This is a 5-digit variable that represents a number of cattle or horses on the homestead, except for the following codes:
99990 = Logical edit
99996 = Not interviewed (household questionnaire)
99997 = Don't know
99998 = No response
99999 = NIU (not in universe)
CATTLEHORSEHOME reports the total number of cattle, horses, and donkeys on the household's homestead, regardless of who owns them.
Users should be careful to distinguish this variable from CATTLEHOME (the number of just cattle on the homestead).
Enumerators were instructed to code "Don't know" or "No response" cases as -88 and -99, respectively. However, in some samples, a select number of enumerators recorded an unexpectedly high number of 88 and 99 values for livestock variables. We believe the majority of these cases were intended to represent "don't know" and "no responses" instead of indicating a number of livestock. IPUMS has recoded these cases to "Logical edit - missing".
The question associated with this variable was included in the household questionnaire.
- Persons in households with livestock on the homestead.
- Congo (Democratic Republic): 2013
- Ghana: 2013
Questionnaire Text
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2013 |
Ghana 2013 |
The household does not need to own the livestock recorded here.
Chickens, ducks or geese___
Cattle, horses, or donkeys___
Pigs ___
Other ___