mADDS Ethiopia Household Questionnaire - Round 2
Please record the following identifying information prior to beginning the interview.
A. How many times have you visited this household?
[] 2nd time
[] 3rd time
B. Interviewer's name: Is this your name?
If not, please record your name:
ODK will display the name associated with the phone's serial number
[] No
C. Is this date and time correct?
[] No
D. Record the correct date and time
Time____ Hour____ Minutes____ AM/PM____
E. Region
[] Afar
[] Amhara
[] Oromiya
[] Somali
[] Benishangul Gumuz
[] Gambela
[] Harari
[] Addis Ababa
[] Dire Dawa
E. Zone
ODK will populate a list of appropriate zones based on the selected region.
E. District
ODK will populate a list of appropriate districts based on the selected zone.
E. Locality Name
ODK will populate a list of appropriate localities based on the selected district. There may be only one choice.
E. Enumeration area
ODK should populate the appropriate EA
F. Structure number
Please record the structure number from the household listing form.
[pg. 2]
G. Household number
Please record the household number from the household listing form.
H. Is a member of the household and competent respondent present and available to be interviewed today?
[] No
Find the competent member of the household. Read the following greeting:
Hello. My name is ________________________________ and I am working for the Addis Ababa University, and Federal Ministry of Health. We are conducting a local survey about various health issues. We would very much appreciate your participation in this survey. This information will help us inform the government to better plan health services. Whatever information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shown to anyone other than members of our survey team. Participation in this survey is voluntary, and if we should come to any question you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will go on to the next question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However, we hope that you will participate in this survey since your views are important. I am going to ask you questions about your family and other household members. We would then like to ask a different set of questions to female members of this household who are between the ages of 15 and 49.
At this time, do you want to ask me anything about the survey?
I. May I begin the interview now?
[] No
J. Interviewer's name
Please record your name as a witness to the consent process. You previously entered ?[NAME FROM HQ B].?
K. Respondent's first name.
Please record the first name of the respondent.
H2. Did your household previously participate in a PMA2020 survey?
[] No
[pg. 2]
SECTION 1 - Household Roster
I will now ask you questions about all members of the household. Let's begin with you. For each person who usually lives here or slept in the house last night, please record the following information:
1. First name
2. Sex
[] Female
3. Age (years)
4. Marital Status
[] Living with a partner
[] Divorced / separated
[] Widow / widower
[] Single
5. Relationship to head of household
[] Wife/Husband
[] Son/Daughter
[] Son/Daughter-in-law
[] Grandchild
[] Parent
[] Parent in law
[] Brother/Sister
[] Other
[] Don't know
6. Family ID
7. Is this person a usual member of the household or has he/she slept in the house last night?
[] Usual member of the household who did not sleep in the house last night
[] Visitor who slept in the house last night
8. Eligible female respondent
[] No
After recording information for one household member, the following prompt is asked to activate a looping script to record the information for another member if needed:
[] No
9. Are there any other usual members of your household or persons who slept in the house last night? READ THIS CHECK OUT LOUD: There are [NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS ENTERED] household members who are named [NAMES OF ENTERED HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS]. Is this a complete list of the household members?
Remember to include all children in the household.
[] No
[pg. 3]
Section 2 - Household Characteristics
Now I would like to ask you a few questions about the characteristics of your household.
10. Please tell me about the items your household owns. Does your household have:
Read out all types and select all that apply. Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
If an item is reported broken but said to be out of use only temporarily, select the item. Otherwise do not select the item.
[] No
A wall clock?
[] No
A radio?
[] No
A black/white television?
[] No
A color television?
[] No
A mobile phone?
[] No
A landline telephone?
[] No
A refrigerator?
[] No
A freezer?
[] No
Electric generator/invertor(s)?
[] No
A washing machine?
[] No
A computer?
[] No
A digital photo camera?
[] No
A non digital photo camera?
[] No
A video deck?
[] No
[] No
A sewing machine?
[] No
A bed?
[] No
A table?
[] No
A cabinet/cupboard?
[] No
A bicycle?
[] No
A motorcycle or motor scooter?
[] No
A car or truck?
[] No
A boat with a motor?
[] No
A boat without a motor?
[] No
[] None of the above
[] No response
11a. Does this household own any livestock, herds, other farm animals, or poultry?
These livestock can be kept anywhere, not necessarily on the homestead.
[] No
[] No Response
11b. How many of the following animals does this household own?
HINT: The household can keep the livestock anywhere, but must own the livestock recorded here.
Zero is a possible answer.
Enter -88 for do not know.
Enter -99 for no response.
Horses, donkeys, or mules ___________________
Camels _______________
Goats ________________
Sheep _______________
Chickens ______________
Beehives ______________
12a. Does this household keep any livestock, herds, other farm animals, or poultry ON THE HOMESTEAD, regardless of who owns these livestock?
HINT: Homestead includes the structure and yard that is close to the structure
[] No
[] No response
12b. How many of the following animals does this household keep ON THE HOMESTEAD? HINT: The household does not need to own the livestock recorded here.
Zero is a possible answer.
Enter -88 for do not know.
Enter -99 for no response.
Horses, donkeys, or mules ____
Camels ____
Goats ____
Sheep ____
Chickens ____
Beehives ____
Section 3 - Household Observation
Please observe the floors, roof and exterior walls
13. Main material of the floor
[] Earth/Sand
[] Dung
Rudimentary Floor
[] Wood Planks
[] Palm/Bamboo
Finished Floor
[] Parquet or polished wood
[] Vinyl/Asphalt strips
[] Ceramic Tile/Terazzo
[] Cement
[] Carpet
[] Other
[] No response
14. Main material of the roof
[] Thatch/Palm Leaf/ Sod
Rudimentary Roofing
[] Palm/Bamboo
[] Wood Planks
[] Cardboard
Finished Roofing
[] Asbestos/Cement Fiber
[] Cement/Concrete
[] Roof Shingles
[] Other
[] No response
15. Main material of the exterior walls
[] Cane//Trunks/Bamboo
[] Dirt
Rudimentary Walls
[] Stone with Mud
[] Uncovered Adobe
[] Plywood
[] Cardboard
[] Reused Wood
[] Corrugated Iron/Metal
Finished Walls
[] Stone with Lime/Cement
[] Bricks
[] Cement Blocks
[] Covered Adobe
[] Wood Planks/Shingles
[] Other
[] No response
Section 4 - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Now I would like to ask you a few questions about water, sanitation and hygiene.
16. Do you have a place to wash your hands?
[] No
[] Don't know
[] No response
17. Can you show it to me?
[] No
18. At the place where the household washes their hands, observe if:
[] Water source is present: stored water
[] Water source is present: running water
[] Handwashing area is near a sanitation facility
[] None of the above
19. Which of the following water sources does your household use on a regular basis for any part of the year for any purpose?
Read out all types and check all that are used. Scroll to the bottom to see all choices
[] Pipe to yard/plot
[] Public tap/standpipe
Dug Well
[] Unprotected Dug Well
[] Unprotected Spring
[] Tanker Truck
[] Cart with Small Tank
[] Surface water (River / Dam / Lake / Pond / Stream / Canal / Irrigation Channel)
[] Bottled Water
[] Sachet Water
[] No response
20. What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?
Selections from HQ19: [ODK will list water sources selected for HQ19]
Read out HQ19 selections only.
[] Pipe to yard/plot
[] Public tap/standpipe
[] Tube well or borehole
Dug Well
[] Unprotected Well
Water from Spring
[] Unprotected Spring
[] Rainwater
[] Tanker Truck
[] Cart with Small Tank
[] Surface water (River / Dam / Lake / Pond / Stream / Canal / Irrigation Channel)
[] Bottled Water
[] Sachet Water
[] No response
21. What is the main source of water used by your household for other purposes such as cooking and hand washing?
Selections from HQ19: [ODK will list water sources selected for HQ19]
Read out HQ19 selections only.
[] Pipe to yard/plot
[] Public tap/standpipe
[] Tube well or borehole
Dug Well
[] Unprotected Well
Water from Spring
[] Unprotected Spring
[] Rainwater
[] Tanker Truck
[] Cart with Small Tank
[] Surface water (River / Dam / Lake / Pond / Stream / Canal / Irrigation Channel)
[] Bottled Water
[] Sachet Water
[] No response
Questions HQ 22 to HQ 25 will repeat x times, once for each water source selected in HQ 19. These sources include:
[ODK will display HQ19 selections.]
22. You mentioned you used [WATER SOURCE]. At any time of the year, does your household use water from this source for:
[] Cooking
[] Livestock
[] Gardening / agriculture
[] Business venture
[] Washing
23. Is [WATER SOURCE] typically available:
Read all choices out loud.
[] Some of the year
[] Small part of the year
[] No response
24. At a time when you expect to have water from [WATER SOURCE], is it usually available?
[] No, intermittent and predictable
[] No, intermittent and unpredictable
[] No response
25. How long does it take to go to [WATER SOURCE], get water, and come back?
Zero is a possible answer. Convert answer to minutes. Includes waiting time in line. Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response.
26. Does your household have a garden?
Hint: A garden is a place to grow vegetables
[] No
[] No response
27. Do members of your household use any of the following toilet facilities?
Read out all types and check all that are used. Scroll to the bottom to see all choices
[] Flush/pour flush toilets connected to: Septic tank
[] Flush/pour flush toilets connected to: Elsewhere
[] Flush/pour flush toilets connected to: Unknown / Not sure / Don't know
[] Ventilated improved pit latrine
[] Pit latrine with slab
[] Pit latrine without slab
[] Composting toilet
[] Bucket toilet
[] Hanging toilet /Hanging latrine
[] Other (please explain)
[] No facility / bush / field
[] No response
28. What is the main toilet facility used by members of your household?
HQ27: [ODK will display HQ27 selections]
The main facility must be selected in HQ 27.
[] Septic tank
[] Elsewhere
[] Unknown / Not sure / Don't know
[] Ventilated improved pit latrine
[] Pit latrine with slab
[] Pit latrine without slab
[] Composting toilet
[] Bucket toilet
[] Hanging toilet /Hanging latrine
[] Other
[] No facility / bush / field
[] No response
Question HQ 29 will repeat x times, once for each sanitation facility selected in HQ27. These facilities include:
HQ27: [ODK will display HQ27 selections]
29a. How often does your household typically use: [TOILET FACILITY TYPE]?
Regular practices at the household only.
[] Most of the time
[] Occasionally
[] Rarely
[] No response
29b. Do you share this toilet facility with other households or the public?
[] Shared with less than ten households
[] Shared with ten or more households
[] Shared with the public
[] No response
29c. Enter the number of households that share this facility (including your own).
Must be between 1 and 10.
If 10 or greater, swipe back to HQ29b and choose ?shared with ten or more households.? If less than 2, swipe back to HQ29b and choose ?not shared.?
Enter -99 for no response.
30. How many people within your household regularly use the bush / field at home or at work?
There are x people in this household. Enter-88 for do not know, -99 for no response.
31. For all children under age five: what methods, if any, does your household use to dispose of children's waste?
Do not read the possible answers out loud.
[] No
Leave waste where it is
[] No
Bury waste in field / yard
[] No
Dispose of waste in latrine / toilet
[] No
Dispose of waste with rubbish / garbage
[] No
Dispose of waste with waste water
[] No
Use it as manure
[] No
Burn it
[] No
[] Don't know
[] No Response
32. Ask permission to take a photo to the entrance of the household.
Did you get consent to take the photo?
[] No
Thank the respondent for her/his time.
The respondent is finished, but there are still three more questions for you to complete outside the house.
L. Location
Take a GPS point near the entrance to the household. Record location when the accuracy is smaller than 6m.
GPS coordinates can only be collected when outside
Ma. Ask permission to take a photo of the entrance of the house.
Did you get consent to take the photo?
[] No
Mb. Ensure that no people are in the photo
N. Questionnaire result
Record the result of the Household Questionnaire
[] No household member at home or no competent respondent at home at time of visit
[] Postponed
[] Refused
[] Partly completed
[] Dwelling vacant or address not a dwelling
[] Dwelling destroyed
[] Dwelling not found
[] Entire household absent for extended period