India/Rajasthan Female Questionnaire - Round 2
001a. Are you in the correct household? This is the picture of the front of the home taken during the Household Questionnaire.
[ODK will display the photo attached to the linked Household Questionnaire]
[] No
002. Your ID:
[Interviewer ID from Household Questionnaire]
Is this your ID?
[] No
Enter your ID below. Please record your ID Interviewer's ID
003. Current date and time.
[ODK will display on screen]
Is this date and time correct?
[] No
Record the correct date and time.
Hours Min AM/PM
004a. The following information is from the Household Questionnaire. Please review to make sure you are interviewing the correct respondent.
[ODK will display the District, Tehsil/Taluk, City/Town/Village, Enumeration Area, Structure Number, and Household Number entered into the Household Questionnaire linked to this Female Questionnaire.]
Is the above information correct?
[] No
[Respondent's Name]
005. CHECK: You should be attempting to interview [Respondent's Name]. Is that correct? If misspelled, select "yes" here and update the name in question "011."
If this is the wrong person, you have two options:
(1) exit and ignore changes to this form. Open the correct form. Or
(2) find and interview the person whose name appears above.
[] No
006. Is the respondent present and available to be interviewed today?
[] No
007. How well acquainted are you with the respondent?
[] Well acquainted
[] Not well acquainted
[] Not acquainted
008. as this respondent previously participated in PMA2020 surveys?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
INFORMED CONSENT Find the woman between the ages of 15-49 associated with this Female Questionnaire. The interview must have auditory privacy. Read the following greeting:
009a. Namaskar! My name is ______________ and I am working for the IIHMR University Jaipur in collaboration with local Partners. I belong to this/nearby village. We are conducting a local survey that asks women about various reproductive health issues, the result of which would help to identify gaps in family planning and health services that affect regular availability and quality of information, services, and products. Some of these questions have been added expressly for research purposes. This survey is conducted across Rajasthan. From every enumeration area 35 households have been randomly selected your house was one of those households selected. Though we would very much appreciate your participation in the survey, your refusal to take part in this survey will have no repercussions on you. Information provided by you would help us inform the government to better plan health services. There is no physical risk associated with participating in this survey; however, some participants may experience distress in sharing information on personal and sometimes sensitive topics. If you agree to take part in this study, it will not benefit you directly. However, we believe that information gathered in this study will help us and other groups like us to develop programs that will improve the lives of men and women in communities in Rajasthan and around India, thus we hope that you would take part in this survey. Whatever information you provide will be kept confidential and only our research team will have access to it. We will never use your name while analyzing the data. The tracking sheet and the database with your responses will be kept on password-protected computers and on a secure server. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary, if you do not wish to answer any question feel free to inform me and I would skip to the next question. You can choose not to participate at all or to end the interview at any point. The survey usually takes between 20 to 30 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the study and your right as a research participant, you may ask me now or you may also contact Dr. Anoop Khanna at IIHMR University, in Jaipur, Rajasthan at +91-141-3924738. Provide a paper copy of the Consent Form to the respondent and explain it. Then, ask:
May I begin the interview now?
[] No
009b. Respondent's signature Please ask the respondent to sign the paper copy of the Consent Form or give a thumbprint on the paper copy of the Consent Form and do likewise in the ODK form in agreement of their participation. GATHER SIGNATURE:
Check box: ?
010. Interviewer's ID: [Interviewer ID from Household Questionnaire]
Mark your ID as a witness to the consent process.
011. Respondent's first name
[ODK will display the Respondent's name from linked Household Roster]
You may correct the spelling here if it is not correct, but you must be interviewing the person whose name appears below.
Section 1 - Respondent's Background, Marital Status, and Household Characteristics
Now I would like to ask about your background and socioeconomic conditions.
101. In what month and year were you born? The age in the household roster is [AGE].
102. How old were you at your last birthday? Must be more than 14. Must agree with 101.
103. What is the highest level of school you attended?
[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] Higher Secondary
[] Graduate and Above
[] No response
104. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married? Probe: If no, ask whether the respondent is divorced, separated, or widowed.
[] Yes, living with a man
[] Yes, married, gauna not performed
Not currently in union:
[] Not currently in union: Widow
[] No, never in union
[] No response
105. Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once?
[] More than once
[] No response
106a. In what month and year did you start living with your FIRST husband / partner? Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
106b. CHECK: Based on the response you entered in 106a, the respondent was possibly 15 years old or younger at the time of her first marriage. Did you enter 106a correctly?
[] No
107a. Now I would like to ask about when you started living with your CURRENT or MOST RECENT husband / partner. In what month and year was that? Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
3. 107b CHECK: Based on the response you entered in 107a, the respondent was possibly 15 years old or younger at the time of her current or most recent marriage. Did you enter 107a correctly?
[] No
108. Does your husband / partner have other wives or does he live with other women as if married?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
109. Is your husband / partner living with you now or is he staying elsewhere?
[] Staying elsewhere
[] No response
Now I would like to ask you a set of questions that are in a different format. I will read you a list of items and I just want you to tell me how many apply to you, not which ones. Wait until I have read the entire list to you, then tell me how many you have experienced. Your answer might be "none", "one", "two", "three", and so on, not telling me specifically which ones you have experienced. It may help to count the number of items you have experienced on your fingers. I can turn to the side to give you privacy so I don't know which specific items you have experienced. Again, your answer for these questions should be a number, not "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items. Do you understand? Proceed to the next question if the respondent says she understands. If the respondent says she does not understand, re-explain the list question instructions and then proceed to the example food question.
[] No
LST1 First let's do an example. I am going to read you a list of foods and then I will tell you how many I have eaten in the last week.
- Goat
- Rice
- Chicken
- Potatoes
My answer would be (your numeric answer). Now please tell me how many of the foods you have eaten in the previous week, not which ones. Remember, your answer should only be a number. Again, the list is:
- Goat
- Rice
- Chicken
- Potatoes
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER, re-explain the instructions, and do the food example again.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST2 Now please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have EVER had, not which ones:
Had your menstrual period
Used contraceptive injections
Visited a health facility or camp
Had a C-section
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST2 Now please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have EVER had, not which ones:
Had your menstrual period
Used contraceptive injections
Had an induced abortion
Visited a health facility or camp
Had a C-section
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Five
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST3 Again, please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have EVER had, not which ones:
Used a sanitary pad during a menstrual period
Used a female condom
Had an induced abortion
Visited by an anganwadi worker, ASHA or other community health worker
Took an ambulance to a hospital
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Five
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST3 Again, please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have EVER had, not which ones:
Used a sanitary pad during a menstrual period
Used a female condom
Visited by an anganwadi worker, ASHA or other community health worker
Took an ambulance to a hospital
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST4 Now I would like to know about your experience with these items specifically in the previous year. Please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have had in the LAST 12 MONTHS, not which ones:
Had your menstrual period
Used contraceptive injections
Visited a health facility or camp
Had a C-section
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST4 Now I would like to know about your experience with these items specifically in the previous year. Please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have had in the LAST 12 MONTHS, not which ones:
Had your menstrual period
Used contraceptive injections
Had an induced abortion
Visited a health facility or camp
Had a C-section
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Five
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST5 Again, please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have had in the LAST 12 MONTHS, not which ones:
Used a sanitary pad
Used a female condom
Had an induced abortion
Visited by an anganwadi worker, ASHA or other community health worker
Took an ambulance to a hospital
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Five
[] Don?t know
[] No response
LST5 Again, please tell me how many of the following health experiences you have had in the LAST 12 MONTHS, not which ones:
Used a sanitary pad
Used a female condom
Visited by an anganwadi worker, ASHA or other community health worker
Took an ambulance to a hospital
Read the list a second time. If the participant answers with "yes" or "no" for individual items or a list of the specific items, STOP HER and re-explain the instructions.
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
[] Four
[] Don?t know
[] No response
Section 2 - Reproduction, Pregnancy and Fertility Preferences
200. Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?
[] No
[] No response
201. How many times have you given birth? Enter -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
201a. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you?
[] No
[] No response
201b. How many sons live with you? Zero is a possible response. Enter -99 for No response.
201c. How many daughters live with you? Zero is a possible response. Enter -99 for No response.
202a. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you?
[] No
[] No response
202b. How many sons are alive but do not live with you? Zero is a possible response. Enter -99 for No response.
202c. How many daughters are alive but do not live with you? Zero is a possible response. Enter -99 for No response.
203a. Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died? IF NO, PROBE: Any baby who cried, who made any movement, sound, or effort to breathe, or who showed any other signs of life even if for a very short time?
[] No
[] No response
202. How many times have you given birth? Enter -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.
203b. How many boys have died? Zero is a possible response. Enter -99 for No response.
203c. And how many girls have died? Zero is a possible response. Enter -99 for No response.
CALC CEB CALCULATE: NUMBER OF CHILDREN EVER BORN. ODK will automatically calculate the total number of children ever born from 201-203:
204. Just to make sure I have this right: you had a total of [LCL_201] birth(s) during your life, resulting in [CALC CEB] son(s) or daughter(s) born alive. Is that correct?
[] No
205. When was your FIRST birth? Please record the date of the FIRST birth. Date should be found by calculating forward or backward from memorable events if needed. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
206. When was your MOST RECENT birth? Please record the date of the MOST RECENT birth. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
207. When did you give birth before the most recent one? Please record the date of the birth before the last. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
208a. Is your last baby / child still alive?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
208b. When did your last baby / child die? Please record the date of the child's death. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
1. Have you ever had a pregnancy that miscarried, was aborted, or ended in a stillbirth?
[] No
[] No response
2. When did the last such pregnancy end? Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
3. Did that pregnancy end in miscarriage, an abortion, or a stillbirth?
[] Abortion
[] Stillbirth
[] Don?t know
[] No response
4. How many months pregnant were you when the last such pregnancy ended? Enter -99 for no response.
5. What type of abortion did you have? Did you go to a health facility for D and C (in other words "cleaning"), only take medication, or do something else?
[] Only took medication
[] Something else
[] Don?t know
[] No response
6a. Where was the abortion performed?
Public Health Sector
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] CHC/Rural Hospital/Block PHC
[] Sub-Centre/ANM
[] Govt. Mobile Clinic
[] Camp
[] NGO or Trust Hospital/Clinic
Private Health Sector
[] Pvt. Doctor/Clinic
[] Pvt. Mobile Clinic
[] Home of dai (TBA)
[] Home
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
6b. Where did you obtain the abortion medicine?
Public Health Sector
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] CHC/Rural Hospital/Block PHC
[] Sub-Centre/ANM
[] Govt. Mobile Clinic
[] Camp
[] Anganwadi/ICDS Centre
[] Other Community-Based Worker
[] NGO or Trust Hospital/Clinic
Private Health Sector
[] Pvt. Doctor/Clinic
[] Pvt. Mobile Clinic
[] Vaidya/Hakim/Homeopath (Ayush)
[] Traditional Healer
[] Pharmacy/Drugstore
[] Dai (TBA)
Other Source
[] Friend/Relative
[] Home
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
7. Did you have a prescription for the abortion medication?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
8. Who performed the abortion?
[] Nurse/ANM/LHV
[] Dai
[] Family member/relative/friend
[] Self
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
209a. When did your last menstrual period start? If you select days, weeks, months or years, you will enter a number for x on the next screen. Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.
___ weeks ago
___ months ago
___ years ago
[] Menopausal / Hysterectomy
[] Before last birth
[] Never menstruated
[] No response
209b. Some women undergo an operation to remove the uterus. Have you undergone such an operation?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
210b. How many months pregnant are you? The most recent birth was: [Date of most recent birth]
Please record the number of completed months. Enter-88 for do not know, -99 for no response.
211a. Now I have some questions about the future. Would you like to have a/another child or would you prefer not to have any / any more children?
[] No more/prefer no children
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Don?t know
[] No response
211b. Now I have some questions about the future. After the child you are expecting now, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?
[] No more/prefer no children
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Don?t know
[] No response
212a. How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of a/another child? If you select months or years, you will enter a number for x on the next screen. Select "Years" if more than 36 months. Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
Years ____
[] Soon / now
[] Says she can''t get pregnant
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
212b. After the birth of the child you are expecting now, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child? If you select months or years, you will enter a number for x on the next screen. Select "Years" if more than 36 months. Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
Years ____
[] Soon / now
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
213a. Now I would like to ask a question about your last birth. At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any / any more children at all?
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response
213b. Now I would like to ask a question about your current pregnancy. At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any / any more children at all?
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response
Section 3 - Contraception
Now I would like to talk about family planning - the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy. An image will appear on the screen for some methods. If the respondent says that she has not heard of the method or if she hesitates to answer, read the probe aloud and show her the image, if available.
301a. Have you ever heard of female sterilization? PROBE: Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children.
[] No
[] No response
301b. Have you ever heard of male sterilization? PROBE: Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children.
[] No
[] No response
301c. Have you ever heard of the contraceptive implant? PROBE: Women can have one or several small rods placed in their upper arm by a doctor or nurse, which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.
[] No
[] No response
301d. Have you ever heard of the IUD/PPIUD? PROBE: Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse.
[] No
[] No response
301e. Have you ever heard of injectables? PROBE: Women can have an injection by a health provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.
[] No
[] No response
301f. Have you ever heard of the (birth control) pill? PROBE: Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant.
[] No
[] No response
301g. Have you ever heard of emergency contraception? PROBE: As an emergency measure after unprotected sexual intercourse women can take special pills at any time within five days to prevent pregnancy.
[] No
[] No response
301h. Have you ever heard of male condoms/Nirodh? PROBE: Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301i. Have you ever heard of female condoms? PROBE: Women can put a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301j. Have you ever heard of the standard days method or Cycle Beads? PROBE: A Woman can use a string of colored beads to know the days she can get pregnant. On the days she can get pregnant, she and her partner use a condom or do not have sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301k. Have you ever heard of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method or LAM?
[] No
[] No response
301l. Have you ever heard of the rhythm method? PROBE: Women can avoid pregnancy by not having sexual intercourse on the days of the month they think they can get pregnant.
[] No
[] No response
301m Have you ever heard of the withdrawal method? PROBE: Men can be careful and pull out before climax.
[] No
[] No response
301n. Have you ever heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?
[] No
[] No response
302a. Are you or your partner currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
302b. Which method or methods are you using? Probe: Anything else? Select all methods mentioned. Scroll to the bottom to see all choices.
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male Condom/Nirodh
[] Female Condom
[] Std. Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional methods
[] No response
01. Have you ever been sterilized?
[] No
[] No response
CALCULATE: CURRENT METHOD THIS WILL NOT APPEAR ON THE SCREEN ODK will identify the most effective method currently being used by the respondent by selecting the highest method in the choice list
[] Male Sterilization
[] Implant
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male Condom/Nirodh
[] Female Condom
[] Std. Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional methods
[] No response
302c. Are you breastfeeding to delay or avoid becoming pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
303. Did the provider tell you or your partner that this method was permanent?
[] No
[] No response
304. Do you know of a place where you can obtain a method of family planning?
[] No
[] No response
305a. You said that you are not currently using a contraceptive method. Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant at any time in the future?
[] No
[] No response
305b. Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant at any time in the future?
[] No
[] No response
306a. In the last 12 months, have you ever done something or used a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
306b. Which method did you use most recently? Probe: Anything else? Select most effective method (highest method on list). Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male Condom/Nirodh
[] Female Condom
[] Std. Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional methods
[] No response
307. Before you started using [MOST RECENT / CURRENT METHOD], had you discussed the decision to delay or avoid pregnancy with your husband/partner?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
308. Would you say that using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband/partner's decision or did you both decide together?
[] Mainly husband/partner
[] Joint Decision
[] Other
[] No response
309a. Since what month and year have you been using [CURRENT METHOD] without stopping? Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
Most Recent Birth: [mm-yyyy]
Current Marriage: [mm-yyyy]
Must be before today. Respondent must be at least 10 years old. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
309b. When did you stop using your [MOST RECENT METHOD]? Please record the date. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
309c. In what month and year had you started using [MOST RECENT METHOD] before stopping? Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
Most Recent Birth: [mm-yyyy]
Current Marriage: [mm-yyyy]
Must be before today. Respondent must be at least 10 years old. Enter Jan 2020 for no response.
309d. CHECK: Just to make sure I have this correct, you used [RECENT METHOD] continuously between [START DATE] and [END DATE] without stopping, is that correct?
[] No
- When was the last time you used [METHOD]?
- How long had you been using [METHOD] without stopping
310. Why did you stop using [MOST RECENT METHOD]?
[] Became pregnant while using
[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Husband / partner disapproved
[] Wanted more effective method
[] No method available
[] Health concerns
[] Fear of side effects
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Fatalistic
[] Difficult to get pregnant / menopausal
[] Interferes with body's processes
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
311a. You first started using [CURRENT/MOST RECENT METHOD] in [DATE FROM 310a or 310. c]. Where did you or your partner get it at that time? Scroll to bottom to see all choices. Public Health Sector
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] CHC/Rural Hospital/Block PHC
[] Sub-Centre/ANM
[] Govt. Mobile Clinic
[] Camp
[] Anganwadi/ICDS Centre
[] Other Community-Based Worker
[] NGO or Trust Hospital/Clinic
Private Health Sector
[] Pvt. Doctor/Clinic
[] Pvt. Mobile Clinic
[] Vaidya/Hakim/Homeopath (Ayush)
[] Traditional Healer
[] Pharmacy/Drugstore
[] Dai (TBA)
Other Source
[] Friend/Parent/Relative
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
311b. Where did you learn how to use [RHYTHM/LACTATIONAL AMENORRHEA METHOD]? Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
Public Health Sector
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] CHC/Rural Hospital/Block PHC
[] Sub-Centre/ANM
[] Govt. Mobile Clinic
[] Camp
[] Anganwadi/ICDS Centre
[] Other Community-Based Worker
[] NGO or Trust Hospital/Clinic
Private Health Sector
[] Pvt. Doctor/Clinic
[] Pvt. Mobile Clinic
[] Vaidya/Hakim/Homeopath (Ayush)
[] Traditional Healer
[] Pharmacy/Drugstore
[] Dai (TBA)
Other Source
[] Friend/Parent/Relative
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No Response
312a. When you obtained your [MOST RECENT / CURRENT METHOD], were you told by the provider about side effects or problems you might have with a method to delay or avoid pregnancy?
[] No
[] No response
312b. Were you told what to do if you experienced side effects or problems?
[] No
[] No response
313. At that time, were you told by a family planning provider about methods of family planning other than [MOST RECENT/CURRENT METHOD] that you could use?
[] No
[] No response
314a. During that visit, did you obtain the method you wanted to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
314b. When you began using [LAM/Rhythm] was this the method you wanted to use to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
314c. Why didn't you obtain the method you wanted?
[] Method not available at all
[] Provider not trained to provide the method
[] Provider recommended a different method
[] Not eligible for method
[] Decided not to adopt a method
[] Too costly
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
315a. During that visit, who made the final decision about what method you got?
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
315b. Who made the final decision to use [LAM/Rhythm]?
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
316. Would you return to this provider? Provider: [Type of Provider from Q 311a]
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
96. 317 Would you refer your relative or friend to this provider / facility?
[] No
[] Don?t know
[] No response
318a. In the last 12 months, have you paid any fees for family planning services (including the most current method)?
[] No
[] No response
318b. How much did you pay? Enter all prices in Rupees. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
319. Have you ever done anything or tried in any way to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
320. How old were you when you first used a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant? The respondent said she was [age from 102] years old at her last birthday. Enter the age in years. Enter -88 if respondent does not know. Enter -99 if there is no response. Cannot be younger than 9.
321. How many living children did you have at that time, if any? Note: the respondent said that she gave birth [number of live births] times in 204. Enter -99 for no response
322. Which method did you first use to delay or avoid getting pregnant? Do not read the method choices. Scroll to the bottom to see all choices.
[] Male Sterilization
[] Implant
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male Condom/Nirodh
[] Female Condom
[] Std. Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional methods
[] No response
323a. You said that you do not want any / anymore children and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy. Can you tell me the reason why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy? PROBE: Any other reason? RECORD ALL REASONS MENTIONED. Cannot select "Not married" if 104 is "Yes, currently married". Scroll to the bottom to see all choices.
[] Infrequent sex / not having sex
[] Menopausal/Hysterectomy
[] Subfecund / infecund
[] Not menstruated since last birth
[] Breastfeeding
[] Husband away for multiple days
[] Up to God / fatalistic
[] Respondent opposed
[] Husband / partner opposed
[] Others opposed
[] Religious prohibition
[] Knows no method
[] Knows no source
[] Fear of side effects
[] Health concerns
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Preferred method not available
[] No method available
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Interferes with body's processes
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
323b. Would you say that not using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband/partner's decision or did you both decide together?
[] Mainly husband/partner
[] Joint Decision
[] Other
[] No response
324. In the last 12 months, were you visited by a anganwadi worker, ASHA, or other community health worker who talked to you about family planning?
[] No
[] No response
325a. In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility or camp for care for yourself or your children? For any health services
[] No
[] No response
325b. Did any staff member at the health facility speak to you about family planning methods?
[] No
[] No response
326. In the last few months have you:
a. Heard about family planning on the radio?
[] No
[] No response
b. Seen anything about family planning on the television?
[] No
[] No response
c. Read about family planning in a newspaper or magazine?
[] No
[] No response
d. Received a voice or text message about family planning on a mobile phone
[] No
[] No response
Section 4 - Sexual Activity
401a. How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse?
Current age: [AGE FROM 103]
Number of live births: [ CALC_CEB]
Enter the age in years. Enter -77 if she never had sex. Enter -88 if respondent does not know. Enter -99 for no response.
401b. You have entered that the respondent was X years old when she first had sexual intercourse. Is this what she said? Go back and correct 401a if it is not correct.
[] No
402. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse? If less than 12 months ago, answer must be recorded in months, weeks, or days. Enter 0 days for today. You will enter a number for X on the next screen.
___ days ago
___ weeks ago
___ months ago
___ years ago
Section 6 - Menstrual Hygiene
Now I'm going to ask you about menstrual hygiene management. This includes the use of absorbent materials; access to a private, clean, safe space; washing as required; and a place to dispose used materials.
601. The last time you had your period, where are all the places where you changed, washed, dried, or disposed of used sanitary materials? PROBE: Anywhere else? Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
[] Other household sanitation facility
[] Sanitation facilities at school
[] Sanitation facilities at work
[] Other public sanitation facility
[] Sleeping area/bedroom
[] Backyard
[] No facility/Bush/Field
[] Other
[] No response
602a. Where do you most often change your used pads, cloths, or other sanitary materials?
[ODK will only display the options selected in 601]
[] Other household sanitation facility
[] Sanitation facilities at school
[] Sanitation facilities at work
[] Other public sanitation facility
[] Sleeping area/bedroom
[] Backyard
[] No facility/Bush/Field
[] Other
[] No response
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602a]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response
603. During your last menstrual period, what did you use to collect or absorb your menstrual blood? PROBE: Anything else? Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
Reusable materials
[] Cotton wool
[] Sanitary pads
[] Foam (from a mattress or other material)
[] Other
Disposable materials
[] Toilet paper
[] Paper (newspaper, pages from books)
[] Natural materials (mud, dung, leaves)
[] No materials used
[] No response
604a. Did you wash and reuse pads, cloths, or other sanitary materials during your last menstrual period?
[] No
[] No response
604b. During your last menstrual period, were the sanitary materials that you washed and reused completely dried before each reuse?
[] No
[] No response
605. You mentioned that you used [RESPONSES FROM FQ603] during your last menstrual period. Where did you dispose of these materials after use? PROBE: Anywhere else? Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
[] Latrine
[] Waste bin/Trash bag
[] Burning
[] Bush/Field
[] Other
[] No response
606. Is there anything else that would help you manage your menstrual period that you do not usually have? PROBE: Anything else? Hints: Could include resources, materials, changes to your environment, etc. Do not read options aloud.
[] Clean water
[] Soap
[] Clean absorbent materials
[] A private place
[] A place where I feel safe
[] More knowledge
[] A place to buy clean absorbent materials
[] A place to dry used materials
[] A place to dispose used materials
[] Money
[] Pain medication
[] Other
[] No response
END OF SURVEY Thank the respondent for her time
The respondent is finished, but there are still 3 more questions for you to complete outside the home.
095. Location Take a GPS point near the entrance to the household. Record location when the accuracy is smaller than 6. m. GPS coordinates can only be collected when outside.
096. How many times have you visited this household to interview this female respondent?
[] 2nd time
[] 3rd time
097. In what language was this interview conducted?
[] Hindi
[] Other
098. Questionnaire result Record the result of the Female Questionnaire
[] Not at home
[] Postponed
[] Refused
[] Partly completed
[] Incapacitated