IMPVNUMMO is a 5-digit-numeric variable except for the following codes:
99994: Not interviewed (SDP questionnaire)
99997: Don't know
99998: No response or missing
99999: NIU (not in universe)
IMPVNUMMO reports the total number of family planning visits in the last completed month, from new and returning clients, for implants as recorded in the family planning register at service delivery points that supply implants.
Enumerators were instructed to code "Don't know" or "No response" cases as -88 and -99, respectively. However, in some samples, a select number of enumerators recorded an unexpectedly high number of 88 and 99 values for this variable. It is possible that some or all of these cases may represent "Don't know" or "No response" rather than 88 or 99 contraceptive visits. In this case, IPUMS has not provided any further data editing, but data users may want to make their own edits.
The question associated with this variable was included in the service delivery point questionnaire.
Not avaliable for PERSONPlease change the unit of analysis to see the availability of this variable.
