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Codes and Frequencies

An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample

1120Government hospitalXX
1160Government health centerXX
1310Family planning clinic, publicXX
1610Field worker, public··
1900Other, public··
2000Private hospital / clinicXX
2010Private hospital··
2050Mobile clinic, private··
2210Private doctor·X
2330Chemical/drug store·X
2620Fieldworker, private··
2900Other, privateX·
3010NGO or Trust hospital/clinic··
4013Street vendor·X
4410Health agent or community health worker (not specified as public or private)X·
4420Friend / relativeXX
4440Traditional healer·X
9995Not interviewed (female questionnaire)··
9997Don't knowXX
9999NIU (not in universe)XX