001a. Are you in the correct household?
Go to the right household.
[] No
Is this your name?
[] No
Please record your name
Is this date and time correct?
[] No
003b. Record the correct date and time.
The date must be between 2020-01-01 and 2020-12-01.
005b. Has the respondent moved since the prior PMA survey
[] Yes, moved within EA or outside EA but remained within kebele/ sub-city
[] Yes, moved outside kebele / sub-city
[] Yes, moved outside the country
[] Other
[] Do not know
006. Is the respondent present and available to be interviewed today?
[] No
007a. Did you interview the respondent in the previous round?
[] No
007. How well acquainted are you with the respondent?
[] Well acquainted
[] Not well acquainted
[] Not acquainted
Find the woman associated with this Female Questionnaire. The interview must have auditory privacy. Read the following greeting:
Read the informed consent provided
Hello. My name is ____________________________________ and I am working for the Addis Ababa University, and Federal Ministry of Health. We are conducting a local survey that asks women about various reproductive health issues, including family planning and abortion using a smartphone. The survey helps monitor the state of public health and questions will be used for research purposes. We are contacting you because you participated in the prior round of data collection the year before last and consented to be contacted for this follow-up survey. We would very much appreciate your participation in this survey. This information will help us inform the government to better plan health services. The survey usually takes between 30 and 40 minutes to complete. Whatever information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Your data will not be linked to your identity when conducting analyses, presenting results, or sharing data.
Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. If we should come to any question you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will go on to the next question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However, we hope that you will participate in this survey since your views are important. If you choose to participate in the survey, you will receive 25 birr airtime credit.
If you have any questions about the study and your rights as a research participant, you may ask me now or you may also contact the principal investigators of the study, Dr. ___ ###) or Dr. ___ (###) at Addis Ababa University in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
At this time, do you want to ask me anything about the survey?
009. May I begin the interview now?
[] No
010. Interviewer's name: {your_name}
Mark your name as a witness to the consent process.
You may correct the spelling here if it is not correct, but you must be interviewing the person whose name appears below.
Section 1 - Respondent's Background, Marital Status, and Migration
Now I would like to ask about your background.
101. In what month and year were you born?
Respondent reported {fq_age_auto} in Round 6.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Cannot be in the future
Check here if respondent does not know month.
102. How old were you at your last birthday?
Age must be less than 130.
Must agree with 101.
103. What is the highest level of school you attended?
Only record formal schooling. Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Primary (1-8)
[] Secondary (9-12)
[] Technical/Vocational
[] Higher
[] Do not know
[] No response
104. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?
Probe: If no, ask whether the respondent is divorced, separated, or widowed.
[] Yes, living with a man
[] Not currently in union: Divorced / separated
[] Not currently in union: Widow
[] No, never in union
[] No response
105. Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once?
[] More than once
[] No response
106a. In what month and year did you start living with your FIRST husband / partner?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Date cannot be in the future or before respondent's birth
Check here if respondent does not know month.
106b. Now I would like to ask about when you started living with your CURRENT or MOST RECENT husband / partner. In what month and year was that?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Date cannot be in the future or before respondent's birth
Check here if respondent does not know month.
107. Does your husband / partner have other wives or does he live with other women as if married?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
Section 2 - Pregnancy and Fertility Calendar
Now I would like to ask some questions about the pregnancies you have had.
First, I would like to ask about all the live births you have had during your life.
200. Have you ever given birth?
[] No
[] No response
200a. How many times have you given birth?
Enter -99 for no response.
200b. When was your FIRST birth?
If respondent knows the year, but not month select the 'Does not know month' checkbox. Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Date cannot be in the future and first birth cannot be before respondent was 10 years of age.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
201. When did your last menstrual period start?
If you select days, weeks, months, or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen. Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.
[] X weeks ago
[] X months ago
[] X years ago
[] Menopausal / Hysterectomy
[] Before last birth
[] Never menstruated
[] No response
201a. Enter {menstrual_period_lab}
Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.
Days, between 0 to 6
Weeks, between 1 to 3
Months, between 1 to 11
Years, between 1 to respondent's age.
[] No
[] Unsure
[] No response
202b. How many months pregnant are you?
Please record the number of completed months. Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for No response.
Value must be at least 0 and not more than 10.
202c. At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any / any more children at all?
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response
Now I am going to ask you some questions about the pregnancies you have had in the past three years
203a. You said you are currently pregnant.
How many other times have you been pregnant in the last 3 years?
(since {three_yr_ago_lab})?
Enter -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Must be greater than or equal to 0. But less than 10.
203b. How many times have you been pregnant in the past 3 years (since {three_yr_ago_lab})?
Enter -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Must be greater than or equal to 0. But less than 10.
Now I'd like to ask you about your pregnancy history over the last 3 years.
Please move forward to the next screen and, if prompted, select "Add Group".
Pregnancy History for the Last 3 Years
204a. Did this {P_pos_label} most recent pregnancy end in a live birth, stillbirth, or did you lose the pregnancy before a birth (either through a miscarriage or abortion)?
Note: "multiple" refers to twins, triplets, etc.
[] Live births (multiple)
[] Live birth and stillbirth (multiple)
[] Stillbirth (singleton)
[] Miscarriage (spontaneous) or Abortion (induced)
[] No response
204b. In what month and year did your most recent pregnancy end?
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
204b. In what month and year did the previous pregnancy end, before the {cc_preg_next_result_lab}?
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
204c. How many months pregnant were you when the baby was born?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Cannot exceed upper limit set at 15.
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
204c. How many months pregnant were you when the pregnancy ended?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Cannot exceed upper limit set at 15.
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
204d. At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any / any more children at all?
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response
204e. For your #{P_pos} pregnancy that ended ${cc_preg_end_date_lab} you said that the pregnancy resulted in a loss. Did the pregnancy end through a miscarriage, or did you do anything to try to end a pregnancy, in other words induce an abortion?
[] Miscarriage
[] No response
206a. Earlier we asked you about your most recent pregnancy and you did not provide an answer with regard to when you wanted to be pregnant. If you had been given the option of responding that you wanted your most recent pregnancy "sooner", would you have chosen that option instead?
[] Change to "sooner"
[] Don't know
[] No response
206a. Earlier we asked you about your most recent pregnancy and you said that at the time you became pregnant you wanted to be pregnant {most_recent_later_then_lab}. If you had been given the option of responding that you wanted your most recent pregnancy "sooner", would you have chosen that option instead?
[] Change to "sooner"
[] Don't know
[] No response
206b. Earlier we asked you about your current pregnancy and you said that at the time you became pregnant you wanted to be pregnant {current_later_then_lab}. If given the option of responding that you wanted this pregnancy "sooner" would you have chosen that option instead?
[] Change to "sooner"
[] Don't know
[] No response
206b. Earlier we asked you about your current pregnancy and you said that at the time you became pregnant you wanted to be pregnant {current_later_then_lab}. If given the option of responding that you wanted this pregnancy "sooner" would you still say you wanted to be pregnant [then / later], or would you say you wanted to be pregnant sooner?
[] Change to "sooner"
[] Don't know
[] No response
206c. Why would you have wanted to have this pregnancy sooner?
Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
[] When she was younger
[] When she had more time to care for a(nother) child
[] Her relatives would have been able to help her during her pregnancy and/or care for a(nother) child
[] When she was in a better economic position
[] When she was married or living with her partner
[] She was lonely before and would have felt less lonely if she had a child then
[] It took her over a year of actively trying to become pregnant
[] other
Section 3 - Contraceptive Calendar
Now I'd like to ask you about your use of contraception over the last 3 years.
302a. Are you or your partner currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
302b. Which method or methods are you using?
PROBE: Anything else?
Select all methods mentioned. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM to see all choices.
You selected no response with another option.
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response
Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.
303a. In what month and year was this sterilization performed?
Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
Most Recent Birth: {cc_preg_end_date_1_lab}
Current Marriage: ${current_marriage_date_lab}
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Must be before today. Respondent must be at least 10 years old.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
303b. In what facility / location did the sterilization take place?
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Other public sector
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] NGO
[] Mobile clinic
[] Other private sector
[] other
[] Do not know
[] No response
304. Since what month and year have you been using {current_method_label} without stopping?
Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
Most Recent Birth: ${cc_preg_end_date_1_lab}
Current Marriage: ${current_marriage_date_lab}
Must be before today.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Must be before today.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
305. Have you or your partner done anything or used a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant in the last 3 years (since {three_yr_ago_lab})?
Use contraceptive calendar visual aid if needed.
[] No
[] No response
305a. Did you or your partner use any other methods between {three_yr_ago_lab} and when you started using ${current_method_label} in ${begin_using_full_lab}?
[Since {three_yr_ago_lab}]. Probe to see if she has used the same method at a previous time
Use contraceptive calendar visual aid if needed.
[] No
[] No response
306. How many different types of methods have you used in the last 3 years (since {three_yr_ago_lab})?
Must be greater than 0
307a. Which method did you use just before {current_method_label}?
If a respondent was using multiple methods, select the method closest to the top of the list.
If method was used by her partner, method must have been used with the respondent.
Cannot be in the future
307a. What method of contraception were you or your partner using most recently?
If a respondent was using multiple methods, select the method closest to the top of the list.
If method was used by her partner, method must have been used with the respondent.
Cannot be in the future
Cannot select 'no response' with other options.
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response
Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.
307c. When did you stop using your {show_method}?
Please record the date. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed.
Use contraceptive calendar visual aid if needed.
Most Recent Birth: ${cc_preg_end_date_1_lab}
Current Marriage: ${current_marriage_date_lab}
307c. When did you stop using your {show_method1}?
Please record the date. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed.
Use contraceptive calendar visual aid if needed.
Most Recent Birth: ${cc_preg_end_date_1_lab}
Current Marriage: ${current_marriage_date_lab}
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
307d. When did you start using {show_method}?
Use contraceptive calendar visual aid if needed.
307d. When did you start using {show_method1}?
Use contraceptive calendar visual aid if needed.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
307e. You said you did not know when you started using {show_method}.
Can you remember about how long you used ${show_method} for?
Answer in Months
Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
307e. You said you did not know when you started using {show_method1}.
Can you remember about how long you used ${show_method1} for?
Answer in Months
Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Should be greater or equal to Zero.
Duration in days
Duration in months
307b. Before the {show_method}, did you or your partner use anything else to delay or avoid getting pregnant since ${three_yr_ago_lab}?
[] No
[] No response
307b. Before the {show_method1}, did you or your partner use anything else to delay or avoid getting pregnant since ${three_yr_ago_lab}?
[] No
[] No response
307b. Which method did you use?
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response
Contraceptive Method Experiences
308. Why did you stop using your {methods_rpt_lab}?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Reasons related to the method itself (side effects, became pregnant while using, interferes with body's processes, inconvenience, health concerns, wanted a more effective method)
[] Life circumstances (infrequent sex/husband away, husband/partner disapproved, fatalistic, difficult to get pregnant/menopausal)
[] Issues with accessing the method (Too far, cost, provider didn't have/couldn't provide)
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response
309. Why weren't you or your partner able to continue accessing your {methods_rpt_lab}?
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Method became more expensive and couldn't afford it anymore
[] Provider didn't have the method available in stock that day
[] Provider stopped offering the method
[] Provider closed and couldn't find another place to get it
[] Provider was too far away (too inconvenient to return)
[] Provider no longer had staff who knew how/were trained to provide the method
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response
310a. You first started using {methods_rpt_lab} in ${methods_rpt_start_date}. Where did you or your partner get it at that time?
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Govt. Health station/center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Other public sector
[] Health Extension Worker
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] NGO
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community health volunteer
[] Health Development Army (HDA)
[] Friend / relative
[] other
[] Do not know
[] No response
Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.
310b. During that visit, did you obtain the method you wanted to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] Did not have a preference
[] Do not know
[] No response
310c. Why didn't you obtain the method you wanted?
Cannot select 'no response' with other options.
[] Method not available at all
[] Provider not trained to provide the method
[] Provider recommended a different method
[] Not eligible for method
[] Decided not to adopt a method
[] Too costly
[] Other
[] No response
311. Between when you first started using {current_method_label} and now. Did you or your partner ever switch to going somewhere else to get your ${current_method_label}? Where else did you or your partner get it?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' , 'do not know', or "never went anywhere else" with other options.
[] Govt. Hospital
[] Govt. Health station/center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Other public sector
[] Health Extension Worker
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] NGO
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Friend / relative
[] other
[] Do not know
[] No response
311. Between when you first started using {methods_rpt_lab} and ${methods_rpt_end_date}. Did you or your partner ever switch to going somewhere else to get your ${methods_rpt_lab}? Where else did you or your partner get it?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' , 'do not know', or "never went anywhere else" with other options.
[] Govt. Hospital
[] Govt. Health station/center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Other public sector
[] Health Extension Worker
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] NGO
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Friend / relative
[] other
[] Do not know
[] No response
312. When you first started using your {current_method_label}, did the provider:
312. When you first started using your {methods_rpt_lab}, did the provider:
(1) Ask about whether you would like to have a/another child?
[] No
[] Do not know
(2) Ask about when you would like to have a/another child?
[] No
[] Do not know
(3) Ask about your previous family planning experience?
[] No
[] Do not know
(4) Ask about your family planning method preference?
[] No
[] Do not know
(5) Talk about possible side effects or problems with the method you select?
[] No
[] Do not know
(6) Tell you what to do if you experience any side effects or problems with the method you selected?
[] No
[] Do not know
(7) Talk about warning signs associated with the method you selected?
[] No
[] Do not know
(8) Talk about the possibility of switching to another method if the method you selected was not suitable?
[] No
[] Do not know
(9) When meeting with the provider during your visit, do you think other clients could see you?
[] No
[] Do not know
(10) When meeting with the provider during your visit, do you think other clients could hear what you said?
[] No
[] Do not know
313a. Now I have a question about the future. After the child you are expecting now, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?
[] No more
[] Undecided / Don't know
[] No response
313b. Now I have a question about the future. Would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?
[] No more/none
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Don't know
[] No response
314. You said that you do not want any / anymore children and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me the reason why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy?
PROBE: Any other reason?
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
Cannot select "Do not know" or "No response" with other options.
[] Beliefs (Up to God/fatalistic, respondent opposed, religious prohibition)
[] Life circumstances (not married, husband away/traveling, infrequent sex/not having sex)
[] Not likely to become pregnant (menopausal, hysterectomy, subfecund/infecund, not menstruated since last birth, breastfeeding)
[] Issues with accessing methods (Too far, cost, provider didn't have/couldn't provide preferred method or any method)
[] Knows no method
[] Knows no source
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response
Check here to acknowledge you considered all options.
315. In the last 12 months, were you visited by a community health worker who talked to you about family planning?
[] No
[] No response
The questions in the following section relate to your recent sexual activity with your husband/partner. You do not have to answer any questions you do not wish to, but if you do, let's confirm we can have this conversation without anyone overhearing.
Now I would like to ask some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues. Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question
501. How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse?
Enter the age in years.
Enter -77 if she has never had sex.
Enter -99 for no response.
Enter -88 for do not know.
Answer must agree with the current age and date of first birth.
502. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
Answer must be in days or weeks up to 4 weeks or 30 days
If less than 12 months ago, answer must be recorded in months, weeks, or days.
Enter 0 days for today.
You will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Must agree with the pregnancy status.
[] X weeks ago
[] X months ago
[] X years ago
[] No response
502. Enter {last_time_sex_lab}.
If today, enter zero days only, not zero weeks/months/years.
Must agree with the age of first sexual intercourse and the pregnancy status.
Days must be greater or equal to 0. Weeks/months/years must be greater than 0.
503. In the past month, how many times did you have sexual intercourse?
If the respondent is not sure, probe to get an estimate for a time frequency
[] 5-14 times
[] 15 or more times
[] No response
Section 6 - Confidantes Questions
The next series of questions are about women you know in Ethiopia. I want to remind you that your answers will be confidential. If we come to any question that you don't want to answer just let me know and I will skip to the next question.
GGR_601. I would like to talk about women with whom you share intimate secrets and who share intimate secrets with you. These women might be relatives, like sisters or aunts, or friends. These women should also be people with whom you have been close for at least a year or more, are 15-49 years of age and live in Ethiopia. We will not ask you to identify the women whom you tell us about. How many women do you know that fit this description?
Probe to confirm all women are:
- Age 15-49
- Currently living in Ethiopia
Please do not give examples of what these secrets or private information might be.
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
Ask if she is sure that she does not know any women aged 15-49, who live in Ethiopia, and with whom she might share secrets.
GGR_602a. Please think about the female who is most likely to share her intimate secrets with you. This should be someone with whom you are also likely to share your intimate secrets. Picture this person. For ease of referencing this woman, please provide a fake name for her that you will be able to remember.
GGR_603a. How old was {friend1_name} at her last birthday?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response.
Must be between 15 and 49 years.
GGR_604a. What is the highest level of school {friend1_name} attended?
Only record formal schooling.
Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Primary (1-8)
[] Secondary (9-12)
[] Technical/Vocational
[] Higher
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_605a. Is {friend1_name} currently married or living together with a man as if married?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_606a. What region does {friend1_name} live in?
By knowing the district select the region on this screen first and on the next screen select
the district the respondent told you about.
GGR_607a. What zone does {friend1_name} live in?
GGR_608a. What woreda does {friend1_name} live in?
GGR_608b. What woreda does {friend1_name} live in?
GGR_606b. Please think about the female who is second most likely to share her intimate secrets with you, and with whom you are also likely to share your intimate secrets. Picture this person. Please provide a fake name for her.
GGR_603b. How old was {friend2_name} at her last birthday?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Must be between 15 and 49 years.
GGR_604b. What is the highest level of school {friend2_name} attended?
Only record formal schooling.
Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Primary (1-8)
[] Secondary (9-12)
[] Technical/Vocational
[] Higher
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_605b. Is {friend2_name} currently married or living together with a man as if married?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_606b. What region does {friend2_name} live in?
By knowing the district select the region on this screen first and on the next screen select
the district the respondent told you about.
GGR_607b. What zone does {friend2_name} live in?
GGR_608b. What woreda does {friend2_name} live in?
GGR_608b. What woreda does {friend2_name} live in?
GGR_606c. Please think about the female who is third most likely to share her intimate secrets with you, and with whom you are also likely to share your intimate secrets. Picture this person. Please provide a fake name for her.
GGR_603c. How old was {friend3_name} at her last birthday?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Must be between 15 and 49 years.
GGR_604c. What is the highest level of school {friend3_name} attended?
Only record formal schooling.
Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Primary (1-8)
[] Secondary (9-12)
[] Technical/Vocational
[] Higher
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_605c. Is {friend3_name} currently married or living together with a man as if married?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_606c. What region does {friend3_name} live in?
By knowing the district select the region on this screen first and on the next screen select
the district the respondent told you about.
GGR_607c. What zone does {friend3_name} live in?
GGR_608c. What woreda does {friend3_name} live in?
GGR_608c. What woreda does {friend3_name} live in?
GGR_609a. Now I would like to ask you just a few questions about each of those females/this female. First, let's go back to {friend1_name}. Is she currently using an IUD or implant?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_610a. How do you know that {friend1_name} uses an IUD or implant?
[] Someone else told me
[] I guessed
[] Other (specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify other
GGR_611a. It is not uncommon for women to find that they are pregnant when they don't want to be, or when circumstances would make it difficult to have a child, and sometimes they decide to do something or take something in order to end their pregnancy.
As far as you know, has {friend1_name} ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy? Again, this information will be completely confidential.
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_612a. Approximately how many years ago did this last occur?
Probe: if response is one year or less than one year ago, probe to confirm whether since {today_month} -2019.
[] More than 1 year to 2 years ago
[] More than 2 year to 3 years ago
[] More than 3 years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_613a. How do you know that {friend1_name} ended a pregnancy?
Select all that apply
[] Someone else (other than my friend) told me
[] I saw her at the facility
[] I knew she had complications (but was not told directly or indirectly about the abortion)
[] I knew she was pregnant, and then her pregnancy ended and she didn't have a baby
[] Other (specify)
Specify other
GGR_614a. Women sometimes do many things to stop a pregnancy from continuing. Did {friend1_name} do more than one thing to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_615a. What was the first / only thing {friend1_name} did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR615a1. What did {friend1_name} do to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_616a. What was the last thing {friend1_name} did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_617a. Where did {friend1_name} go for the surgical procedure?
If she reports more than one thing and both are procedures, only ask where she went for the last procedure
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_618a. Where did {friend1_name} get the medicines?
If she did more than one thing and both were using medicine, only ask where she went for the last medicine
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_622a. Did {friend1_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility for treatment in the process of ending the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_623a. When did you find out about {friend1_name} ending her pregnancy?
[] During the time she had the abortion
[] After the abortion
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_609b. Now, please think about {friend2_name}.
Is she using an IUD or implant?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_610b. How do you know that {friend2_name} uses an IUD or implant?
[] Someone else told me
[] I guessed
[] Other (specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify other
GGR_611b. It is not uncommon for women to find that they are pregnant when they don't want to be, or when circumstances would make it difficult to have a child, and sometimes they decide to do something or take something in order to end their pregnancy.
As far as you know, has {friend2_name} ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy? Again, this information will be completely confidential.
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_612b. Approximately how many years ago did this last occur?
Probe: if response is one year or less than one year ago, probe to confirm whether since {today_month} -2019.
[] More than 1 year to 2 years ago
[] More than 2 year to 3 years ago
[] More than 3 years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_613b. How do you know that {friend2_name} ended a pregnancy?
Select all that apply
[] Someone else (other than my friend) told me
[] I saw her at the facility
[] I knew she had complications (but was not told directly or indirectly about the abortion)
[] I knew she was pregnant, and then her pregnancy ended and she didn't have a baby
[] Other (specify)
Specify other
GGR_614b. Women sometimes do many things to stop a pregnancy from continuing. Did {friend2_name} do more than one thing to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_615b. What was the first / only thing {friend2_name} did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR615b1. What did {friend2_name} do to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_616b. What was the last thing {friend2_name} did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_617b. Where did {friend2_name} go for the surgical procedure?
If she reports more than one thing and both are procedures, only ask where she went for the last procedure
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_618b. Where did {friend2_name} get the medicines?
If she did more than one thing and both were using medicine, only ask where she went for the last medicine
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_622b. Did {friend2_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility for treatment in the process of ending the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_623b. When did you find out about {friend2_name} ending her pregnancy?
[] During the time she had the abortion
[] After the abortion
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_609c. Now, please think about {friend3_name}.
Is she using an IUD or implant?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_610c. How do you know that {friend3_name} uses an IUD or implant?
[] Someone else told me
[] I guessed
[] Other (specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify other
GGR_611c. It is not uncommon for women to find that they are pregnant when they don't want to be, or when circumstances would make it difficult to have a child, and sometimes they decide to do something or take something in order to end their pregnancy.
As far as you know, has {friend3_name} ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy? Again, this information will be completely confidential.
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_612c. Approximately how many years ago did this last occur?
Probe: if response is one year or less than one year ago, probe to confirm whether since {today_month} -2019.
[] More than 1 year to 2 years ago
[] More than 2 year to 3 years ago
[] More than 3 years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_613c. How do you know that {friend3_name} ended a pregnancy?
Select all that apply
[] Someone else (other than my friend) told me
[] I saw her at the facility
[] I knew she had complications (but was not told directly or indirectly about the abortion)
[] I knew she was pregnant, and then her pregnancy ended and she didn't have a baby
[] Other (specify)
Specify other
GGR_614c. Women sometimes do many things to stop a pregnancy from continuing. Did {friend3_name} do more than one thing to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_615c. What was the first / only thing {friend3_name} did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR615c1. What did {friend3_name} do to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_616c. What was the last thing {friend3_name} did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_617c. Where did {friend3_name} go for the surgical procedure?
If she reports more than one thing and both are procedures, only ask where she went for the last procedure
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_618c. Where did {friend3_name} get the medicines?
If she did more than one thing and both were using medicine, only ask where she went for the last medicine
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_622c. Did {friend3_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility for treatment in the process of ending the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_623c. When did you find out about {friend3_name} ending her pregnancy?
[] During the time she had the abortion
[] After the abortion
[] Do not know
[] No response
Section 7 - Network Scale Up Questions
The next series of questions are about women you know in Ethiopia. I want to remind you that your answers will be confidential. If we come to any question that you don't want to answer just let me know and I will skip to the next question.
GGR_700. This next set of questions will help us count the number of women who you interact with. These people should be:
(a) individuals you know by sight AND name, and who also know you by sight and name. In other words, you should not consider famous people who you know about, but who do not know about you; and
(b) individuals you have had some contact with - either in person, over the phone, or through email or social media - in the past 12 months. These could be family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors or other people you have had contact with; and
(c) individuals 15-49 years of age who currently live in Ethiopia.
Is this clear?
If the woman does not understand or does not respond, please go over the text above again.
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_700a. How many people do you think you know who fit this definition - that is, women 15-49 years of age that you know by sight and name, who know you by sight and name, and who you have been in contact with in the last 12 months?
[] At least 20, but less than 50
[] At least 50, but less than 100
[] At least 100, but less than 200
[] At least 200
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_701. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who gave birth in the last 12 months?
Hint: We are only asking about live births. Still borns should not be counted
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_702. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months whose most recent birth was a multiple (twins, etc.)?
Reminder: this is for the most recent birth. Hint: 0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_703. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who work as a domestic helper/cleaner?
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_704. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who have at least one co-wife?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_705. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who smoke cigarettes or a pipe?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_706. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who have any education at a level higher than secondary school?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_707. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live in a household that has water piped inside the home?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_708. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live in a household that has a computer?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_709. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live in a household that owns at least one beehive?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_710. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who live in a household that owns a motorcycle or scooter?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_711. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live in a household that owns a bicycle?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_712. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live in a household that owns at least one camel?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_713. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live by themselves?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_723. While people use many different methods to avoid becoming pregnant, some of these methods are longer lasting than others.
How many of the women you had contact with in the past 12 months are currently using IUDs or implants?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response.
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_726. It is not uncommon for women to find that they are pregnant when they don't want to be, or when circumstances would make it difficult to have a child, and sometimes they decide to do something or take something in order to end their pregnancy.
Of the women you have had contact with in the past 12 months, how many have ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy?
Again, this information will be completely confidential.
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response.
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_727. Thinking of these {wmn_abt} women who you have had contact with in the past 12 months and who have ever intentionally ended a pregnancy, how many told you directly themselves that they intentionally ended their pregnancy?
PROBE: If the respondent heard about an abortion from a third party, she should not include that abortion in her response
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be less than or equal to was entered in GGR_722.
GGR_728. What are other ways through which you learned that {these/this} {wmn_abt} women had abortions?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'No other ways - I only know because she/they told me directly' with other options.
[] I saw her at the facility
[] I knew she had complications (but was not told directly or indirectly about the abortion)
[] I knew she was pregnant, and then her pregnancy ended and she didn't have a baby
[] No other ways - I only know because she/they told me directly
[] Other (specify)
Specify other
GGR_729. Thinking of these {wmn_abt} women who you have had contact with in the past 12 months and who have ever intentionally ended a pregnancy, how many have intentionally ended a pregnancy in the past 12 months? Again, this information will be completely confidential.
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be less than or equal to was entered in GGR_722.
GGR_730. Out of the {wmn_abt} women who you had contact with in the past 12 months, and who ever intentionally ended a pregnancy (no matter how recently), I would like you to think about the woman whose abortion you know the most information about.
Please choose a fake name for the woman whose abortion you know the most about.
If reported a confidante's abortion: This could be the same experience you described earlier, when [Fake name #] intentionally ended a pregnancy, but it could also be someone else's experience.
GGR_731. You mentioned that you know 1 woman who you had contact with in the past 12 months, and who ever intentionally ended a pregnancy (no matter how recently).
Please choose a fake name to use for this woman.
If reported a confidante's abortion: This could be the same experience you described earlier, when [Fake name #] intentionally ended a pregnancy, but it could also be someone else's experience.
GGR_732a. Is {wmn_abt_name} the same person you had earlier given the name ${friend1_name}?
[] No
GGR_732b. Is {wmn_abt_name} the same person you had earlier given the name ${friend2_name}?
[] No
GGR_732c. Is {wmn_abt_name} the same person you had earlier given the name ${friend3_name}?
[] No
GGR_733. Approximately how many years ago did {wmn_abt_name} 's abortion occur?
[] More than 1 year to 2 years ago
[] More than 2 year to 3 years ago
[] More than 3 years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_734. How do you know that {wmn_abt_name} ended a pregnancy?
Select all that apply
[] Someone else (other than my friend) told me
[] I saw her at the facility
[] I knew she had complications (but was not told directly or indirectly about the abortion)
[] I knew she was pregnant, and then her pregnancy ended and she didn't have a baby
[] Other (specify)
Specify other
GGR_735. Women sometimes do many things to stop a pregnancy from continuing. Did {wmn_abt_name} do more than one thing to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_736. What was the first / only thing she did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_737. What was the last thing she did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_738. Where did she go for the surgical procedure?
If she reports more than one thing and both are procedures, only ask where she went for the last procedure
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_739. Where did she get the medicines?
If she did more than one thing and both were using medicine, only ask where she went for the last medicine
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_743. Did {wmn_abt_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility for treatment in the process of ending the pregnancy?
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_744. When did you first find out about {wmn_abt_name} ending her pregnancy?
[] During the time she had the abortion
[] After the abortion
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_745. How or why do you know more about {wmn_abt_name} 's experience ending a pregnancy than the rest of the women you mentioned?
Select all that apply.
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Relative
[] She asked for my permission
[] Gave information about abortion
[] Provided method for abortion
[] Gave information about provider
[] Other (specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify other.
GGR_746. I am not going to ask you any details about the other women you've had contact with who've had an abortion. However, if you were asked similar questions about how they ended their pregnancy and what happened, how many of those women do you think you would be able to answer these questions about?
The respondent reported {wmn_abt} women in her social network that had an abortion.
Must be 0 or greater
GGR_747a. You previously mentioned that {friend1_name} did something to end a pregnancy. Did you include [her/them] when you reported the number of women you have had contact with in the past 12 months who have ever done something to intentionally end a pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_747b. You previously mentioned that {friend2_name} did something to end a pregnancy. Did you include [her/them] when you reported the number of women you have had contact with in the past 12 months who have ever done something to intentionally end a pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_747c. You previously mentioned that {friend3_name} did something to end a pregnancy. Did you include [her/them] when you reported the number of women you have had contact with in the past 12 months who have ever done something to intentionally end a pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_750. When two people marry or live together, they usually share both good and bad moments. Sometimes violence can occur between married people. Sometimes this can be physical violence, which includes hitting, kicking, shoving, choking, or threatening with a gun, knife, or other weapon.
Of the women you have had contact with in the past 12 months, how many have EVER been physically harmed by their husband or partner they live with?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
NUMERACY: Now I would like to ask you a few questions to help us learn about how comfortable our respondents are with working with numbers. If you do not know the answer, we can move on to the next question."
Num_2. Is 20 bigger or smaller than 40?
[] Smaller
[] Do not know
Num_3. How many boxes of 4 bars of soap do you need to get 12 bars of soap?
Num_4. Is 15 more than half of 50?
[] No
[] Do not know
GGR_801. Now I would like to ask you about your own pregnancies. Besides the pregnancies we already discussed. Were you ever pregnant when you did not want to be, or when circumstances would have made it difficult to have a child?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_801. Now I would like to ask you about your own experience. Were you ever pregnant when you did not want to be, or when circumstances would have made it difficult to have a child?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_802. Were you or your partner using a method of contraception to avoid or delay getting pregnant at the most recent time you became pregnant when you did not want to be?
This question is asking about the woman's unintended pregnancy or attempt to intentionally end a pregnancy.
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_803. What methods were you using at the time you became pregnant?
Do not read the choices. Be sure to scroll to bottom to see all choices. Select all that apply.
Cannot select 'no response' with other options.
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response
GGR_804. Have you ever done anything to try to end a pregnancy, in other words induce an abortion?
[] Yes, but failed
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_805a. In what month and year did this last happen?
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Check here if respondent does not know month.
GGR_805b. If you don't know exactly, approximately how many years ago did this occur?
Probe: if response is one year or less than one year ago, probe to confirm whether since {month} 2019, where {month} is month of interview
[] More than 1 year to 2 years ago
[] More than 2 year to 3 years ago
[] More than 3 years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_806. Women sometimes do many things to stop a pregnancy from continuing. Did you do more than one thing to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_807. What was the first / only thing you did to try to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_808. What last thing you did to remove the pregnancy?
[] Pills called mifepristone or misoprostol, for example Mariprist, Mifepak, Cytotec, MisoFem, or Misoclear
[] Pills you take when you have a fever like antibiotics or anti-malarial medicine, for example quinine
[] Emergency contraception pills, for example Postinor
[] Other pills
[] Injection
[] Traditional methods, like herbs
[] Alcohol
[] Insert materials into the vagina
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_809. Where did you go for the procedure?
If she did more than one thing and both were procedures, only ask where she went for the last procedure
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_810. Where did you get the medicines?
If she did more than one thing and both were using medicine, only ask where she went for the last medicine
[] Govt. Health center
[] Govt. Health post
[] Family planning clinic
[] Mobile clinic
[] Private hospital/clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Shop/market
[] Community volunteer
[] Friend / relative
[] NGO
[] Self
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_811. How did you learn about where you could go to have an abortion?
[] Friend
[] Relative
[] Health professional
[] Teacher
[] Priest
[] Media
[] Self
[] Other (specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify other
GGR_812. Had you ever discussed abortion services with a Health Extension Worker (HEW) before having your abortion?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_814. Did anyone help or support you in ending your pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
[] Friend
[] Parents
[] Sibling
[] Other family
[] Health professional
[] Teacher
[] Priest
[] Other (specify)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify other
GGR_816. Did you want to have your abortion in a health facility, or not in a health facility?
[] Not in a facility
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_817. Was this your preferred method to use to end the pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_818. At that time, did you have access to sanitary pads that you could use for any bleeding that occurred?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_819. Did you have any health issues and go to a health facility in the process of ending the pregnancy?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_820. I want to ask you again about the women with whom you share intimate secrets and who share intimate secrets with you. Did you discuss ending this pregnancy with the females you listed in the previous section?
Read each name out loud. Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response', 'do not know', or 'none' with other options.
[] Friend 2: {friend2_name}
[] Friend 3: {friend3_name}
[] None
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_821. What made you decide to tell {abt_friends_discussed_list}
Cannot select 'no response'or 'do not know' with other options.
[] They provided me with emotional support when I had the abortion (process related - emotional)
[] We share close information with each other (close ties)
[] They told me about their abortion (reciprocity)
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_822. I want to ask you again about the women with whom you share intimate secrets and who share intimate secrets with you. Did you discuss your use of [IUD/implant] with the women with whom you share intimate secrets and who share intimate secrets with you that you listed in the previous section?
Read each name out loud. Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response', 'do not know', or 'none' with other options.
[] Friend 2: {friend2_name}
[] Friend 3: {friend3_name}
[] None
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_823. I want to ask you again about the women you know by sight AND name, and with whom you have had contact in the past 12 months and who are 15 to 49 years of age and live in Ethiopia. How many did you tell directly that you ended this pregnancy?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_824. What made you decide to tell this/these women about your abortion?
Cannot select 'no response'or 'do not know' with other options.
[] They provided me with emotional support when I had the abortion (process related - emotional)
[] We share close information with each other (close ties)
[] They told me about their abortion (reciprocity)
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_825. Thinking about these same women, how many additional women know that you ended this pregnancy that you did NOT tell directly? These women may have found out through your close friends, family members, or in some other.
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_826. How many of the women that you know by sight and name, with whom you had contact in the past 12 months did you tell directly that you use an [IUD/implant]?
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response.0 is a possible answer
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
GGR_827. Now I would like to ask you a question about your experience with your husband/partner. Let me assure you that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone and no one else in your household will know that you were asked these questions.
Has a partner or husband ever physically harmed you? This could include, hitting, kicking, shoving, choking, or threatening with a gun, knife, or other weapon.
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
GGR_828. Thinking again about the women you know by sight and name, with whom you had contact in the past 12 months and who are 15-49 years of age and live in Ethiopia, how many of these women did you tell directly that a husband or partner physically harmed you?
0 is a possible answer
Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response
Must be greater than or equal to 0.
FLW_901. Thank you for the time you have kindly granted us.
Would you consider participating in another survey on this or any other topic either by phone or in person at some point in the future?
[] No
[] No
FLW_902a. Can I have your primary phone number in case we would like to follow up with you in the future?
[] No
FLW_902b. Enter a 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
Enter an 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
Enter 0 for no response.
FLW_902b.. Can you repeat the number again?
Enter an 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
Enter 0 for no response.
Number entered must match previously entered number.
GoC1. Follow-up consent for Game of Contacts study:
Thank you for the time you have kindly granted us.
You mentioned that you have previously done something to successfully end a pregnancy.
Would you consider participating in another, shorter survey on this topic in person at some point in the future?
[] No
Thank the respondent for her time.
The respondent is finished, but there are still more questions for you to complete outside the home.
There are still more questions for you to complete outside the home.
001b. How many times have you visited this household to interview this female respondent?
[] 2nd time
[] 3rd time
090. Was anyone else (other than you, the respondent, and possibly a translator) in the room when this survey took place?
[] No
091. Was anyone else (other than you, the respondent, and possibly a translator) nearby or within earshot during the survey?
[] No
093. How honestly do you think the respondent answered the question about whether she had had an abortion?
[] Possibly honest
[] Unsure
[] Possibly dishonest
[] Dishonestly
094. Did you use a translator to conduct this interview?
[] No
Location and Questionnaire result
098. What is the result of attempted phone contact?
[] Made contact with respondent
[] Did not make contact with respondent
Take a GPS point near the entrance to the household. Record location when the accuracy is smaller than 6 m.
Record the result of the questionnaire.
[] Not at home
[] Postponed
[] Refused
[] Partly completed
[] Incapacitated
[] Died
[] Could not find respondent or get information on her whereabouts
[] Moved out of kebele / sub-city
[] Moved out of country
[] Other (Specify)