

Select all that apply.

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.

[] NA

107a. At the time that you REMOVED THE PREGNANCY how certain were you that you were pregnant? Very certain, somewhat certain, or not at all certain?

[] Very certain
[] Somewhat certain
[] Not at all certain
[] No response

107a. At the time that you BROUGHT BACK YOUR PERIOD how certain were you that you were pregnant? Very certain, somewhat certain, or not at all certain?

[] Very certain
[] Somewhat certain
[] Not at all certain
[] No response

107b. Did you take a pregnancy test to confirm?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

108a. How long had you been pregnant at the time?

[] X weeks
[] X months
[] Do not know
[] No response

108a. Enter {preg_duration_lab}

How long had you been pregnant at the time?

Enter -88 if Do not know, -99 if No response.

108b. How many periods had you missed?

Enter -88 if Do not know, -99 if No response.

109. At the time of this event, were you married or living with a man as if married?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

110a. At the time of this event were you attending school?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

110b. What level of school were you attending at the time?

[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] Higher
[] No response

111. At the time of this event did you have any children?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

112. At the time of this event were you living where you were at the time of the prior survey?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

113. Were you living in a village, a town, or a large city?

[] Village
[] Town
[] City
[] Do not know
[] No response

114. Among the following methods for pregnancy removal or bringing back a period, which ones were you aware of at the time you ENDED THE PREGNANCY:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Clinical procedure, like DandC, performed in a hospital or other health facility
[] Misoprostol pill ("mai-so") ? a single drug that a woman can take several tablets of to remove a pregnancy or bring back a period, for example Cytotec, Miso-Fem, Misoclear
[] Mifepristone with misoprostol pill ? two drugs used in combination, where a woman takes one tablet of one drug followed by several tablets of the other drug, for example, Mariprist or Mifepak
[] None of the above
[] No response

114. Among the following methods for pregnancy removal or bringing back a period, which ones were you aware of at the time you BROUGHT BACK YOUR PERIOD:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Clinical procedure, like DandC, performed in a hospital or other health facility
[] Misoprostol pill ("mai-so") ? a single drug that a woman can take several tablets of to remove a pregnancy or bring back a period, for example Cytotec, Miso-Fem, Misoclear
[] Mifepristone with misoprostol pill ? two drugs used in combination, where a woman takes one tablet of one drug followed by several tablets of the other drug, for example, Mariprist or Mifepak
[] None of the above
[] No response

115. At any point in the process of REMOVING THE PREGNANCY did someone refuse to provide the services or medicines you requested?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

115. At any point in the process of REGULATING YOUR PERIOD did someone refuse to provide the services or medicines you requested?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

116a. Did you talk to any of the following people about the decision to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY?

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Self
[] Partner
[] Mother
[] Mother-in-law
[] Other female relative
[] Father
[] Other male relative
[] Friend
[] Health provider
[] Traditional healer
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

116a. Did you talk to any of the following people about the decision to BRING BACK YOUR PERIOD?

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Self
[] Partner
[] Mother
[] Mother-in-law
[] Other female relative
[] Father
[] Other male relative
[] Friend
[] Health provider
[] Traditional healer
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

116b. Who ultimately decided that you would do something to REMOVE THE PREGNANCY? If multiple people jointly made the final decision, tell me each person involved.

If the woman does not report herself, probe to confirm whether she was involved in the final decision. Select all that apply.

[] Self
[] Partner
[] Mother
[] Mother-in-law
[] Other female relative
[] Father
[] Other male relative
[] Friend
[] Health provider
[] Traditional healer
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.

[] NA

Specify "other"

116b. Who ultimately decided that you would do something to BRING BACK YOUR PERIOD? If multiple people jointly made the final decision, tell me each person involved.

If the woman does not report herself, probe to confirm whether she was involved in the final decision. Select all that apply.

[] Self
[] Partner
[] Mother
[] Mother-in-law
[] Other female relative
[] Father
[] Other male relative
[] Friend
[] Health provider
[] Traditional healer
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.

[] NA

Specify "other"

117a. In the previous survey you talked about your closest female confidante, whose fake name was {friend1_name_prev}. You indicated you did not tell her about this event. But, do you think she is aware of it?

[] Yes, definitely
[] Yes, likely
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

117b. Similarly, you said you did not tell your next closest friend, whose fake name was {friend2_name_prev}. Do you think she is aware of it?

[] Yes, definitely
[] Yes, likely
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

118a. How many women do you know who have intentionally removed a pregnancy? We will not ask any follow-up questions about these women, we just want to know the total number.
Enter -88 if Do not know, -99 if No response.

118b. Similarly, how many women do you know who have done something to bring back a late period when they were worried they were pregnant? We again have no follow-up questions about these women, we just want to know the total number.
Enter -88 if Do not know, -99 if No response.

Section 2 ? Details of Source

Note: The following questions are about the only source you reported going to, {only_source_lab}.

Section 2 ? Details of Source

Note: The following questions are about the first source you reported going to, {first_source_lab}.

200. Before deciding to use {only_method_lab} from ${only_source_lab}, did you seek input or information from any of the following sources:

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Partner
[] Family members
[] Friends
[] Medical provider at a facility
[] Community health worker
[] Pharmacist/chemist
[] Internet
[] Hotline (phone numbers)
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

Before deciding to use {only_method_lab} from ${only_source_lab}, did you seek input or information from any of the following sources:

200. Before deciding to use {first_method_lab} from ${first_source_lab}, did you seek input or information from any of the following sources:

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Partner
[] Family members
[] Friends
[] Medical provider at a facility
[] Community health worker
[] Pharmacist/chemist
[] Internet
[] Hotline (phone numbers)
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

Before deciding to use {first_method_lab} from ${first_source_lab}, did you seek input or information from any of the following sources:

201. Was {first_only_source_lab} the nearest source you knew of that could provide services or medicines to REMOVE A PREGNANCY?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

201. Was {first_only_source_lab} the nearest source you knew of that could provide services or medicines to REGULATE YOUR PERIOD?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

202. Did any of the following reasons factor into your choice of this source?

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Cost
[] Convenience
[] Location
[] Privacy / confidentiality
[] Method offered
[] Recommended
[] Provider had good reputation
[] Knew provider (personally or through friend/family member)
[] Only option knew of nearby
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

Did any of the following reasons factor into your choice to go to this source?

203. Which of these reasons was most important?

[] Cost
[] Convenience
[] Location
[] Privacy / confidentiality
[] Method offered
[] Recommended
[] Provider had good reputation
[] Knew provider (personally or through friend/family member)
[] Only option knew of nearby
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

204a. Who recommended you use this source? Anyone else?

Select all that apply.

[] Partner
[] Family members
[] Friends
[] Medical provider at a facility
[] Community health worker
[] Pharmacist/chemist
[] Internet
[] Hotline (phone numbers)
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

Who recommended you use this method?

204b. Were you present at the time the {first_only_method_lab} was obtained?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

204c. Who obtained the method?

[] Partner
[] Mother
[] Mother-in-law
[] Other female relative
[] Father
[] Other male relative
[] Friend
[] Other (Specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

Who obtained the method?

205. Did you or someone else have to pay to obtain this method?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

206. Was it difficult, somewhat difficult, or not at all difficult to find the necessary funds?

[] Very difficult
[] Somewhat difficult
[] Not at all difficult
[] Do not know
[] No response

207. Did you have to make more than one visit to {first_only_source_lab} to receive ${first_only_method_lab}?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

207. Did your {method_who_obtained_lab} have to make more than one visit to ${first_only_source_lab} to receive ${first_only_method_lab}?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

208. How long did you have to wait between the first visit and the visit when you received care?

[] X hours
[] X days
[] Do not know
[] No response

208. How long did your {method_who_obtained_lab} have to wait between the first visit and the visit when you received care?

[] X hours
[] X days
[] Do not know
[] No response

Enter "{visit_waited_lab}"

How long did you have to wait between the first visit and the visit when you received care?

209. Did you have a problem with the wait time required on the day of service?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

209. Did your {method_who_obtained_lab} have a problem with the wait time required on the day of service?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210a. Did the provider or staff make any judgmental comments during the service?

Select do not know if the woman was not involved in the interaction and does not know.

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210b. Did the provider and staff treat you with respect during the service?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210c. Did you feel comfortable communicating your questions if you wanted to?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210d. Did you receive care or consultation in a space where no one other than the provider could see you?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210b. Did the provider and staff treat your {method_who_obtained_lab} with respect during the service?

Select do not know if the woman was not involved in the interaction and does not know.

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210c. Did your {method_who_obtained_lab} feel comfortable communicating any questions if your ${method_who_obtained_lab} wanted to?

Select do not know if the woman was not involved in the interaction and does not know.

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

210d. Did your {method_who_obtained_lab} receive care or consultation in a space where no one other than the provider could see your ${method_who_obtained_lab}?

Select do not know if the woman was not involved in the interaction and does not know.

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

211. Did you have the chance to include a family member or friend with you during your service if desired?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Did not want
[] Do not know
[] No response

212. Were you given a choice of surgery or medication to end the possible pregnancy?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

213. Did the provider:

[] Try to determine how many weeks along the pregnancy was?
[] Explain what to expect in a way that was easy to understand?
[] Offer something to ease any pain?
[] None of the above
[] No response

214. Did the provider ask for your permission before beginning?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

215. Did the provider tell you to seek care under any of the following circumstances:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Little or no bleeding
[] Heavy bleeding to the point of feeling dizzy
[] Bleeding for more than 3 weeks
[] Fever for more than 1 day
[] Pain in your belly that did not go away after 3 days
[] Severe pain
[] Discharge from vagina that smelled bad
[] None of the above
[] No response

216. Did the provider tell you where to go to seek care if you experienced any issues?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response


[] Did you know what to expect afterwards?
[] Did you know about warning signs for which you should seek medical advice?
[] Did you know where to go if you experienced complications?
[] None of the above
[] No response


[] Did you know what to expect afterwards?
[] Did you know about warning signs for which you should seek medical advice?
[] Did you know where to go if you experienced complications?
[] None of the above
[] No response

218. Was the PREGNANCY REMOVAL complete after doing this?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

218. Was the PERIOD REGULATION complete after doing this?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

219. Did the provider ask you to come back after REMOVING THE PREGNANCY?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

219. Did the provider ask you to come back after BRINGING BACK YOUR PERIOD?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

220. Did you return to the provider afterward?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

221a. Did you have confidence in the provider's surgical skills?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

221b. Did you have confidence in the provider's knowledge?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Not applicable
[] Do not know
[] No response

222. Did you trust the provider would keep your information private?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

223. If a friend or family member needed this service and asked for your suggestion, would you recommend this source?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

Section 3 ? Symptoms and Complications

300. Did you experience no pain, mild pain, or severe pain during the process of REMOVING THE PREGNANCY?

[] No pain
[] Mild pain
[] Severe pain
[] Do not know
[] No response

300. Did you experience no pain, mild pain, or severe pain during the process of REGULATING YOUR PERIOD?

[] No pain
[] Mild pain
[] Severe pain
[] Do not know
[] No response

301. Were providers attentive to your pain levels during the service?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Not applicable
[] Do not know
[] No response

302a. Did you take any pain medications?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Not applicable
[] Do not know
[] No response

302b. Did the providers or staff give you any pain medication?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Not applicable
[] Do not know
[] No response

303. Do you feel the providers managed your pain effectively?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Not applicable
[] Do not know
[] No response

304. Did you experience any of the following problems after using {first_only_method_lab}:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] The process was not complete
[] Little or no bleeding
[] Heavy bleeding to the point of feeling dizzy
[] Bleeding for more than 3 weeks
[] Fever for more than 1 day
[] Pain in your belly that did not go away after 3 days
[] Severe pain
[] Discharge from vagina that smelled bad
[] Punctured uterus or other internal injury requiring surgery
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

304. Did you experience any of the following problems after using {first_only_method_lab}:

305. Did you consult anybody about THIS PROBLEM?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

305. Did you consult anybody about THESE PROBLEMS?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

306. Whom did you consult? Anybody else?

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Partner
[] Family
[] Friend
[] Doctor/nurse/midwife
[] Pharmacist/chemist
[] Traditional healer
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

Whom did you consult? Anybody else?

307. Did you receive any of the following treatments for these problems?

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Additional medicines to complete the process
[] Surgery
[] Blood transfusion
[] Antibiotics
[] Pain medication
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

Did you receive any of the following treatments for these problems?

308. Where did you receive this treatment?

Select all that apply.

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Section 4 ? Contraceptive Use

401a. Immediately before this event, were you or your partner using anything to avoid or delay getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

401b. What method were you using? Anything else?

Select all that apply.

[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response

402. Now I will read a list of situations that describe some people. Tell me which of the following describes your situation at the time you became pregnant:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Did not need contraception because did not have regular sex
[] Did not think could become pregnant
[] Did not know where to get contraception
[] Contraception was too expensive
[] Contraception was difficult to access
[] Partner or others did not want me to use contraception
[] Did not want to use contraception
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had heard about from others
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had previously experienced
[] Other (Specify)
[] No response

Specify "other"

Which of the following best describes your situation at the time you became pregnant:

403. At the time you became pregnant, had you or your partner considered using a contraceptive method to avoid or delay pregnancy?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

403b. At the time you became pregnant, had you and your partner been trying to avoid having sex on certain days of the month when you were most at risk of becoming pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

404a. In the process of REMOVING THE PREGNANCY, did you want to talk with anyone about using contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

404a. In the process of BRINGING BACK YOUR PERIOD, did you want to talk with anyone about using contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

404b. Did anyone talk to you about using contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

405. Who discussed using contraception with you?

Probe to determine location if she reports a provider type that could be at many locations.

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

406. After this event, did you begin using contraception to avoid another pregnancy?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

407a. Did you feel you had a choice about whether to use contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

407b. Did you feel you had a choice about which contraceptive method to use?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

408. Which method did you use? Anything else?

Select all that apply.

[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response

409. Were you able to start using this method when you wanted?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

410. How long after you ENDED THE PREGNANCY did you start using THIS METHOD?

[] Less than 1 week
[] 1 to 4 weeks
[] 1 to 2 months
[] 3 to 6 months
[] Greater than 6 months
[] Do not know
[] No response

410. How long after you ENDED THE PREGNANCY did you start using THESE METHODS?

[] Less than 1 week
[] 1 to 4 weeks
[] 1 to 2 months
[] 3 to 6 months
[] Greater than 6 months
[] Do not know
[] No response

410. How long after you BROUGHT BACK YOUR PERIOD did you start using THIS METHOD?

[] Less than 1 week
[] 1 to 4 weeks
[] 1 to 2 months
[] 3 to 6 months
[] Greater than 6 months
[] Do not know
[] No response

410. How long after you BROUGHT BACK YOUR PERIOD did you start using THESE METHODS?

[] Less than 1 week
[] 1 to 4 weeks
[] 1 to 2 months
[] 3 to 6 months
[] Greater than 6 months
[] Do not know
[] No response

411. Now I will read a list of situations that describe some people. Tell me which of the following describes your situation after the pregnancy ended:

Read options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Did not need contraception because did not have regular sex
[] Did not need contraception because was not having any sex
[] Did not think could become pregnant
[] Did not know where to get contraception
[] Contraception was too expensive
[] Contraception was difficult to access
[] Partner or others did not want me to use contraception
[] Did not want to use contraception
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had heard about from others
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had previously experienced
[] Other (Specify)
[] No response

Section 5 ? Abortion Preferences

501. Thinking about this PREGNANCY REMOVAL, which of the following aspects of care could have been improved:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Cost
[] Distance
[] How long it took to receive service
[] Privacy
[] Cleanliness (if facility)
[] How provider treated you
[] Your knowledge of method options before service
[] Explanation of process at time of service
[] Method effectiveness
[] Method safety
[] Level of pain
[] Side effects (other than pain)
[] Other (Specify)
[] Nothing - was fully satisfied with process
[] No response

501. Thinking about this PERIOD REGULATION, which of the following aspects of care could have been improved:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Cost
[] Distance
[] How long it took to receive service
[] Privacy
[] Cleanliness (if facility)
[] How provider treated you
[] Your knowledge of method options before service
[] Explanation of process at time of service
[] Method effectiveness
[] Method safety
[] Level of pain
[] Side effects (other than pain)
[] Other (Specify)
[] Nothing - was fully satisfied with process
[] No response

Specify "other"

Thinking about this PREGNANCY REMOVAL / PERIOD REGULATION, which of the following aspects of care could have been improved:

502a. Beyond those aspects of care, would it have improved your experience if you had better support from your:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Partner
[] Family
[] Friends
[] None of the above
[] No response

502b. Is this because you received enough support from these people?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

503. Although you used {first_only_method_lab}, was there another method you would have preferred to use?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

504. What would be your preferred method?

[] No
[] Surgical procedure (curettage, MVA, etc.)
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol (Cytotec)
[] Medicines you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine (Palujecte, Novaquine, Cyphaquine
[] Other pills
[] Traditional methods that are not inserted into the vagina (herbs, potions, concoctions)
[] Ingested industrial products (bleach, Coke-Nescafé mix, etc.)
[] Insert materials into the vagina (stem, herb ball, kanigban, etc.)
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

What would be your preferred method?

505a. Although you used {first_only_source_lab}, was there another source you would have preferred to use?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

505b. What would be your preferred source?

[] Government hospital
[] Government health center
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic (public)
[] Other public
[] Private hospital / clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private doctor
[] Mobile clinic (private)
[] Health agent
[] Other private
[] Store
[] Religious organizations
[] Community event
[] Friend / parent
[] Community health agent
[] Street vendor
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

506. At the time of the event we have been discussing, what prevented you from USING THIS METHOD?

Select all that apply.

[] Cost
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

506. At the time of the event we have been discussing, what prevented you from GOING TO THIS SOURCE?

Select all that apply.

[] Cost
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

506. At the time of the event we have been discussing, what prevented you from USING THIS METHOD AND SOURCE?

Select all that apply.

[] Cost
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response

Specify "other"

At the time of the pregnancy we have been discussing, what prevented you from USING THIS METHOD / GOING TO THIS SOURCE / USING THIS METHOD AND SOURCE?

Section 6 ? Pregnancy Removal versus Period Regulation

601. Some women describe ending a pregnancy as a pregnancy removal while others talk about bringing back their periods when they think they are pregnant. Do you view these experiences as the same or different?

[] Same
[] Different
[] Do not know
[] No response

602. Which of the following situations would you consider to be removing a pregnancy:

Read response options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Taking a pill within a couple days of unprotected sex
[] Taking pills after missing one or two periods without pregnancy confirmation
[] Having a surgery after missing one or two periods without pregnancy confirmation
[] Taking pills when a woman is sure she is early in a pregnancy
[] Having a surgery when a woman is sure she is early in a pregnancy
[] Taking pills when the pregnancy has been confirmed
[] Having a surgery when the pregnancy has been confirmed
[] Taking pills after a miscarriage
[] Having a surgery after a miscarriage
[] None of the above
[] No response

603. Which of the following situations would you consider to be regulating a period:

Read response options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Taking a pill within a couple days of unprotected sex
[] Taking pills after missing one or two periods without pregnancy confirmation
[] Having a surgery after missing one or two periods without pregnancy confirmation
[] Taking pills when a woman is sure she is early in a pregnancy
[] Having a surgery when a woman is sure she is early in a pregnancy
[] Taking pills when the pregnancy has been confirmed
[] Having a surgery when the pregnancy has been confirmed
[] Taking pills after a miscarriage
[] Having a surgery after a miscarriage
[] None of the above
[] No response

604. Sometimes words or phrases can have multiple meanings. The following question is for me to clarify that I understand correctly the specifics of the event we have been discussing during this interview. At the time you REMOVED THE PREGNANCY were you in a situation where you intentionally ended the pregnancy or did it end naturally?

[] Intentionally ended
[] Miscarriage
[] No response

Section 7 ? Abortion Law

701. Is there a law on abortion in Ivory Coast?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

702. Are there currently any situations when it is legal to have an abortion in Ivory Coast?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

703. In your opinion, in which of the following situations should a woman be able to obtain an abortion in Ivory Coast?

Read response options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] If continuing the pregnancy puts the woman's life at risk
[] In cases of rape
[] In cases of incest
[] If her physical health is at risk
[] If her mental health is at risk
[] If the pregnancy is not developing properly and would not result in a healthy birth
[] If she is too poor to feed another child
[] If her husband is not supportive of having another child
[] If she is not married
[] If she already has many children
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] No response

Specify "other"

In your opinion, in which of the following situations should a woman be able to obtain an abortion in Nigeria?

Location and Questionnaire result

095. Location

Take a GPS point near the entrance to the household. Record location when the accuracy is smaller than 6 m.

096a. Result of attempted phone contact

[] No phone number provided
[] Made contact with respondent
[] Did not make contact with respondent

096b. How many times have you visited this household to interview this female respondent?

Enter 0 if reached respondent using the phone number she provided and she is not eligible for interview because moved too far away or is unwilling to participate.

[] 0 times
[] 1st time
[] 2nd time
[] 3rd time

097. In what language was this interview conducted?

[] English
[] French
[] Arabic
[] Baoule
[] Senoufo
[] Yacouba
[] Agni
[] Attie
[] Guere
[] Bete
[] Dioula
[] Abbey
[] Mahou
[] Wobe
[] Lobi
[] Other

098. Questionnaire result

Record the result of the female respondent survey

Check answer to availability and consent.

[] Completed
[] Not at home
[] Postponed
[] Refused
[] Partly completed
[] Incapacitated
[] Died
[] Could not find respondent or get information on her whereabouts
[] Said did not have pregnancy removal/period regulation
[] Moved out of state or to distant LGA
[] Moved out of country
[] Other (Specify)

Specify "other"

Questionnaire result