1 = Infrequent sex / husband away
2 = Became pregnant while using
3 = Wanted to become pregnant
4 = Husband / partner disapproved
5 = Wanted more effective method
6 = Side effects / health concerns
7 = Lack of access / too far
8 = Costs too much
9 = Inconvenient to use
10 = Up to God / fatalistic
11 = Difficult to get pregnant / menopausal
12 = Marital dissolution / separation
96 = Other
99 = NIU (not in universe)
CALENDARINWHY contains retrospective calendar data for why the woman stopped using a family planning method for a period of time prior to the female interview. These data are in parallel to the data contained in CALENDARIN, and are contained in a comma delimited string reading from right to left chronologically.
For India 2020, this variable represents the 3 years prior to the female interview, starting in December 2017 going to the month of the interview (August through October 2020).
For India 2021, this variable represents the 3 years prior to the female interview, starting in January 2019 going to the month of the interview (September through December 2021).
See the Codes tab for a list of the codes and meanings. Our user note on calendar data contains Stata code to convert this string variable into wide or long form numeric variables.
- Women aged 15-49 who are pregnant, or have used family planning, given birth, or had a pregnancy end within the past 3 years, excluding women who started using their current family planning method more than 3 years ago.
- India: 2020-2022