FAMILYID is a 4-digit numeric variable that represents the family number of the household member within a household, except for the following values:
9995 = No consent given (female questionnaire)
9996 = No consent given (household questionnaire)
9998 = No response or missing
FAMILYID identifies which family unit within the household the individual belongs to, because there can be more than one family within a household. Households are defined as a group of people who live and eat together in the same dwelling. A family is a group of people who live and eat in the same dwelling and are related by blood or marriage. In defining families using the FAMILYID variable, enumerators sometimes broke up groups of relatives into related subfamilies, each given their own FAMILY ID, as specified below.
Enumerators were instructed to define each family group within a household according to the following list of rules based on marriage and childrearing:
Draw a family tree while you are completing the household roster.
ii. If she has at least one child, she and her child are assigned a new Family ID
- All persons.
- Burkina Faso: 2014-2016
- Congo (Democratic Republic): 2014-2016
- Ethiopia: 2014-2016
- Ghana: 2013-2015
- Indonesia: 2015
- Kenya: 2014-2015
- Niger: 2015-2016
- Nigeria: 2014-2015
- Uganda: 2014-2016