001a. Are you in the correct household?
EA: {EA_nice}
Household head: {HQ_ODK_display_name}
Structure #: {structure}
Household #: {household}
Go to the right household.
[] No
[] No
Please record your name
003a. Is this date and time correct?
[] No
003b. Record the correct date and time.
The date must be between 2021-11-01 and 2022-12-31.
004a. The following info is from the household questionnaire. Please review to make sure you are interviewing the correct respondent.
County: {level1_unlinked}
District: {level2_unlinked}
Division: {level3_unlinked}
Location: {level4_unlinked}
Enumeration Area: {EA_unlinked}
Structure number: {structure_unlinked} {hq_structure}
Household number: {household_unlinked} {hq_household}
004a. Is the above information correct?
Go to the right household or update the Household Roster if needed.
[] No
005. CHECK: You should be attempting to interview {firstname}. Is that correct?
If misspelled, select ?yes? and update the name in question ?010.?
If this is the wrong person, you have two options:
(1) exit and ignore changes to this form. Open the correct form.
(2) find and interview the person whose name appears above.
You must interview the right person.
[] No
006. Is the respondent present and available to be interviewed today?
[] No
007. How well acquainted are you with the respondent?
[] Well acquainted
[] Not well acquainted
[] Not acquainted
Find the woman between the ages of 15-49 associated with this Female Questionnaire. The interview must have auditory privacy. Administer the consent procedures.
008a. Provide a paper copy of the Consent Form to the respondent and read it.
Then, ask:
May I begin the interview now?
[] No
Please ask the respondent to sign or check the box in agreement of their participation.
Please record your name as a witness to the consent process. You previously entered " {your_name_text}."
010. Respondent's first name: {firstname_raw_auto}
Did you want to update the respondent's first name?
You may correct the spelling here if it is not correct, but you must be interviewing the person whose name appears.
[] No
011. Was this woman interviewed in ANY previous survey?
Check your list of panel women
[] No
Section 1 ? Respondent's Background, Marital Status, Employment, and Migration
Now I would like to ask about your background and socioeconomic conditions.
101. In what month and year were you born?
The age in the household roster is {hq_age}.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
Cannot be this year or in the future.
102. How old were you at your last birthday?
Age in the Household Roster: {hq_age}
Must be more than 14. Must agree with 101.
Age must be less than 130.
Must agree with 101.
102c. In general, would you say your health is very good, good, moderate, bad, or very bad?
[] Good
[] Moderate
[] Bad
[] Very bad
[] No response
103. Have you attended school in the past 12 months?
[] No
[] No response
104. What is the highest level of school you attended?
Only record formal schooling. Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Primary
[] Post-Primary/Vocational
[] Secondary/'A' Level
[] College (Middle Level)
[] University
[] No response
105. What is the highest [GRADE/ FORM / STANDARD / YEAR] you completed at that level?
Enter -99 for no response.
XS_101. How old were you when you left school?
Must be between 0 and the respondent's age.
107. What was the main reason you stopped attending school?
[] Failed exams
[] Did not enjoy school
[] School was too far
[] Wanted to start working
[] Got married
[] Got pregnant
[] Parents did not want you to continue
[] Economic reasons
[] Menstruation / period
[] Illness
[] Other
[] No response
108. Are you currently enrolled in any training program?
[] No
[] No response
109. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?
Probe: If no, ask whether the respondent is divorced, separated, or widowed.
[] Yes, living with a man
[] Not currently in union: Divorced / separated
[] Not currently in union: Widow
[] No, never in union
[] No response
110. What is the highest level of schooling your husband/partner attended?
[] Primary
[] Post-Primary/Vocational
[] Secondary/'A' Level
[] College (Middle Level)
[] University
[] Do not know
[] No response
PL_101. Did you start living with your current husband / partner in past 12 months?
[] No
[] No response
XS_102a. How much were you involved in the decision to get married ? very much, not very much or not at all?
[] Not very much
[] Not at all
[] No response
XS_102b. How much do you think you will be involved in the decision to get married ? very much, not very much or not at all?
[] Not very much
[] Not at all
[] No response
113. Have you ever had a partner / boyfriend?
[] No
[] No response
XS_102. How old were you the first time you had a boyfriend or partner?
Must be between 0 and the respondent's age.
114. Do you currently have a boyfriend or partner?
[] No
[] No response
INF_1. In what month and year did you begin this relationship?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate ?No response?.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
Year should be between 1980 and today. Use 2030 for 'no response'
XS_103. How many times have you been married or lived with a man as if married?
Enter -99 for no response.
Must be at least 1
XS_104. In what month and year did you start living with your FIRST husband / partner?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
115. Now I would like to ask about when you started living with your CURRENT husband / partner. In what month was that?
Select 'Do not know' for month to indicate 'No Response'.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
115. Now I would like to ask about when you started living with your CURRENT/MOST RECENT husband / partner. In what month and year was that?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
LCL_101. Does your husband / partner have other wives or does he live with other women as if married?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
XS_105. How long have you been living continuously in [NAME OF CURRENT PLACE OF RESIDENCE]?
Enter answer in years.
Enter 0 if less than 1 year.
Enter -95 for always.
Enter -96 for visitor.
Enter -99 for no response.
Years entered cannot exceed age.
XS_106. How long have you been living continuously in this particular house / structure?
Enter answer in years.
Enter 0 if less than 1 year.
Enter -95 for always.
Enter -96 for visitor.
Enter -99 for no response.
Years entered cannot exceed age. Must be consistent with previous answer.
116. In the last 12 months, for how many nights have you slept away from your community?
PROBE: Community is the area where you are currently living
Enter -99 for no response.
117. In the last 12 months, for how many nights has your husband/partner slept away from your community?
PROBE: Community is the area where you are currently living
Enter -99 for no response.
118. As you know, some women take up jobs for which they are paid in cash or kind. Others sell things, have a small business or work on the family farm or in the family business. Aside from your own housework, have you done any work in the last seven days?
[] No
[] No response
119. Aside from your own housework, have you done any work in the last 12 months?
[] No
[] No response
120. Are you paid in cash or kind for this work or are you not paid at all?
[] Cash and kind
[] In-kind
[] Not paid
[] No response
121. Who usually makes decisions about making large household purchases: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?
[] Husband/partner
[] Respondent and husband/partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
122. Who usually makes decisions about making household purchases for daily needs: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?
[] Husband/partner
[] Respondent and husband/partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
123. Who usually makes decisions about getting medical treatment for yourself: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?
[] Husband/partner
[] Respondent and husband/partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
EMP_1. Who usually makes decisions about buying clothes for yourself: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?
[] Husband/partner
[] Respondent and husband/partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
EMP_2. Who usually makes decisions about how your earnings will be used: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?
[] Husband/partner
[] Respondent and husband/partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
EMP_3. Who usually makes decisions about how your husband/partner's earnings will be used: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else?
[] Husband/partner
[] Respondent and husband/partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
EMP_4. Do you own any land, either jointly or by yourself?
PROBE: This does not include land owned only by your husband.
[] No
[] No response
EMP_5. Would you say that the money that you earn is more than what your husband/partner earns, less than what he earns, or about the same?
[] Less
[] Same
[] No response
EMP_6. In the last 30 days, did you take part in any of these activities?
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
Cannot select 'no response' or 'none of the above' with other options.
[] Raising poultry / livestock
[] Producing ghee / cheese / butter
[] Collecting fuel / wood-cutting
[] Preparing food
[] Sewing / embroidery / crocheting
[] Producing straw products / carpets / textile / ropes
[] Offering services for others in a house, shop, or hotel
[] Independent paid work
[] Buying / selling goods in the market / the street / at home
[] Helping in construction work
[] Learning a skill
[] None of the above
[] No response
FIN_1. Do you currently have any savings for the future, such as a bank account, savings group, or cash?
[] No
[] No response
FIN_2. Do you currently have any mobile money accounts (e.g. Mpesa or M-Shwari)?
[] No
[] No response
124. Do you have a way of accessing the internet?
[] No
[] No response
125. How often do you access the internet?
[] A few times per week
[] A few times per month
[] Less than once per month
[] Not at all
[] No response
126. What devices do you use to access the internet?
Read all options aloud and select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' or 'none of the above' with other options.
[] Laptop or desktop computer
[] Tablet
[] Other
[] No response
127. When you use the internet, how often are you able to use it privately?
[] Sometimes
[] Rarely
[] Never
[] No response
Section 2 ? Reproduction, Pregnancy and Fertility Preferences
201. Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?
[] No
[] No response
202. How many times have you given birth?
Enter -99 for no response.
PL_201. Have you had any births since [Phase 1 survey interview date]?
[] No
[] No response
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
CALENDAR: Enter the birth and duration of pregnancy in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
XS_201. When was your FIRST birth?
Please record the date of the first live birth. Date should be found by calculating forward or backward from memorable events if needed.
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
CALENDAR: If the birth was after January 2019 enter the birth and duration of pregnancy in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
XS_202. When was your MOST RECENT birth?
Please record the date of the first live birth. Date should be found by calculating forward or backward from memorable events if needed.
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
CALENDAR: If the birth was after January 2019 enter the birth and duration of pregnancy in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
XS_203. Have you had any other births since January 2019?
[] No
[] No response
The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed.
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
CALENDAR: Enter the birth and duration of pregnancy in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
XS_205. Have you ever had a pregnancy that miscarried, was aborted, or ended in a stillbirth since January 2019?
[] No
[] No response
XS_206. When did that pregnancy end?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
CALENDAR: Enter the termination and duration of pregnancy in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future
PL_203. Have you had a pregnancy that miscarried, was aborted, or ended in a stillbirth since [Phase 1 survey interview date]?
[] No
[] No response
PL_204. When did that pregnancy end?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
CALENDAR: Enter the termination and duration of pregnancy in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future
[] No
[] Unsure
[] No response
204. How many months pregnant are you?
Please record the number of completed months. Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for No response.
CALENDAR: Enter number of months pregnant in the calendar.
Value must be at least 0 and not more than 10. A current pregnancy must start after the most recent birth.
205. When did your last menstrual period start?
If you select days, weeks, months, or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen. Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.
[] X weeks ago
[] X months ago
[] X years ago
[] Menopausal / Hysterectomy
[] Before last birth
[] Never menstruated
[] No response
205. Enter {menstrual_period_lab}
Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.
Must be 0 days or larger. Must be 1 week/month/year or larger.
INF_2. Have you had a procedure to remove the uterus?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_3. From one menstrual period to the next, are there certain days when a woman is more likely to become pregnant?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_4. Is this just before her period begins, during her period, right after her period has ended, halfway between two periods?
[] During her period
[] Right after her period has ended
[] Halfway between two periods
[] All days are equal
[] Do not know
[] No response
206a. Now I would like to ask a question about your last birth.
At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any more children at all?
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response
206b. Now I would like to ask a question about your current pregnancy.
At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any more children at all?
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response
207a. Before you became pregnant with your last birth, which best describes your situation?
Read response options and select one
[] You and your partner had discussed having children together but had not agreed for you to get pregnant
[] You and your partner had never discussed having children together
[] No response
207b. Before you became pregnant with your current pregnancy, which best describes your situation?
Read response options and select one
[] You and your partner had discussed having children together but had not agreed for you to get pregnant
[] You and your partner had never discussed having children together
[] No response
Now I have some questions about the future.
208a. Would you like to have a child or would you prefer not to have any children?
[] Prefer no children
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Do not know
[] No response
208a. Would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any more children?
[] No more
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Do not know
[] No response
208b. After the child you are expecting now, would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any more children?
[] No more
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Do not know
[] No response
209a. How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of a child?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select ?Years? if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X years
[] Soon/now
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
209a. How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of another child?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select ?Years? if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X years
[] Soon/now
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
209b. After the birth of the child you are expecting now, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select ?Years? if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X years
[] Soon/now
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
209c. Enter the number of {waitchild} you would like to wait:
Use years if more than 36 months.
INF_5. Are you currently trying to become pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
INF_6. How long have you been trying to become pregnant?
Probe: ?Do not know? or ?No response?, probe to confirm if trying for more than 1 year.
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select ?Years? if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X years
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_6a. Enter the number of {preg_trying_lab} you have been trying to get pregnant:
210a. When you found out you were pregnant, how did you feel?
[] Sort of happy
[] Mixed happy and unhappy
[] Sort of unhappy
[] Very unhappy
[] No response
210b. If you got pregnant now, how would you feel?
[] Sort of happy
[] Mixed happy and unhappy
[] Sort of unhappy
[] Very unhappy
[] No response
Now I would like to talk about family planning - the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy.
An image will appear on the screen for some methods. If the respondent says that she has not heard of the method or if she hesitates to answer, read the probe aloud and show her the image, if available.
301a. Have you ever heard of female sterilization?
PROBE: Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children.
[] No
[] No response
301b. Have you ever heard of male sterilization?
PROBE: Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children.
[] No
[] No response
301c. Have you ever heard of the contraceptive implant?
PROBE: Women can have one or several small rods placed in her upper arm by a doctor or nurse, which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.
[] No
[] No response
301d. Have you ever heard of the IUD?
PROBE: Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse.
[] No
[] No response
301e. Have you ever heard of injectables?
PROBE: Women can have an injection by a health provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.
[] No
[] No response
301f. Have you heard that there is a type of injectable that you can inject yourself?
[] No
[] No response
301g. From whom did you hear about it?
[] Community health worker
[] Pharmacist
[] Friend
[] Husband/partner
[] Other family member
[] Radio/TV
[] Books/Magazine
[] Advertisement/Flyer
[] Other
[] No response
301g2. Would your partner be supportive of you using an injection at home?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
301h. Have you ever heard of the (birth control) pill?
PROBE: Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant.
[] No
[] No response
301i. Have you ever heard of emergency contraception?
PROBE: As an emergency measure after unprotected sexual intercourse women can take special pills at any time within five days to prevent pregnancy.
[] No
[] No response
301j. Have you ever heard of male condoms?
PROBE: Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301k. Have you ever heard of female condoms?
PROBE: Women can put a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301l. Have you ever heard of the diaphragm?
PROBE: Women can place a thin flexible disk in their vagina before sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301m. Have you ever heard of foam or jelly as a contraceptive method?
PROBE: Women can place a suppository, jelly, or cream in their vagina before sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.
[] No
[] No response
301n. Have you ever heard of the standard days method or Cycle Beads?
PROBE: A Woman can use a string of colored beads to know the days she can get pregnant. On the days she can get pregnant, she and her partner use a condom or do not have sexual intercourse.
[] No
[] No response
301o. Have you ever heard of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method or LAM?
[] No
[] No response
301p. Have you ever heard of the rhythm method?
PROBE: Women can avoid pregnancy by not having sexual intercourse on the days of the month they think they can get pregnant.
[] No
[] No response
301q. Have you ever heard of the withdrawal method?
PROBE: Men can be careful and pull out before climax.
[] No
[] No response
301r. Have you ever heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?
[] No
[] No response
302. Are you or your partner currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
303. Just to check, are you or your partner doing any of the following to avoid pregnancy: deliberately avoiding sex on certain days, using a condom, using withdrawal or using emergency contraception?
[] No
[] No response
304. Which method or methods are you using?
PROBE: Anything else?
Select all methods mentioned. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM to see all choices.
You selected no response with another option.
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response
LCL_301. PROBE: Was the injection administered via syringe or small needle?
Show the image to the respondent.
[] Small needle (Sayana Press)
[] No response
LCL_302. Who administered the injection?
[] Partner/husband
[] Other family/friend
[] Doctor/nurse/midwife
[] Pharmacist/Drug shop employee
[] CHW
[] Another user I know
[] No response
304a. Do you like your {current_method_label}?
[] No
[] No response
305. Does your husband/partner know that you are using {current_method_label}?
[] No
[] No response
305. Does your husband/partner know that you are using family planning?
[] No
[] No response
305a. Did you talk with your husband/partner about using your {current_method_label} before you started using, after you started using, or you have not talked about it?
[] After using
[] Has not talked to him
[] No response
305a. Did you talk with your husband/partner about using your family planning method before you started using, after you started using, or you have not talked about it?
[] After using
[] Has not talked to him
[] No response
LCL_303. Did the provider tell you or your partner that this method was permanent?
[] No
[] No response
306. If you needed family planning, where would you go?
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy/Chemist
[] Nursing/Maternity Home
[] Faith-based, church, mission hospital/clinic
[] Family options/FHOK clinic
[] Other private medical sector
[] Shop
[] Mobile clinic
[] Community-based distributor
[] Community health volunteer/CHV
[] Community event
[] Friend/relative
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No Response
307. Why would you choose this location?
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Discreet location
[] Know confidentiality will be respected
[] Have the method that I want
[] Providers have a good reputation
[] Recommend by friend/relative
[] Method available for low cost/free
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
308. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would feel too shy or embarrassed to get family planning at a clinic, health center or physician's office if needed.
PROBE: This question is specifically about your feelings.
[] Disagree
[] No response
309. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would feel too shy or embarrassed to get family planning at the pharmacy or chemist if needed.
PROBE: This question is specifically about your feelings.
[] Disagree
[] No response
310. You said that you are not currently using a contraceptive method. Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant at any time in the future?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
311. Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant at any time in the future?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
312. When do you think you will start using a method?
[] X years
[] Soon/now
[] After the birth of this child
[] Do not know
[] No response
Enter {fp_start_lab}:
Use years if more than 36 months.
313. What method do you think you will use?
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response
314. Who would you prefer to have administer the injectable?
Read all options
[] Self
[] Partner/friend/family
[] Do not know
[] No response
315. Would your husband/partner be supportive of you using family planning?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
316. Before you started using {current_method_label}, had you discussed the decision to delay or avoid pregnancy with your husband/partner?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
316. Before you started using family planning, had you discussed the decision to delay or avoid pregnancy with your husband/partner?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
317. Would you say that using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband/partner's decision or did you both decide together?
[] Mainly husband/partner
[] Joint decision
[] Other
[] No response
Now I?m going to ask you a few sensitive questions about your relationship with your husband/partner. You do not have to answer these questions if you do not want to. We can pause at any time. If you do not feel comfortable answering any of the questions, let me know and I will either move onto the next statement or skip this section entirely.
318. In the last 12 months has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
318a. Made you feel bad or treated you badly for wanting to use a FP method to delay or prevent pregnancy?
[] 0
[] -99
318. In the last 12 months has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
318b. Tried to force or pressure you to become pregnant?
[] 0
[] -99
318. In the last 12 months has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
318c. Said he would leave you if you did not get pregnant?
[] 0
[] -99
318. In the last 12 months has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
318d. Told you he would have a baby with someone else if you did not get pregnant?
[] 0
[] -99
318. In the last 12 months has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
318e. Taken away your family planning or kept you from going to the clinic to get family planning?
[] 0
[] -99
318. In the last 12 months has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
318f. Hurt you physically because you did not get pregnant?
[] 0
[] -99
319. Since what month and year have you been using {current_method_label} without stopping?
Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
CALENDAR: Enter episode of contraceptive use in the calendar.
319. Since what month and year have you been using family planning without stopping?
Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
CALENDAR: Enter episode of contraceptive use in the calendar.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering '2030' for No Response, must select 'Do not know' for month.
Cannot be in future.
320. You first started using{current_method_label} on {start_date_lab}.
Where did you or your partner get it at that time?
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy/Chemist
[] Nursing/Maternity Home
[] Faith-based, church, mission hospital/clinic
[] Family options/FHOK clinic
[] Other private medical sector
[] Shop
[] Mobile clinic
[] Community-based distributor
[] Community health volunteer/CHV
[] Community event
[] Friend/relative
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No Response
320. Where did you or your partner get {current_method_label} when you first started using it?
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy/Chemist
[] Nursing/Maternity Home
[] Faith-based, church, mission hospital/clinic
[] Family options/FHOK clinic
[] Other private medical sector
[] Shop
[] Mobile clinic
[] Community-based distributor
[] Community health volunteer/CHV
[] Community event
[] Friend/relative
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No Response
321. When you obtained your {current_method_label}, were you told by the provider about side effects or problems you might have with a method to delay or avoid pregnancy?
[] No
[] No response
322. Were you told what to do if you experienced side effects or problems?
[] No
[] No response
IMP_302. At the visit when the implant was inserted, were you told for how long the implant would protect you from pregnancy?
[] No
[] No response
IMP_303. How long were you told ?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X years
[] Do not know
[] No response
IMP_303. Enter the number of {implant_duration_lab} you were told:
If more than 12 months record in years
IMP_304. Were you told where you could go to have the implant removed?
Provider: {provider_label}
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
323. At that time, were you told by the family planning provider about methods of family planning other than the {current_method_label} that you could use?
[] No
[] No response
324. At that time, were you told that you could switch to a different method in the future?
[] No
[] No response
325. During that visit, did you obtain the method you wanted to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] Did not have a preference
[] No response
326. Why didn't you obtain the method you wanted?
[] Method not available at all
[] Provider not trained to provide the method
[] Provider recommended a different method
[] Not eligible for method
[] Decided not to adopt a method
[] Too costly
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
327a. During that visit, who made the final decision about what method you got?
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
327b. Who made the final decision to use rhythm?
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
327b. Who made the final decision to use LAM?
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
328. Would you return to this provider?
Provider: {provider_label}
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
329. Would you refer your relative or friend to this provider / facility?
Provider: {provider_label}
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
330. When you started using {current_method_label}, did you feel pressured by your provider to accept a specific method?
[] No
[] Did not have a preference before speaking with the provider
[] No response
330. When you started using family planning, did you feel pressured by your provider to accept a specific method?
[] No
[] Did not have a preference before speaking with the provider
[] No response
331. Which method did you feel pressured to use?
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response
332. Right before you started using {current_method_label} in {begin_using_full_lab}, were you doing something else or using a different method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
332. Right before you started using family planning in {begin_using_full_lab}, were you doing something else or using a different method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
333. Which method were you using?
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response
LCL_304. PROBE: Was the injection administered via syringe or small needle?
[] Small needle (Sayana Press)
[] No response
IMP_305. In the past 12 months, have you tried to have your current implant removed?
[] No
[] No response
IMP_306. Where did you go or who attempted to remove your implant?
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy/Chemist
[] Nursing/Maternity Home
[] Faith-based, church, mission hospital/clinic
[] Family options/FHOK clinic
[] Other private medical sector
[] Shop
[] Mobile clinic
[] Community-based distributor
[] Community health volunteer/CHV
[] Community event
[] Friend/relative
[] Self
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No Response
IMP_307. Why were you not able to have your implant removed?
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Qualified provider not available
[] Provider attempted but could not remove the implant
[] Provider refused
[] Cost of removal services
[] Travel cost
[] Provider counseled against removal
[] Told to return another day
[] Referred elsewhwere
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
334. Have you ever done anything or tried in any way to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
XS_301. How old were you when you first used a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
The respondent said she was {age} years old at her last birthday.
Enter the age in years.
Enter -88 if the respondent does not know.
Enter -99 if there is no response.
Cannot be younger than 9.
Cannot be older than the current age of the respondent. Cannot be younger than 9. Cannot be after recent/current use.
335. How many living children did you have at that time, if any?
Note: the respondent said that she gave birth {birth_events} times in 202.
Enter -99 for no response.
Must be zero or larger, or -99.
336. Have you used emergency contraception at any time in the last 12 months?
PROBE: As an emergency measure after unprotected sexual intercourse women can take special pills at any time within five days to prevent pregnancy.
[] No
[] No response
337. You said that you do not want a child soon and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
337. You said that you do not want another child soon and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
337. You said that you do not want any children and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
337. You said that you do not want any more children and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy?
PROBE: Any other reason?
Cannot select "Not Married" if 109 is "Yes, currently married".
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
Cannot select "Do not know" or "No response" with other options.
Cannot select "Not Married" if 109 is "Yes, currently married".
[] Infrequent sex / Not having sex
[] Menopausal / Hysterectomy
[] Subfecund / Infecund
[] Not menstruated since last birth
[] Breastfeeding
[] Husband away for multiple days
[] Up to God / fatalistic
[] Respondent opposed
[] Husband / partner opposed
[] Others opposed
[] Religious prohibition
[] Knows no method
[] Knows no source
[] Fear of side effects
[] Health concerns
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Preferred method not available
[] No method available
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Interferes with body?s processes
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
338. Would you say that not using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband/partner's decision or did you both decide together?
[] Mainly husband/partner
[] Joint decision
[] Other
[] No response
339. In the last 12 months, were you visited by a community health worker who talked to you about family planning?
[] No
[] No response
340. In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility or camp for care for yourself?
For any health services.
[] No
[] No response
340. In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility or camp for care for yourself or your children?
For any health services.
[] No
[] No response
341. Did any staff member at the health facility speak to you about family planning methods?
[] No
[] No response
342. In the last 12 months have you:
342a. Heard about family planning on the radio?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
[] 0
[] -99
342. In the last 12 months have you:
342b. Seen anything about family planning on the television?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
[] 0
[] -99
342. In the last 12 months have you:
342c. Read about family planning in a newspaper or magazine?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
[] 0
[] -99
342. In the last 12 months have you:
342d. Received a voice or text message about family planning on a mobile phone?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
[] 0
[] -99
342. In the last 12 months have you:
342e. Seen anything on social media about family planning that is Facebook, Viber, Twitter, WhatsApp or others?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
[] 0
[] -99
READ: Next I would like to ask questions about the types of information related to family planning you may be interested in getting on your own. By ?on your own? we mean without necessarily engaging with a health care provider. Your answers to these questions will be used for research purposes. There are no additional risks or benefits to answering these questions. As a reminder, your participation is completely voluntary and no identifying information about you will be shared with the researchers or reported in the study results.
May I continue with the questions?
[] No
READ: We would like to understand what types of information related to family planning you may be interested in getting on your own. By ?on your own? we mean without necessarily having to access or speak with a healthcare provider at a facility.
FHI_101. Would you be interested in getting a series of questions that you could use on your own to confirm if you are pregnant?
[] No
[] I already have these questions
[] No response
FHI_102. Would you be interested in getting a series of questions that you could use on your own to determine when you can become pregnant again after giving birth?
[] No
[] I already have these questions
[] No response
FHI_103. Would you be interested in instructions and materials that you could use on your own to tell which days in your menstrual cycle you can get pregnant?
[] No
[] I already have these instructions/materials
[] No response
FHI_104. Sometimes women experience changes in their period when they use a family planning method. Would you be interested in getting information on your own about what to do if you experience changes in your period?
[] No
[] I already have this information
[] No response
FHI_105. Sometimes women experience side effects like changes in weight, mild nausea, headaches or fatigue when they use a family planning method. Would you be interested in getting information on your own about what to do if you experience side effects?
[] No
[] I already have this information
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to understand how you may want to receive the information we just talked about.
FHI_106. Would you be interested in receiving a voice or text message with this type of information on a mobile phone?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to understand how you may want to receive the information we just talked about.
FHI_107. Would you be interested in receiving this type of information on social media such as Facebook, Viber, Twitter, WhatsApp or others?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now, we would like to ask about how you would prefer getting information, contraceptive methods, and products.
FHI_108. How important is it to engage with a provider when starting or while using the following methods?
Read each one.
1=Very important
2=Somewhat important
3=Not important
FHI_108a. Oral contraceptives pills that you take every day to avoid becoming pregnant
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
READ: Now, we would like to ask about how you would prefer getting information, contraceptive methods, and products.
FHI_108. How important is it to engage with a provider when starting or while using the following methods?
Read each one.
1=Very important
2=Somewhat important
3=Not important
FHI_108b. Pills that you can take within three to five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy (emergency contraception)
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
READ: Now, we would like to ask about how you would prefer getting information, contraceptive methods, and products.
FHI_108. How important is it to engage with a provider when starting or while using the following methods?
Read each one.
1=Very important
2=Somewhat important
3=Not important
FHI_108c. A contraceptive injection administered via a small needle that you could give yourself
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
READ: Now, we would like to ask about how you would prefer getting information, contraceptive methods, and products.
FHI_108. How important is it to engage with a provider when starting or while using the following methods?
Read each one.
1=Very important
2=Somewhat important
3=Not important
FHI_108d. A urine test to determine if you are pregnant (pregnancy test)
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception.
FHI_109. Would you be interested in getting oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception from a drug shop or pharmacy?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception.
FHI_110. Would you be interested in getting oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception from a general retail shop or from the market in your community?
By ?shop? we mean other than a drug shop.
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception.
FHI_111. Would you be interested in getting oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception from a friend or relative?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception.
FHI_112. Would you be interested in ordering contraceptive pills or emergency contraception and getting them delivered to your home by a delivery service?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception.
FHI_113a. If you didn?t have to pay for the product, where would you most like to obtain contraceptive pills?
Read response options 1-7 aloud.
[] (2) Community health worker
[] (3) Mobile clinic / community event
[] (4) Drug shop or pharmacy
[] (5) Shop or market in the community
[] (6) Friend or relative
[] (7) Delivered to home
[] Other
[] Not interested in method
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about oral contraceptive pills or emergency contraception.
FHI_113b. If you didn?t have to pay for the product, where would you most like to obtain emergency contraception?
Read response options 1-7 aloud.
[] (2) Community health worker
[] (3) Mobile clinic / community event
[] (4) Drug shop or pharmacy
[] (5) Shop or market in the community
[] (6) Friend or relative
[] (7) Delivered to home
[] Other
[] Not interested in method
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about a contraceptive injection that you could give yourself.
FHI_114. Would you be interested in getting instructions and materials to give yourself a contraceptive injection from a drug shop or pharmacy?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about a contraceptive injection that you could give yourself.
FHI_115. Would you be interested in getting instructions and materials to give yourself a contraceptive injection from a general retail shop or from the market in your community?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about a contraceptive injection that you could give yourself.
FHI_116. Would you be interested in getting instructions and materials to give yourself a contraceptive injection from a friend or relative?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about a contraceptive injection that you could give yourself.
FHI_117. Would you be interested in ordering instructions and materials to give yourself a contraceptive injection and getting them delivered to your home by a delivery service?
[] No
[] I already do
[] No response
READ: Now we would like to ask you some questions about a contraceptive injection that you could give yourself.
FHI_118. If you didn?t have to pay for the product, where would you most like to get instructions and materials to give yourself a contraceptive injection?
Read response options 1-7 aloud.
[] (2) Community health worker
[] (3) Mobile clinic / community event
[] (4) Drug shop or pharmacy
[] (5) Shop or market in the community
[] (6) Friend or relative
[] (7) Delivered to home
[] Other
[] Not interested in method
[] No response
FHI_119. What do you see as the benefits of engaging with a provider when starting or while using oral contraceptive pills, emergency contraception, or injections you could give yourself?
Do not read list. Select all that apply.
Probe ?Anything else??
You selected no response with another option.
[] Close to home
[] Low cost
[] Discrete / confidential
[] Learn about different methods from provider
[] Get provider?s recommendation
[] Learn how to use selected method from provider
[] Manage side effects
[] I feel confident I will get accurate information
[] Quality products (not counterfeit)
[] Methods usually available
[] It?s what I usually do
[] Other
[] No benefit
[] No response
FHI_120. What do you see as the benefits of NOT engaging with a provider when starting or while using oral contraceptive pills, emergency contraception, or injections you could give yourself?
Do not read list. Select all that apply.
Probe ?Anything else??
You selected no response with another option.
[] No need to travel / less travel
[] Flexible schedule / get information or services when I want
[] Lower cost
[] I have more control
[] Discrete / confidential
[] Do not feel comfortable telling provider what I want / Do not trust provider / Not judged by provider
[] Not getting infected with COVID-19 while getting care
[] Methods usually available
[] It is what I usually do
[] Other
[] No benefit
[] No response
343. People have different opinions about family planning. In your community, would you say most people, some people or few people have the following opinions about family planning:
1 = Most
2 = Some
3 = Few
-99 = No Response
343a. Adolescents who use family planning are promiscuous.
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
343. People have different opinions about family planning. In your community, would you say most people, some people or few people have the following opinions about family planning:
1 = Most
2 = Some
3 = Few
-99 = No Response
343b. Using family planning preserves a woman's health
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
343. People have different opinions about family planning. In your community, would you say most people, some people or few people have the following opinions about family planning:
1 = Most
2 = Some
3 = Few
-99 = No Response
343c. Family planning is only for women who are married.
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
343. People have different opinions about family planning. In your community, would you say most people, some people or few people have the following opinions about family planning:
1 = Most
2 = Some
3 = Few
-99 = No Response
343d. Women who use family planning can better support their children?s schooling
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
343. People have different opinions about family planning. In your community, would you say most people, some people or few people have the following opinions about family planning:
1 = Most
2 = Some
3 = Few
-99 = No Response
343e. Family planning is only for women who don't want any more children.
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
343. People have different opinions about family planning. In your community, would you say most people, some people or few people have the following opinions about family planning:
1 = Most
2 = Some
3 = Few
-99 = No Response
343f. People who use family planning have a better quality of life.
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
344. Now, we would like to know about your personal opinions about these issues. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements?
4 = Strongly agree
3 = Agree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
-99 = No response
344a. Adolescents who use family planning are promiscuous.
[] 3
[] 2
[] 1
[] -99
344. Now, we would like to know about your personal opinions about these issues. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements?
4 = Strongly agree
3 = Agree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
-99 = No response
344b. Using family planning preserves a woman's health
[] 3
[] 2
[] 1
[] -99
344. Now, we would like to know about your personal opinions about these issues. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements?
4 = Strongly agree
3 = Agree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
-99 = No response
344c. Family planning is only for women who are married.
[] 3
[] 2
[] 1
[] -99
344. Now, we would like to know about your personal opinions about these issues. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements?
4 = Strongly agree
3 = Agree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
-99 = No response
344d. Women who use family planning can better support their children?s schooling
[] 3
[] 2
[] 1
[] -99
344. Now, we would like to know about your personal opinions about these issues. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements?
4 = Strongly agree
3 = Agree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
-99 = No response
344e. Family planning is only for women who don't want any more children.
[] 3
[] 2
[] 1
[] -99
344. Now, we would like to know about your personal opinions about these issues. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the following statements?
4 = Strongly agree
3 = Agree
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
-99 = No response
344f. People who use family planning have a better quality of life.
[] 3
[] 2
[] 1
[] -99
345. How important is it for you to achieve the following in the next two years:
1 = Very important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Not important
-99 = No Response
345a. Complete secondary school / technical school / vocation school
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
345. How important is it for you to achieve the following in the next two years:
1 = Very important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Not important
-99 = No Response
345b. Attend university / tertiary institution
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
345. How important is it for you to achieve the following in the next two years:
1 = Very important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Not important
-99 = No Response
345c. Find a husband/partner
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
345. How important is it for you to achieve the following in the next two years:
1 = Very important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Not important
-99 = No Response
345d. Have children
[] 2
[] 3
[] -99
346. Do you have any health insurance or are you a member of a mutual health organization?
[] No
[] No response
347. What type of health insurance do you have?
Cannot select "No response" with other options.
[] Health insurance through employer
[] Mutual health organization/Community-based health insurance
[] Linda Mama
[] Other privately purchased commercial health insurance
[] Other
[] No response
Now I would like to ask some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues. Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question.
401. How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse?
Enter the age in years.
Enter -77 if she has never had sex.
Enter -99 for no response.
Enter -88 for do not know.
Answer must agree with the current age and date of first birth.
402. Looking back to the first time you had sexual intercourse, do you think you would have preferred to: have waited longer before having sex with anyone, not have waited so long, or was it the right time?
[] Not have waited so long
[] It was the right time
[] No response
403. The first time you had sexual intercourse, would you say you and your partner were both equally willing to have sexual intercourse was one of you more willing than the other?
[] Respondent more willing
[] Partner more willing
[] No response
404. Which of these applied to you at the first time you had sex?
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
Cannot select "None of the above" or "No response" with other options.
[] I was carried away
[] I was under the influence of a substance
[] I was doing what was expected of me
[] I was forced against my will
[] None of the above
[] No response
405. Did you and your partner want to avoid a pregnancy the first time you had sexual intercourse?
[] No
[] No response
406. Did you or your partner do something or use any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] No
[] No response
407. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
Answer must be in days or weeks up to 4 weeks or 30 days
If less than 12 months ago, answer must be recorded in months, weeks, or days.
Enter 0 days for today.
You will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Must agree with the pregnancy status.
[] X weeks ago
[] X months ago
[] X years ago
[] No response
407. Enter {last_time_sex_lab}.
If today, enter zero days only, not zero weeks/months/years.
Must agree with the age of first sexual intercourse and the pregnancy status.
Days must be greater or equal to 0. Weeks/months/years must be greater than 0.
408. The last time you had sex did you or your partner use any method to avoid or prevent a pregnancy?
[] No
[] No response
409. What method did you or your partner use?
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] Other traditional method
[] No response
410. Whose choice was it to use that method?
[] Respondent and partner
[] Partner
[] Someone else
[] No response
INF_7. How many times do you have sex in a typical month?
Use -88 for 'do not know' and -99 for 'no response'
Must be a number or -88, -99
INF_8. In the past 12 months, how many months did you not have any sex with your husband/partner?
Use -88 for 'do not know' and -99 for 'no response'
Must be a number: -88, -99, or 0-12
INF_9. Have you ever sought help because you were having trouble getting pregnant?
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_10. Who have you sought help from?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Govt. Dispensary
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy/Chemist
[] Nursing/Maternity Home
[] Faith-based, church, mission hospital/clinic
[] Family options/FHOK clinic
[] Other private medical sector
[] Shop
[] Mobile clinic
[] Community-based distributor
[] Community health volunteer/CHV
[] Community event
[] Friend/relative
[] Infertility clinic (public)
[] Infertility clinic (private)
[] Traditional healer/Herbalists
[] Religious leaders
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_11. What type of care did you receive?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Treatment to increase ovulation
[] STI treatment
[] Surgery
[] Injections
[] Pills
[] Medicinal drink
[] Home remedy
[] Herbs
[] Ritual
[] Prayer
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_12. When did you most recently seek help?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select ?Years? if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X years
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_12a. Enter the number of {preg_help_lab} ago you most recently sought help:
INF_13. Some people wonder if they can have children. In your case, what is the sentence that best describes your current situation?
[] You have difficulties having children
[] You are sure you can?t have children (anymore) yourself
[] You do not know if you can have children
[] You can have children but the doctor has recommended you do not
[] Do not know
[] No response
INF_14. And regarding your partner:
[] Your partner has difficulties having children
[] You are sure your partner can?t have children (anymore)
[] You do not know if he can have children
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_1. At the last time you had sex, did any of the following happen?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
WGE_1a. I did not want to have sex at that time
[] 0
[] -99
WGE_1. At the last time you had sex, did any of the following happen?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
WGE_1b. I felt pressured by my husband / partner to have sex then
[] 0
[] -99
WGE_1. At the last time you had sex, did any of the following happen?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
WGE_1c. I did not consent (was forced) to have sex then
[] 0
[] -99
WGE_1. At the last time you had sex, did any of the following happen?
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
WGE_1d. I felt at risk of physical violence if I declined to have sex at that time
[] 0
[] -99
Section 5 ? Women and Girls Empowerment Section
Now I'm going to ask you a series of statements about family planning and contraception. Please indicate how much you think these statements could apply to you by indicating how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement. Some will seem similar but we would like you to consider each one as different.
We can pause at any time. If you do not feel comfortable answering any of the statements, let me know and I will move onto the next statement.
501. If I use family planning, my husband/partner may seek another sexual partner.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
502. If I use family planning, I may have trouble getting pregnant the next time I want to.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
503a. There could be conflict in my relationship/marriage if I use family planning.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
503b. There will be conflict in my relationship/marriage if I use family planning.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
504. If I use family planning, my children may not be born normal.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
505. If I use family planning, my body may experience side effects that will disrupt my relations with my husband/partner.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_2. I can decide to switch from one family planning method to another if I want to.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_3. I feel confident telling my provider what is important for me when selecting a family planning method.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_4. I feel confident discussing family planning with my husband/partner.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Now I'm going to ask you a series of statements about pregnancy and childbearing. Please indicate how much you think these statements could apply to you by indicating how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement. Some will seem similar but we would like you to consider each one as different. We can pause at any time. If you do not feel comfortable answering any of the statements, let me know and I will move onto the next statement.
WGE_5a. I want to complete my education before I have a child.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_5b. I wanted to complete my education before I had a child.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_6. If I rest between pregnancies, I can take better care of my family.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_7a. I can decide when I want to start having children.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_7b. I could decide when I wanted to start having children.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_8. I feel confident discussing with my husband/partner when to start having children.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_9. I can decide when to have another child.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_10a. I will be able to negotiate with my husband/partner when to stop having children.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_10b. I can negotiate with my husband/partner when to stop having children.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Now I'm going to ask you a series of statements about sexual activity. Please indicate how much you think these statements could apply to you by indicating how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement. If you are not now living with a husband/partner, you can refer to your situation with your last husband/partner. Some will seem similar but we would like you to consider each one as different. We can pause at any time. If you do not feel comfortable answering any of the statements, let me know and I will move onto the next statement.
WGE_11. If I refuse sex with my husband/partner, he may stop supporting me.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_12. If I refuse sex with my husband/partner, he may force me to have sex.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_13. If I refuse sex with my husband/partner, he may physically hurt me.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_14. If I show my husband/partner that I want to have sex, he may consider me promiscuous.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_15. I am confident I can tell my husband/partner when I want to have sex.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_16. I am able to decide when to have sex.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_17. If I do not want to have sex, I can tell my husband/partner.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
WGE_18. If I do not want to have sex, I am capable of avoiding it with my husband/partner.
[] Disagree (2)
[] Neither agree nor disagree (3)
[] Agree (4)
[] Strongly agree (5)
[] Do not know
[] No response
Section 7 ? Violence Against Women and Girls
We know that relationships can sometimes have conflict and difficulty. These next questions ask about conflicts you may have had in relationships. Remember, you can skip any question you do not want to answer.
VIO_1a. Were you able to obtain complete privacy?
[] No
VIO_1. In the last 12 months, has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
a. Insulted you, yelled at you, screamed or made humiliating remarks?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_1. In the last 12 months, has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
b. Slapped, hit or physically hurt you?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_1. In the last 12 months, has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
c. Threatened with a weapon or attempted to strangle or kill you?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_1. In the last 12 months, has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
d. Pressured or insisted on having sex when you did not want to (without physical force)?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_1. In the last 12 months, has your husband/partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
e. Physically forced you to have sex when you did not want to?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_2a. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Insulted you, yelled at you, screamed or made humiliating remarks?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_2b. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Slapped, hit or physically hurt you?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_2c. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Threatened with a weapon or attempted to strangle or kill you?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_2d. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Pressured or insisted on having sex when you did not want to (without physical force)?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_2e. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Physically forced you to have sex when you did not want to?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_4. In the last 12 months, has a member of your household that is not your spouse or partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
VIO_4a. Insulted you, yelled at you, screamed or made humiliating remarks?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_4. In the last 12 months, has a member of your household that is not your spouse or partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
VIO_4b. Slapped, hit or physically hurt you?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_4. In the last 12 months, has a member of your household that is not your spouse or partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
VIO_4c. Threatened with a weapon or attempted to strangle or kill you?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_4. In the last 12 months, has a member of your household that is not your spouse or partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
VIO_4d. Pressured or insisted on having sex when you did not want to (without physical force)?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_4. In the last 12 months, has a member of your household that is not your spouse or partner:
1 = Yes
0 = No
-99 = No Response
VIO_4e. Physically forced you to have sex when you did not want to?
[] 0
[] -99
VIO_5a. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Insulted you, yelled at you, screamed or made humiliating remarks?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_5b. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Slapped, hit or physically hurt you?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_5c. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Threatened with a weapon or attempted to strangle or kill you?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_5d. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Pressured or insisted on having sex when you did not want to (without physical force)?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_5e. How many times has this happened in the last 12 months?
Physically forced you to have sex when you did not want to?
[] 1-2 times
[] 3 to 10 times
[] More than 10 times
[] Every day or almost
[] No response
VIO_7. Thinking about the experiences of relationship conflict we have just discussed, have you tried to seek help in the last 12 months?
[] No
[] No response
VIO_8. From whom have you sought help?
Probe: Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] Husband?s/partner?s family
[] Current/former husband/partner
[] Current/former boyfriend
[] Friend
[] Neighbor
[] Religious leader
[] Doctor/medical personnel
[] Police
[] Lawyer
[] Social service organization
[] Violence support program or hotline
[] No response
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with me. I know it may have been difficult for you to talk about your experiences with me. If you would like to talk further about these experiences, I can refer you to a place that can provide you with help.
VIO_9. Did you have to interrupt the interview during this section because some adult was trying to listen, came into the room, or interfered in any other way?
VIO_9a. Husband / partner?
[] Yes, more than once
[] No
VIO_9. Did you have to interrupt the interview during this section because some adult was trying to listen, came into the room, or interfered in any other way?
VIO_9b. Other male adult?
[] Yes, more than once
[] No
VIO_9. Did you have to interrupt the interview during this section because some adult was trying to listen, came into the room, or interfered in any other way?
VIO_9c. Female adult?
[] Yes, more than once
[] No
801. Thank you for the time you have kindly granted us.
Would you be willing to participate in another survey one year from now?
[] No
[] No response
802. Do you have access to a phone?
[] No
[] No response
803a. Can I have your primary phone number in case we would like to follow up with you in the future?
[] No
[] No response
803b. What is your primary phone number?
Enter an 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
803d. Is this your personal phone number?
A personal phone is not shared with other people.
[] No
[] No response
804a. Can I have your secondary phone number in case we would like to follow up with you in the future?
[] No
[] No response
804b. What is your secondary phone number?
Enter an 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
804d. Is this your personal phone number?
A personal phone is not shared with other people.
[] No
[] No response
805. Is {firstname} the name you go by in your household?
[] No
[] No response
806. What is the name you go by in your household?
807. Is {firstname} the name you go by in your community?
[] No
[] No response
808. What is the name you go by in your community?
Thank the respondent for her time.
The respondent is finished, but there are still more questions for you to complete outside the home.
Thank you.
There are still more questions for you to complete outside the home.
Location and Questionnaire result
Take a GPS point near the entrance to the household. Record location when the accuracy is smaller than 6 m.
096. How many times have you visited this household to interview this female respondent?
[] 2nd time
[] 3rd time
097. In what language was this interview conducted?
[] Kiswahili
[] Other
Record the result of the questionnaire.
Check answer to 006 and consent.
[] Not at home
[] Postponed
[] Refused
[] Partly completed
[] Incapacitated
[] Deceased
[] Moved out of study area