Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
01 | Very difficult | X |
02 | Difficult | X |
03 | Easy | X |
04 | Very easy | X |
95 | Not interviewed (female questionnaire) | · |
96 | Not interviewed (household questionnaire) | · |
98 | No response or missing | X |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | · |
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HLTHCAREEASE1 reports how easy or difficult it would be for the woman to get the care she needed if she were to get sick tomorrow.
Users may compare this variable to HLTHCAREEASE2, which reports how confident the woman is that she would be able to receive effective treatment from the health care system if she or her child were to get sick tomorrow.
This question is included as part of the Primary Health Care module, which is included in certain female questionnaires. These questions pertain to the woman's attitudes towards and utilization of health care services.
- Women aged 15-49.
- Ghana: 2016
Questionnaire Text
Ghana 2016 |
Read the question and answer choices out loud and ask the respondent to pick the best answer.
[] Difficult
[] Easy
[] Very easy
[] No response