install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages(c("ggalluvial", "ggridges")) install.packages("ipumsr") install.packages("srvyr") library(ipumsr) library(ggalluvial) library(ggridges) library(tidyverse) library(srvyr) #Make sure the data from the Stata code is in your R working directory to read it in wide_dat <- read.csv("alluvial_wide.csv") joint_tbl <- wide_dat %>% filter(! & ! & ! %>% group_by(geog) %>% summarise( .groups = "keep", cur_data() %>% as_survey_design(weight = fullpanelweight, id = eaid_1, strata = strata_1) %>% group_by(interact(gen_cat_1, gen_cat_2, gen_cat_3)) %>% summarise(joint = survey_mean(prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit", vartype = "ci")) ) joint_tbl2 <- joint_tbl %>% rowid_to_column("alluvium") %>% pivot_longer( c(gen_cat_1, gen_cat_2, gen_cat_3), names_to = "x", values_to = "stratum" ) %>% mutate(x = ifelse(x == "gen_cat_1", "Phase 1", ifelse(x == "gen_cat_2", "Phase 2", "Phase 3"))) %>% arrange(x, alluvium) pma_alluvial <- function( title = "Fertility preferences across three longitudinal phases", # an optional title subtitle = "Four Sub-Saharan countries, 2019-2021", # an optional subtitle xaxis = NULL, # an optional label for the x-axis (displayed below) yaxis = "Weighted percent" # an optional label for the y-axis (displayed left) ){ components <- list( theme( plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#541E5A", hjust = 0.5, mar = margin(b = 5)), plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 15, hjust = 0.5, margin = margin(b = 20)), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10, margin = margin(t = 5, b = 10)), strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14, margin = margin(b = 5)), plot.margin = margin(0, 100, 0, 100), legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank(), legend.spacing.x = unit(10, "pt"), legend.text=element_text(size=14), panel.grid = element_blank() ), labs( title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = xaxis, y = str_wrap(yaxis, 10), ), scale_fill_manual(values = c( "Don't know" = "#B4B3B3", "No more children" = "#4E4F71", "Wants a child" = "#EFD372" )), scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) ) } status_alluvial <- joint_tbl2 %>% ggplot(aes( x = x, y = joint, fill = stratum, stratum = stratum, alluvium = alluvium )) + geom_flow() + geom_stratum(size = 0) + facet_wrap(~geog, scales = "free_x", nrow = 2) + pma_alluvial() status_alluvial status_alluvial2 <- joint_tbl2 %>% filter(country == 7 | country == 9) %>% ggplot(aes( x = x, y = joint, fill = stratum, stratum = stratum, alluvium = alluvium )) + geom_flow() + geom_stratum(size = 0) + facet_wrap(~geog, scales = "free_x", nrow = 1) + pma_alluvial()