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Uganda Round 6 - Female Questionnaire

001. a. Are you in the correct household? EA: [EA entered in the Household Questionnaire] Structure #: [Structure entered in the Household Questionnaire] Household #: [Household entered in the Household Questionnaire]

[] Yes
[] No

00. 2. Enter your name below.
Please record your name

003. b. Record the correct date and time.

Day: ___
Month: ___
Year: ___

The following information is from the Household Questionnaire. Please review to make sure you are interviewing the correct respondent. [ODK will display the LIST OF GEOGRAPHIES ENTERED, Enumeration Area, Structure Number, and Household Number entered into the Household Questionnaire linked to this Female Questionnaire.] Is the above information correct?

Enumeration Area: [EA]
Structure number: [#]
Household number: [#]

004. b. Is the above information correct?

[] Yes
[] No

00. 5.
CHECK: You should be attempting to interview [Name of the interviewee]. Is that correct?
If misspelled, select "yes" and update the name in question "011." If this is the wrong person, you have two options: (1) exit and ignore changes to this form. Open the correct form. Or (2) find and interview the person whose name appears above.
[] Yes
[] No

00. 6. Is the respondent present and available to be interviewed today?

[] Yes
[] No

00. 7. How well acquainted are you with the respondent?

[] Very well acquainted
[] Well acquainted
[] Not well acquainted
[] Not acquainted

00. 8. Has the respondent previously participated in PMA 2020 surveys?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

Find the woman between the age of 15-49 associated with this Female Respondent Questionnaire. The interview must have auditory privacy. Read the greeting on the next screen:
Nyabo, Amanya nze ___________________ era nga nkola ne Makerere University School of Public Health ekolagana ne Minisitule ey'obulamu wamu n'ekitongole ky'eggwanga ekikola ku miwendo. Tukola okunonyeraza nga tubuuza abakyala ebibuuzo ebikwata ku by'okuzala. Tujjakusima nnyo nga wetabye mu kunonyeraza kuno. By'onotuddamu bijja ku tuyamba okutegeza gavumenti ngeri enungi jeyinza okuteekatekera eb'yobulamu. Ebibuuzo biyinza okutwala wakati wedakiika 15 ne 20. Byona by'onotuddamu bijjakukumibwa nga byakyama era tebijja kulagibwako muntu yena okujako abali mukononyeraza kuno bokka. Okwetaba mukunonyeraza kuno kwakyeyagalire, era singa osanga ekibuuzo kyona ky'otayagala kuddamu, ntegeza tugende ku kibuuzo ekirala; oba osobola okuyimiriza okuddamu ebibuuzo esawa yonna. Naye ate, tusuubira nti ojakwetaba mukunonyera kuno olw'okuba nti ebiriwoozo byo by'amugaso. Mu kasera kano oyina ky'oyagala okumbuza kyona ekitwata ku kunonyereza kuno?
['Apwoyo, an nyinga atye katic ki dul me Makerere University, School of Public Health karacel ki Ministri me yot kom, ki bene Uganda Bureau of Statistics. Watye ka kwedo tyen lok ma pat- pat madok ikom yot kom pa mon. Wabipwoyo matek kace ibedo ikwedo tyen lok man. Tam man bikonyo wa me miyo ngec bot gamente me goyo pulan maber me miyo kony me yot kom. Kwedo tyen lok man tero dakika maromo 15 onyo 20 keken. Tam mo keken ma imiyo kibi gwoko imung madit bot wan lukwed tyen lok man keken.\nBedo i kwedo tyen lok man tye i miti ni, dok bene ka wa oo i lapeny mo keken ma pe imito gamone ci wek ange ci abi mede ki lapeny mukene. Ento wageno ni ibi yee bedo i kwedo tyen lok man pi en tam ma megi pire tek.\nKombedi itye ki lapeny mo keken ikom kwedo tyen lok man?']

009. a. Provide a paper copy of the Consent Form to the respondent and explain it. Then, ask: May I begin the interview now?

01. 0. Interviewer's name Please record your name as a witness to the consent process. You previously entered "[Interviewer's name]."

Section 1 - Respondent's Background, Marital Status, Household characteristics
Now I would like to ask about your background and socioeconomic conditions.

101. In what month and year were you born? The age in the household roster is [AGE]
101. In what month and year were you born?

[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

10. 2. How old were you at your last birthday?

103. What is the highest level of school you attended?
Only record formal schooling. Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Never attended
[] Primary
[] 'O' Level
[] 'A' Level
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Do not know
[] No response

10. 4. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?
Probe: If no, ask whether the respondent is divorced, separated, or widowed.
[] Yes, currently married
[] Yes, living with a man
[] Not currently in union: Divorced / separated
[] Not currently in union: Widow
[] No, never in union
[] No response

10. 5. Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once?

[] Only once
[] More than once
[] No response

106a. In what month and year did you start living with your FIRST husband / partner?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
Year: ____

106. b.
CHECK: Based on the response you entered in 106a, the respondent was possibly 15 years old or younger at the time of her first marriage. Did you enter 106a correctly?

[] Yes
[] No

107. a. Now I would like to ask about when you started living with your CURRENT or MOST RECENT husband / partner. In what month and year was that?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

107. b. CHECK: Based on the response you entered in 107a, the respondent was possibly 15 years old or younger at the time of her current or most recent marriage. Did you enter 107a correctly?

[] Yes
[] No

10. 8. Does your husband / partner have other wives or does he live with other women as if married?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

Section 5 - Water
Now I would like to ask about your water practices

50. 1. On a typical day in the DRY season, how much time do you spend collecting water?
Only record respondent's time; not anyone else's time. If you select minutes or hours you will enter a number for X on the next screen
[] X minutes per day
[] X hours per day
[] No time, someone else collects water
[] No time, No one collects water
[] Don't know
[] No response

501. Enter [# minutes per day / hours per day]: ____

50. 2. On a typical day in the WET season, how much time do you spend collecting water?
Only record respondent's time; not anyone else's time. If you select minutes or hours you will enter a number for X on the next screen
[] X minutes per day
[] X hours per day
[] No time, someone else collects water
[] No time, No one collects water
[] Don't know
[] No response

50. 2. Enter [# minutes per day / hours per day]:
Either: 1-24 hours or 1-180 minutes.

Section 2 - Reproduction, Pregnancy and Fertility Preferences
Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life.

20. 0. Have you ever given birth?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

20. 1. How many times have you given birth?
Enter -99 for no response.

205. When was your FIRST birth?
Please record the date of the FIRST birth. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed.
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

206. When was your MOST RECENT birth?
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

210. a. Are you pregnant now?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Unsure
[] No response

210b. How many months pregnant are you?
The most recent birth was: [Date of most recent birth]
Please record the number of completed months. Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for No response.

20. 9. When did your last menstrual period start?
If you select days, weeks, months, or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen. Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.
[] X days ago
[] X weeks ago
[] X months ago
[] X years ago
[] Menopausal / Hysterectomy
[] Before last birth
[] Never menstruated
[] No response

209. a. Enter [days / weeks / months / years]
Enter 0 days for today, not 0 weeks/months/years.

213. a. Now I would like to ask a question about your last birth.
At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any more children at all?

[] Then
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response

213. b. Now I would like to ask a question about your current pregnancy.
At the time you became pregnant, did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any children at all?

[] Then
[] Later
[] Not at all
[] No response

Now I have some questions about the future.

211. a. Would you like to have a child or would you prefer not to have any children?

[] Have a child
[] Prefer no children
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Don't know
[] No response

211. a. Would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any more children?

[] Have another child
[] No more
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Don't know
[] No response

211. b. After the child you are expecting now, would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any more children?

[] Have another child
[] No more
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Undecided / Don't know
[] No response

212. a. How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of a child?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select "Years" if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X months
[] X years
[] Soon/now
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response

212. b. After the birth of the child you are expecting now, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child?
If you select months or years, you will enter a number for X on the next screen.
Select "Years" if more than 36 months.
Please check that you correctly entered the value for months/years.
[] X months
[] X years
[] Soon/now
[] Says she can't get pregnant
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response

212. c. Enter the number of [Months OR Years] you would like to wait: ____

PNL_001. Does your husband/partner want to have a/another child within two years?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Unsure
[] No response

PNL_002. In the next few weeks, if you discovered that you were pregnant, would that be a big problem, a small problem, or no problem for you?

[] Big
[] Small
[] No problem
[] No response

Section 3 - Contraception
Now I would like to talk about family planning - the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy.
An image will appear on the screen for some methods. If the respondent says that she has not heard of the method or if she hesitates to answer, read the probe aloud and show her the image, if available.

301. a. Have you ever heard of female sterilization?
PROBE: Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. b. Have you ever heard of male sterilization?
PROBE: Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. c. Have you ever heard of the contraceptive implant?
PROBE: Women can have one or several small rods placed in her upper arm by a doctor or nurse, which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. d. Have you ever heard of the IUD?
PROBE: Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. e. Have you ever heard of injectables?
PROBE: Women can have an injection by a health provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. f. Have you ever heard of the (birth control) pill?
PROBE: Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. g. Have you ever heard of emergency contraception?
PROBE: As an emergency measure after unprotected sexual intercourse women can take special pills at any time within three to five days to prevent pregnancy.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. h. Have you ever heard of condoms?
PROBE: Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. i. Have you ever heard of female condoms?
PROBE: Women can put a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. j. Have you ever heard of the diaphragm?
PROBE: Women can place a thin flexible disk in their vagina before sexual intercourse.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. k. Have you ever heard of foam or jelly as a contraceptive method? PROBE: Women can place a suppository, jelly, or cream in their vagina before sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. l. Have you ever heard of the standard days method or Cycle Beads?
PROBE: A Woman can use a string of colored beads to know the days she can get pregnant. On the days she can get pregnant, she and her partner use a condom or do not have sexual intercourse.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. m. Have you ever heard of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method or LAM?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. n. Have you ever heard of the rhythm method?
PROBE: Women can avoid pregnancy by not having sexual intercourse on the days of the month they think they can get pregnant.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. o. Have you ever heard of the withdrawal method?
PROBE: Men can be careful and pull out before climax.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

301. p. Have you ever heard of any other ways or methods that women or men can use to avoid pregnancy?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

302. a. Are you or your partner currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

302. b. Which method or methods are you using?
PROBE: Anything else?
Select all methods mentioned. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM to see all choices.
[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

LCL_301. PROBE: Was the injection administered via syringe or small needle?
Show the image to the respondent.
[] Syringe
[] Small needle (Sayana Press)
[] No Response

302. c. Does your husband/partner know that you are using [CURRENT METHOD]?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

302. c. Does your husband/partner know that you are using family planning?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_003. Is your husband/partner supportive of you using family planning?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No partner
[] Do not know
[] No response

30. 3. Did the provider tell you or your partner that this method was permanent?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

305. a. You said that you are not currently using a contraceptive method. Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant at any time in the future?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

305. b. Do you think you will use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant at any time in the future?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_004. When do you think you will start using a method?

[] In less than 12 months
[] In 1 or 2 years
[] In more than 2 years
[] No response

PNL_005. Would your husband/partner be supportive of you using family planning?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No partner
[] Do not know
[] No response

306. a. In the last 12 months, have you ever done something or used a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

306. b. Which method did you use most recently?
PROBE: Anything else?
Select most effective method (highest method in list). Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

LCL_302. PROBE: Was the injection administered via syringe or small needle?
Show the image to the respondent.

[] Syringe
[] Small needle (Sayana Press)
[] No Response

30. 7. Before you started using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD], had you discussed the decision to delay or avoid pregnancy with your husband/partner?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

30. 8. Would you say that using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband/partner's decision or did you both decide together?

[] Mainly respondent
[] Mainly husband/partner
[] Joint decision
[] Other
[] No response

308. a. The last time you received your [CURRENT METHOD /MOST RECENT METHOD], how much did you have to pay out of pocket, including any fees paid for the method, supplies or services, and transportation?
Enter all prices in Ugandan shillings. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.

309a. Since what month and year have you been using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD] without stopping?
Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
Most Recent Birth: [mm-yyyy]
Current Marriage: [mm-yyyy]
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

309b. When did you stop using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD]?
Please record the date. The date should be found by calculating backwards from memorable events if needed.
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate No Response.
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

309c. In what month and year had you started using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD] before stopping?
Calculate backwards from memorable events if needed.
Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate No Response.
Most Recent Birth: [mm-yyyy]
Current Marriage: [mm-yyyy]
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

309. d. CHECK: Just to make sure I have this correct, you used [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD] continuously between [START DATE] and [END DATE] without stopping, is that correct?

[] Yes
[] No

Suggested probes: - When was the last time you used [METHOD]? - How long had you been using [METHOD] without stopping

31. 0. Why did you stop using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD?]

[] Infrequent sex / husband away
[] Became pregnant while using
[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Husband / partner disapproved
[] Wanted a more effective method
[] No method available
[] Health concerns
[] Fear of side effects
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Fatalistic
[] Difficult to get pregnant / menopausal
[] Interferes with body's processes
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response

311. a. You first started using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD] on [DATE FROM FQ309a OR 309c].
Where did you or your partner get it at that time?
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Govt. Hospital
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Public Family Planning Clinic
[] Public Outreach
[] Public Fieldwork/VHT
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private Doctor
[] Private Outreach
[] Private Fieldwork/VHT
[] Other Private
[] Shop
[] Church
[] Friend/relative
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No Response

PNL_006. When you obtained your [CURRENT /RECENT METHOD], did the provider ask you about your prior experience with contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

312. a. When you obtained your [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD], were you told by the provider about side effects or problems you might have with a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_007. According to the provider, what are the possible side effects or problems related to the use of this method?
Do NOT read the response options out LOUD.
Select all that apply.
[] Less bleeding or no bleeding
[] Heavier bleeding
[] Irregular bleeding
[] Spotting
[] Uterine cramping/ Lower abdominal pain
[] Weight gain
[] Weight loss
[] Facial spotting
[] Headaches
[] Infection
[] Nausea/vomiting
[] Increased menstrual cramping
[] Delayed return to fertility
[] Lowered sex drive
[] Vaginal dryness
[] Infertility/sterility
[] Method gets lost inside body
[] General body weakness
[] Diarrhea
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

312. b. Were you told what to do if you experienced side effects or problems?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_008a. Were you told that if you experienced these side effects you could switch to a different method of contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

31. 3. At that time, were you told by the family planning provider about methods of family planning other than the [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD] that you could use?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

314. a. During that visit, did you obtain the method you wanted to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

314. c. Why didn't you obtain the method you wanted?

[] Method out of stock that day
[] Method not available at all
[] Provider not trained to provide the method
[] Provider recommended a different method
[] Not eligible for method
[] Decided not to adopt a method
[] Too costly
[] Other
[] No response

315. a. During that visit, who made the final decision about what method you got?

[] You alone
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

315. b. Who made the final decision to use rhythm?

[] You alone
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

315. b. Who made the final decision to use LAM?

[] You alone
[] Provider
[] Partner
[] You and provider
[] You and partner
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_008b. Did the provider tell you that if you do not take the pill every day, your chances of becoming pregnant are higher?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_008c. Did the provider tell you that if you are more than two weeks late for your shot, your chances of becoming pregnant are higher?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

31. 6. Would you return to this provider? Provider: [Type of provider selected in 311a or 311b]

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

31. 7. Would you refer your relative or friend to this provider / facility? Provider: [Type of provider selected in 311a or 311b]

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_100. How many visits did you have to make to get ${current_recent_label} at that time? Enter -88 for Don't know Enter -99 for No response

GGR_101a. How long did you have to wait in the facility to get your ${current_recent_label} at that time?
Enter -88 in both minutes and hours for Don't know Enter -99 in both minutes and hours for No response

GGR_101b. What was the longest you had to wait in the facility to get ${current_recent_label} during one of these visits?
Enter -88 in both minutes and hours for Don't know Enter -99 in both minutes and hours for No response
Minutes ___
Hours ___

SW_1a. Right before you started using [CURRENT METHOD / MOST RECENT METHOD] in [MONTH/YEAR], were you doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

SW_1b. Which method were you using?

[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

PP_1. Since the birth of your child in [DATE OF MOST RECENT BIRTH], have you ever done something or used any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PP_2. How long after the birth in [DATE OF MOST RECENT BIRTH] did you start doing something or start using a method?
Enter 0 days for today. You will enter a number for X on the next screen.
[] X days after
[] X weeks after
[] X months after
[] X years after
[] No response

PP_2. Enter [METHOD].
If today, enter zero days only, not zero weeks/months/years.

PP_3. What was the method?

[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

31. 9. Have you ever done anything or tried in any way to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

32. 0. How old were you when you first used a method to delay or avoid getting pregnant? The respondent said she was [AGE] years old at her last birthday.
Enter the age in years. Enter -88 if the respondent does not know. Enter -99 if there is no response. Cannot be younger than 9.

32. 1. How many living children did you have at that time, if any? Note: the respondent said that she gave birth [NUMBER OF LIFE BIRTHS] times in 201.
Enter -99 for no response.

32. 2. Which method did you first use to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
Do not read the method choices. Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

LCL_322a. PROBE: Was the injection administered via syringe or small needle?
Show the image to the respondent.

[] Syringe
[] Small needle (Sayana Press)
[] No Response

PNL_009. Which method did you use most recently?
Do not read the method choices. Be sure to scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

PNL_010. When did you stop using ${ever_rec_method}?
If you select days, weeks, months or years, you will enter a number for x on the next screen.
[] X days ago
[] X weeks ago
[] X months ago
[] X years ago
[] No response

PNL_010. Enter ${ever_rec_method_stop_lab}.
If today, enter zero days only, not zero weeks/months/years.

322. a. Have you used emergency contraception at any time in the last 12 months?
PROBE: As an emergency measure after unprotected sexual intercourse women can take special pills at any time within three to five days to prevent pregnancy.

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

323a. You said that you do not want a child soon and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
323a. You said that you do not want another child soon and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
323. a. You said that you do not want any children and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
323. a. You said that you do not want any more children and that you are not using a method to avoid pregnancy.
Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy?
PROBE: Any other reason?
RECORD ALL REASONS MENTIONED Cannot select "Not Married" if 104 is "Yes, currently married".
Scroll to bottom to see all choices.
[] Not married
[] Infrequent sex / Not having sex
[] Menopausal / Hysterectomy
[] Subfecund / Infecund
[] Not menstruated since last birth
[] Breastfeeding
[] Husband away for multiple days
[] Up to God / fatalistic
[] Respondent opposed
[] Husband / partner opposed
[] Others opposed
[] Religious prohibition
[] Knows no method
[] Knows no source
[] Fear of side effects
[] Health concerns
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Preferred method not available
[] No method available
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Interferes with body's processes
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response

323. b. Would you say that not using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband/partner's decision or did you both decide together?

[] Mainly respondent
[] Mainly husband/partner
[] Joint decision
[] Other
[] No response

32. 4. In the last 12 months, were you visited by a community health worker who talked to you about family planning?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

325. a. In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility or camp for care for yourself?
For any health services.
[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

325. a. In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility or camp for care for yourself or your children?
For any health services.
[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

325. b. Did any staff member at the health facility speak to you about family planning methods?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

326. In the last few months have you:

326a. Heard about family planning on the radio?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No Response

326b. Seen anything about family planning on the television?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No Response

326c. Read about family planning in a newspaper or magazine?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No Response

326d. Received a voice or text message about family planning on a mobile phone?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No Response

Section 4 - Sexual Activity
Now I would like to ask some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues. Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question.

401a. How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse?
Current age: [AGE]
Number of live births: [NUMBER OF LIFE BIRTHS]
The respondent is pregnant
Enter the age in years.
Enter -77 if she has never had sex. Enter -99 for no response. Enter 88 for do not know.

402. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?

40. 2. Enter [# days / weeks / months / years].
If today, enter zero days only, not zero weeks/months/years.
Must agree with the age of first sexual intercourse and the pregnancy status.

Section - Panel Questions
Now I want to talk about contraceptive use over time. I am asking these questions to understand the reasons why women may switch or stop using a methods.

PNL_011. Some people try a method and then don't use it again, or stop using it, because they are not satisfied with the method. Did you ever stop using a method because you were not satisfied with it in some way?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_012. Are you satisfied with the method you are currently using?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_013. Have you ever experienced any side effects from a method of contraception?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_014. What side-effects have you experienced?
Do not read out the response options
[] Less bleeding or no bleeding
[] Heavier bleeding
[] Irregular bleeding
[] Spotting
[] Uterine cramping/ Lower abdominal pain
[] Weight gain
[] Weight loss
[] Facial spotting
[] Headaches
[] Infection
[] Nausea/vomiting
[] Increased menstrual cramping
[] Delayed return to fertility
[] Lowered sex drive
[] Vaginal dryness
[] Infertility/sterility
[] Method gets lost inside body
[] General body weakness
[] Diarrhea
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_015. What method or methods of contraception were you using when you experienced these side effects?
Select all that apply
[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

PNL_016. Are you currently experiencing any of these side effects?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

PNL_016a. Which side effects are you currently experiencing?
Do NOT read out responses
Select all that apply
[] Less bleeding or no bleeding
[] Heavier bleeding
[] Irregular bleeding
[] Spotting
[] Uterine cramping/ Lower abdominal pain
[] Weight gain
[] Weight loss
[] Facial spotting
[] Headaches
[] Infection
[] Nausea/vomiting
[] Increased menstrual cramping
[] Delayed return to fertility
[] Lowered sex drive
[] Vaginal dryness
[] Infertility/sterility
[] Method gets lost inside body
[] General body weakness
[] Diarrhea
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_017. Whom did you talk to about the side effects you experienced?
Anyone else?
[] Spouse/partner
[] Mother
[] Father
[] Mother-in-law
[] Sister
[] Daughter
[] Other female relative
[] Male relative
[] Friend
[] Community health worker
[] Facility health worker
[] Pharmacist
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] No one
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_018. Whose advice was the most important to you when you were talking about side effects?

[] Spouse/partner
[] Mother
[] Father
[] Mother-in-law
[] Sister
[] Daughter
[] Other female relative
[] Male relative
[] Friend
[] Community health worker
[] Facility health worker
[] Pharmacist
[] Traditional healer
[] Other
[] No one
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_019. Have you experienced any of the following changes in your menstrual period since you have started using your current method?
Read all options out loud. Select all that apply.
[] Less bleeding or no bleeding
[] Heavier bleeding
[] Irregular bleeding
[] Spotting
[] No changes
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response

PNL_020. How worried are you about these changes?

[] Very worried
[] A little worried
[] Not at all worried
[] No response

Now I am going to read a few statements about family planning. Please tell me how much you agree with these statements: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree:

PNL_021. If a woman uses family planning, she can have sex without worrying about pregnancy

[] Strongly agree
[] Somewhat agree
[] Somewhat disagree
[] Strongly disagree
[] No response

PNL_022. If a woman uses family planning, she will not be able to get pregnant when she wants to

[] Strongly agree
[] Somewhat agree
[] Somewhat disagree
[] Strongly disagree
[] No response

PNL_023. It is unhealthy for women not to get periods when they are using injectables, pills, or implants

[] Strongly agree
[] Somewhat agree
[] Somewhat disagree
[] Strongly disagree
[] No response

PNL_024. Using family planning creates conflict in a couple

[] Strongly agree
[] Somewhat agree
[] Somewhat disagree
[] Strongly disagree
[] No response

PNL_025. A woman's beauty will last longer if she practices family planning

[] Strongly agree
[] Somewhat agree
[] Somewhat disagree
[] Strongly disagree
[] No response

PNL_026. It is acceptable for a woman to use family planning before she has children

[] Strongly agree
[] Somewhat agree
[] Somewhat disagree
[] Strongly disagree
[] No response

Section 6 - Confidantes Questions
The next series of questions are about women you know in Uganda. I want to remind you that your answers will be confidential. If we come to any question that you don't want to answer just let me know and I will skip to the next question.

GGR_601. I would like to talk about women with whom you share intimate secrets and who share intimate secrets with you. These women might be relatives, like sisters or aunts, or friends. These women should also be people with whom you have been close to for at least a year or more, are 15-49 years of age and live in Uganda. We will not ask you to identify the women who you tell us about. How many women do you know that fit this description?
Probe to confirm all women are: - Age 15-49 - Currently living in Uganda
Please do not give examples of what these secrets or private information might be.
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_602. Please think about the female who is most likely to share her intimate secrets with you.
This should be someone with whom you are also likely to share your intimate secrets. Picture this person. For ease of referencing this woman, please provide a fake name for her that you will be able to remember.

GGR_603. How old was she at her last birthday?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_604. What is the highest level of school she attended?
Only record formal schooling. Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.

[] Never attended
[] Primary
[] 'O' Level
[] 'A' Level
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_605a. What region does she live in?
By knowing the district select the region on this screen first and on the next screen select the district the respondent told you about.
[] Central
[] Eastern
[] Northern
[] Western
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_605b. What district does she live in?

[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_606. Please think about the female who is second most likely to share her intimate secrets with you, and with whom you are also likely to share your intimate secrets. Picture this person. Please provide a fake name for her.

GGR_607. How old was she at her last birthday?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_608. What is the highest level of school she attended?
Only record formal schooling. Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Never attended
[] Primary
[] 'O' Level
[] 'A' Level
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_609a. What region does she live in?
By knowing the district select the region on this screen first and on the next screen select the district the respondent told you about.
[] Central
[] Eastern
[] Northern
[] Western
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_609b. What district does she live in?

[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_610. Please think about the female who is third most likely to share her intimate secrets with you, and with whom you are also likely to share your intimate secrets. Picture this person. Please provide a fake name for her.

GGR_611. How old was she at her last birthday?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_612. What is the highest level of school she attended?
Only record formal schooling. Do not record bible or koranic school or short courses.
[] Never attended
[] Primary
[] 'O' Level
[] 'A' Level
[] Tertiary
[] University
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_613a. What region does she live in?
By knowing the district select the region on this screen first and on the next screen select the district the respondent told you about.
[] Central
[] Eastern
[] Northern
[] Western
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_613b. What district does she live in?

[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_614. Now I would like to ask you just a few questions about each of those females/this female. First, let's go back to ${friend1_name}. Is she using an IUD or implant?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_615. It is not uncommon for women to find that they are pregnant when they don't want to be, or when circumstances would make it difficult to have a child, and sometimes they decide to do something or take something in order to end their pregnancy. As far as you know, has ${friend1_name} ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy? Again, this information will be completely confidential.

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_616a. In what year did this last happen?
Enter '2020' for 'do not know' or 'no response'.
Year: ____

GGR_616b. If you don't know exactly, approximately how many years ago did this occur?

[] Less than 1 year ago
[] 1 to less than 3 years ago
[] 3 to less than 5 years ago
[] 5 or more years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_616c. Did ${friend1_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility in the process of ending the pregnancy?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_617. Now please think about ${friend2_name}. Is she currently using an IUD or implant?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_618. As far as you know has she ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_619a. In what year did this last happen?
Enter '2020' for 'do not know' or 'no response'.
Year: ____

GGR_619b. If you don't know exactly, approximately how many years ago did this occur?

[] Less than 1 year ago
[] 1 to less than 3 years ago
[] 3 to less than 5 years ago
[] 5 or more years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_619c. Did ${friend2_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility in the process of ending the pregnancy?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_620. Now please think about ${friend3_name}. Is she currently using an IUD or implant?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_621. As far as you know has she ever done something that intentionally ended a pregnancy?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_622a. In what year did this last happen?
Enter '2020' for 'do not know' or 'no response'.
Year: ____

GGR_622b. If you don't know exactly, approximately how many years ago did this occur?

[] Less than 1 year ago
[] 1 to less than 3 years ago
[] 3 to less than 5 years ago
[] 5 or more years ago
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_622c. Did ${friend3_name} have any health issues and go to a health facility in the process of ending the pregnancy?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

Section 7 - Network Scale Up Questions
The next series of questions are about women you know in Uganda. I want to remind you that your answers will be confidential. If we come to any question that you don't want to answer just let me know and I will skip to the next question.

GGR_700. This next set of questions will help us count the number of women who you interact with. These people should be: (a) individuals you know by sight AND name, and who also know you by sight and name. In other words, you should not consider famous people who you know about, but who do not know about you; and (b) individuals you have had some contact with - either in person, over the phone, or on the computer - in the past 12 months. These could be family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors or other people you have had contact with; and (c) individuals 15-49 of age who currently live in Uganda. Is this clear?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_701. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who gave birth in the last 12 months?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_702. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months whose most recent birth was multiples/twins?
Reminder: this is for the most recent birth Hint: 0 is a possible answer Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response

GGR_703. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who have at least one cowife?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_704. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who did any education past senior six?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_705. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who smoke a pipe or cigarette?
Reminder: Chewed doesn't count; rolled leaved that are smoked are included
Hint: 0 is a possible answer Enter -88 for don't know and 99 for no response

GGR_706. How many women have you had contact with in the last 12 months who live in a household with a thatched roof?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_707. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who live in a household that owns a car or truck?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_708. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 who live in a household that has a refrigerator?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_709. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who live in a household that owns an exotic cow?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_710. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who live in a household that owns at least one sheep?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_710a. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who live in a household that has a landline?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_710b. How many women have you had contact with in the past 12 months who live in a household that has a piped water inside the home?
Reminder: piped water in the compound does not count as piped water within the household structure
Hint: 0 is a possible answer Enter -88 for don't know and 99 for no response

GGR_711. While people use many different methods to avoid becoming pregnant, some of these methods are longer lasting than others. How many of the women you had contact with in the past 12 months are currently using IUDs or implants?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_712. It is not uncommon for women to find that they are pregnant when they don't want to be, or when circumstances would make it difficult to have a child, and sometimes they decide to do something or take something in order to end their pregnancy.
Of the women you have had contact with in the past 12 months, how many have ever done something to intentionally end a pregnancy? Again, this information will be completely confidential.
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_713. Thinking of these ${wmn_abt} women who you have had contact with in the past 12 months and who have ever ended a pregnancy, how many have ended a pregnancy in the past 12 months? Again, this information will be completely confidential.
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

Section 8 - Abortion

GGR_801. Now I would like to ask you about your own experience. Were you ever pregnant when you did not want to be, or when circumstances would have made it difficult to have a child?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_802. Did you do anything to try to stop the pregnancy?

[] Yes, succeeded
[] Yes, but failed
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_803. In what month and year did this last happen?
If respondent knows the year, but not month enter 'Do not know' for month Select 'Do not know' for month and '2020' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know

Year: ____

Date cannot be in the future.

GGR_804. Were you or your partner using a method of contraception to avoid or delay getting pregnant at the time you became pregnant?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_805. What methods were you using at the time you became pregnant? Do not read the choices. Be sure to scroll to bottom to see all choices. Select all that apply.

[] Female sterilization
[] Male sterilization
[] Implant
[] IUD
[] Injectables
[] Pill
[] Emergency Contraception
[] Male condom
[] Female condom
[] Diaphragm
[] Foam/Jelly
[] Standard Days/Cycle beads
[] LAM
[] Rhythm method
[] Withdrawal
[] No response

GGR_806. Where did you go to end the pregnancy?
PROBE: If she went to more than one place, describe the final place that she went to end the pregnancy.
Do not read the choices. Be sure to scroll to bottom to see all choices. Please record only 1 response.
[] Govt. Hospital
[] Govt. Health Center
[] Public Family Planning Clinic
[] Public Outreach
[] Public Fieldwork/VHT
[] Other Public
[] Private Hospital/Clinic
[] Pharmacy
[] Private Doctor
[] Private Outreach
[] Private Fieldwork/VHT
[] Other Private
[] Shop
[] Church
[] Friend/relative
[] Market
[] Traditional healer
[] Self
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No Response

GGR_806b. Did you have any health issues and go to a health facility in the process of ending the pregnancy?

[] Yes, I'm certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_807. Did you discuss ending this pregnancy with the females you listed in the previous section? Read each name out loud. Select all that apply
[] Friend 1: ${friend1_name}
[] Friend 2: ${friend2_name}
[] Friend 3: ${friend3_name}
[] None
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_808. Did you discuss your use of ${current_method} with the females you listed in the previous section?
Probe: Modern methods of contraception include female sterilization, male sterilization, implants, IUDs, injectables, the pill, emergency contraception, male condom, and female condom.
Read each name out loud. Select all that apply
[] Friend 1: ${friend1_name}
[] Friend 2: ${friend2_name}
[] Friend 3: ${friend3_name}
[] None
[] Do not know
[] No response

GGR_809. I want to ask you again about the women you know by sight AND name, and with whom you have had contact in the past 12 months and who are 15 to 49 years of age and live in Uganda. How many know that you ended this pregnancy?
Enter -88 for do not know, -99 for no response. 0 is a possible answer.

GGR_810. How many of these women who you had contact with in the past 12 months know that you are using an ${current_method}?
Probe: Long acting contraceptive methods includes implants and IUDs.
0 is a possible answer Enter -88 for don't know and -99 for no response

Follow-up Consent

FLW_901. Thank you for the time you have kindly granted us.
Would you be willing to participate in another survey on this or any other topic either by phone or in person at some point in the future?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

FLW_902. Do you own a phone?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

FLW_902a. Can I have your primary phone number in case we would like to follow up with you in the future?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

FLW_902b: Enter a 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
Number MUST start with 07, 04 or 03. Eg. 0700121212 or 0414232323 or 0392141414

FLW_804. To confirm, here is the number you gave me: [FLW_803]. Is that correct?
If not, return to 902b and correct it.
[] Yes
[] No

FLW_904a. Can I have your secondary phone number in case we would like to follow up with you in the future?

[] Yes
[] No
[] No response

FLW_904b: Enter a 10-digit number without the country code. Do not include spaces or dashes.
Number MUST start with 07, 04 or 03. Eg. 0700121212 or 0414232323 or 0392141414

FLW_905. To confirm, here is the number you gave me: ${flw_number_typed_sec}. Is that correct?
If not, return to 904b and correct it.

[] Yes
[] No

Thank the respondent for her time.
The respondent is finished, but there are still more questions for you to complete outside the home.

Location and Questionnaire result

09. 5. Location
Take a GPS point near the entrance to the household.
Record location when the accuracy is smaller than 6 m.

09. 6. How many times have you visited this household to interview this female respondent?

[] 1st time
[] 2nd time
[] 3rd time

09. 7. In what language was this interview conducted?

[] English
[] Ateso
[] Luganda
[] Lugbara
[] Lusoga
[] Luo
[] Runyankole-Rukiga
[] Runyoro-Rutoro
[] Ngakaramojong
[] Other

09. 9. Questionnaire Result Record the result of the questionnaire.

[] Completed
[] Not at home
[] Postponed
[] Refused
[] Partly completed
[] Incapacitated