Questionnaire Text

Burkina Faso 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2021
Cote d'Ivoire 2020b
Niger 2022
Nigeria 2019c
Burkina Faso 2021
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743. How long had you been pregnant when you ended the pregnancy

[] X weeks
[] X months
[] Do not know
[] No response

Enter {pregnant_how_long_lab}

How long had you been pregnant when you ended the pregnancy

Congo (Democratic Republic) 2021
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
ABT_43. Enter {pregnant_how_long_lab}

How long had you been pregnant when you ended the pregnancy

Weeks (0-40) or Months (0-9)

Congo (Democratic Republic) 2021
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
ABT_43. Enter {pregnant_how_long_lab}

How long had you been pregnant when you ended the pregnancy

Weeks (0-40) or Months (0-9)

Cote d'Ivoire 2020b
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
108a. How long had you been pregnant at the time?

[] X weeks
[] X months
[] Do not know
[] No response

108a. Enter {preg_duration_lab}

How long had you been pregnant at the time?

Enter -88 if Do not know, -99 if No response.

Niger 2022
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 

Nigeria 2019c
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
108a. How long had you been pregnant at the time?

[] X weeks
[] X months
[] Do not know
[] No response

108a. Enter {preg_duration_lab}

How long had you been pregnant at the time?

Enter -88 if Do not know, -99 if No response.