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This is a numeric variable that represents structure where the household lives, except for the following code:

999998 = No response or missing


STRUCTURNO is the number assigned by PMA to the physical structure in which the household lives. The variable HHNUM reports the number of the dwelling within the structure in which the interviewed household lives.

This variable may include non-integer values in select samples. These values were not edited by IPUMS and are from the original data.


There are no comparability issues.

Comparability with IPUMS-DHS

In IPUMS-PMA, STRUCTURNO may refer to a larger physical unit (such as an apartment building) within which a dwelling may be embedded. By contrast, the IPUMS-DHS variable STRUCTURNO refers to a dwelling unit number within a household. For example, the male head and multiple wives and their children may form a single household for a polygamous family, but one wife and her children may occupy a small dwelling within a larger compound (denoted by STRUCTURNO) in IPUMS-DHS.


  • Burkina Faso 2014 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2015 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2016 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2016 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Burkina Faso 2022 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2014 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2015 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2015 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2015 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2016 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2016 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2018 Round 7 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2018 Round 7 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2019 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2019 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Cote D'Ivoire 2017 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Cote D'Ivoire 2018 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Cote D'Ivoire 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Cote D'Ivoire 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Cote D'Ivoire 2022 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2014 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2014 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2015 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2016 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2019 PMAET Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ethiopia 2020 Round 6 Female Follow-up: Women aged 15-49 who were interviewed in the Ethiopia 2018 Round 6 household and female survey who consented to be contacted again.
  • Ethiopia 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ghana 2013 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ghana 2014 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ghana 2014 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ghana 2015 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ghana 2016 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Ghana 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2016 (Rajasthan) Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2017 (Rajasthan) Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2017 (Rajasthan) Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2018 (Rajasthan) Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2020 (Rajasthan) Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2021 (Rajasthan) Female and Household: All persons.
  • India 2022 (Rajasthan) Female and Household: All persons.
  • Indonesia 2015 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Indonesia 2016 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2014 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2014 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2015 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2015 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2016 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2018 Round 7 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2019 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Kenya 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2015 (Niamey) Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2016 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2016 (Niamey) Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2017 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2020 Phase 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2022 Phase 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Niger 2023 Phase 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2014 (Kaduna) Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2014 (Lagos) Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2015 (Kaduna) Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2015 (Lagos) Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2016 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2017 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2017 (Oyo) Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2019 (Kano) Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria 2019 (Lagos) Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria (Kano) 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria (Lagos) 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria (Kano) 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Nigeria (Lagos) 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2014 Round 1 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2015 Round 2 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2015 Round 3 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2016 Round 4 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2019 Female and Household (R6 Follow up): All persons.
  • Uganda 2020 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2021 Female and Household: All persons.
  • Uganda 2022 Female and Household: All persons.


  • Burkina Faso: 2014-2018, 2020-2022
  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2014-2021
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 2017-2018, 2020-2022
  • Ethiopia: 2014-2021
  • Ghana: 2013-2017
  • India: 2016-2018, 2020-2022
  • Indonesia: 2015-2016
  • Kenya: 2014-2021
  • Niger: 2015-2018, 2020, 2022-2023
  • Nigeria: 2014-2021
  • Uganda: 2014-2022