This is a 2-digit variable that represents an age, except for the following codes:
90 = Logical edit - missing
95 = Not interviewed (female questionnaire)
96 = Not interviewed (household questionnaire)
97 = Don't know
98 = No response or missing
99 = NIU (not in universe)
AGEFRND reports the age of the woman's close female friend.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
- Burkina Faso 2021 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have at least one close female friend aged 15-49.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2021 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who consented to answer questions on relational and reproductive experiences of women in their community and who have at least one close female friend aged 15-49.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2021 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who consented to answer questions on relational and reproductive experiences of women in their community and who have at least one close female friend aged 15-49.
- Niger 2022 Phase 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who consented to answer questions on relational and reproductive experiences of women in their community and who have at least one close female friend aged 15-49.
- Burkina Faso: 2021
- Congo (Democratic Republic): 2021
- Niger: 2022