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MHMPLACESAFE indicates whether the main place where the woman changed, washed, dried, or disposed of menstrual sanitary materials was safe.
Comparability — Index
GENERAL Burkina Faso Congo (Democratic Republic) Cote d'Ivoire |
Ethiopia India Indonesia |
Kenya Niger Nigeria |
The universe of this variable differs among samples.
Comparability — Burkina Faso [top]
For Burkina Faso 2016 and 2017, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
For Burkina Faso 2018, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field.
Comparability — Congo (Democratic Republic) [top]
For Congo (Democratic Republic) samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
Comparability — Cote d'Ivoire [top]
For Cote d'Ivoire samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field.
Comparability — Ethiopia [top]
For Ethiopia samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
Comparability — India [top]
For India samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
Comparability — Indonesia [top]
For Indonesia samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field.
Comparability — Kenya [top]
For Kenya samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field.
Comparability — Niger [top]
For Niger samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field.
Comparability — Nigeria [top]
For Nigeria 2015 samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 who menstruate. This includes women who are currently pregnant, had their last period before the birth of their most recent child, and all women who reported when they had their last menstrual period, even if it was more than one month ago. However, the universe does not include women who are menopausal, have had hysterectomies, or have never menstruated.
For Nigeria 2017 and 2018 samples, the universe of this variable is women aged 15 to 49 with the following exclusions:
Women who:
have never menstruated.
have had a hysterectomy.
are menopausal.
have not had their menstrual period for the last three months.
had their last period before the birth of their most recent child.
indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field.
- Burkina Faso 2016 Round 4 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Burkina Faso 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Burkina Faso 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 who indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Cote D'Ivoire 2018 Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 who indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Ethiopia 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Ghana 2016 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- India 2017 (Rajasthan) Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Indonesia 2016 Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 who indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Kenya 2016 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 who indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Niger 2016 Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 who indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Niger 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 who indicated a main facility for changing used menstrual materials outside of the bush or field excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Nigeria 2015 (Kaduna) Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, or are menopausal.
- Nigeria 2015 (Lagos) Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, or are menopausal.
- Nigeria 2017 (Oyo) Round 1 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Nigeria 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Uganda 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15 to 49 excluding women who are pregnant, have never menstruated, have had a hysterectomy, are menopausal, have not had their period in the last three months, or for whom the last menstrual period they had was before last birth.
- Burkina Faso: 2016-2018
- Congo (Democratic Republic): 2017
- Cote d'Ivoire: 2018
- Ethiopia: 2017
- Ghana: 2016
- India: 2017
- Indonesia: 2016
- Kenya: 2016
- Niger: 2016, 2018
- Nigeria: 2015, 2017-2018
- Uganda: 2017
