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Century month of household interview

INTHQCMC is a 4-digit variable that represents the century-month value (months since 1900) of the date on which the interview for the household questionnaire was conducted. The following values represent NIU (not in universe) or missing cases:

9995 = Not interviewed (female questionnaire)
9996 = Not interviewed (household questionnaire)
9999 = NIU (not in universe)


INTHQCMC reports the century month code (CMC) for the date on which the interview for the household questionnaire was conducted.

Century month codes (CMC) are particularly useful for checking the consistency of dates, calculating intervals between events, and imputing dates when the information for an event is missing or partially complete.

The question associated with this variable was included in the household questionnaire.


Century month codes (CMC) are calculated by multiplying by 12 the difference between the year of an event and 1900. The year 1900 was chosen as the reference period because all of the relevant events for PMA2020 occurred during the twentieth or twenty-first centuries. The month of the event is added to the previous result, in the following formula:

CMC = (Year - 1900) * 12 + Month
For example, the CMC for June 2002 is:

CMC = (2002 - 1900) * 12 + 6 = 1230

In other words, 1,230 months have elapsed between January 1900 and June 2002. Starting with CMC figures, one can calculate the month and year using the following formulas:

Year = int( ( CMC - 1 )/12 ) + 1900

[int(x) is the integer part of x]

Month = CMC - ( ( Year - 1900 ) * 12 )

The information above is based on "Online Guide to DHS Statistics" (Rutstein and Rojas, 2006).


There are no comparability issues.

Comparability with IPUMS-DHS

The INTHQCMC variable in IPUMS-PMA is similar to the variable INTDATECMC in IPUMS-DHS. There may be differences in questionnaire text or the variable's universe; please see the Survey Text and Universe Tab of the IPUMS-DHS variable for more information.


  • All persons.


  • Burkina Faso: 2014-2018, 2020
  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2014-2019
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 2017-2018
  • Ethiopia: 2014-2019
  • Ghana: 2013-2017
  • India: 2016-2018
  • Indonesia: 2015-2016
  • Kenya: 2014-2019
  • Niger: 2015-2018
  • Nigeria: 2014-2019
  • Uganda: 2014-2019