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Sixth-youngest child had diarrhea in last 7 days

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For women who are primary caregivers for at least six children in the household under age 5, DIARRECENT6 indicates whether their sixth-youngest child had diarrhea in the last 7 days.

In determining whether the child had diarrhea, PMA2020 surveys note:

"Diarrhea is determined as perceived by mother/ caretaker. If the respondent is not sure what we mean by diarrhea, tell her it means 'three or more runny stools per day.'"

The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.


There are no comparability issues.

Comparability with IPUMS-DHS

DIARRECENT6 is similar to the variable DIARRECENT in IPUMS-DHS. IPUMS-PMA users should note the IPUMS-DHS variable reports if the child had diarrhea in the last 24 hours, in the last two weeks, or did not have diarrhea at all. Additionally, in the IPUMS-DHS variable, children are the unit of analysis in that each record represents a child under age 5, whereas women are the unit of analysis in the IPUMS-PMA variable. See the Survey Text and Universe Tab of the IPUMS-DHS variable for more info.


  • Women age 15-49 who are the primary caregivers for at least 6 children under age 5.


  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2015
  • Ghana: 2014-2015
  • Kenya: 2015
  • Nigeria: 2017