Times infant under 2 drank milk (other than breastmilk) yesterday
Performance Monitoring for Action
This is a 2-digit variable representing the number of times the infant consumed milk other than breastmilk during the day or night before the survey, except for the following codes:
95 = Not interviewed (female questionnaire)
96 = Not interviewed (household questionnaire)
97 = Don't know
98 = No response or missing
99 = NIU (not in universe)
For infants under age 2 who consumed milk (other than breastmilk) any time during the day or night before the survey, INFMILKNUM reports the number of times the infant consumed milk other than breastmilk during that period.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female nutrition questionnaire.
Supported by: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, PMA, Stat/Transfer, and University of Minnesota.
Copyright © Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota.