This is a numeric variable that represents the amount in the local currency the woman paid for family planning services, except for the following codes:
99999995 = Not interviewed (female questionnaire)
99999996 = Not interviewed (household questionnaire)
99999997 = Don't know
99999998 = No response or missing
99999999 = NIU (not in universe)
FPPAYLASTAMT reports the amount in the local currency the woman paid for family planning services when she last obtained a family planning method, if she last obtained a family planning method within the last 12 months.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
The Indonesia samples asked for how much the woman paid for family planning services the last time she obtained a family planning methods at her last visit.
Other samples specify that the woman should include anything paid out of pocket, including the method, supplies or services, and transportation.
This variable is reported in the local currency of the sample, so there is no comparability of value across countries.
- Burkina Faso 2017 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Burkina Faso 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2018 Round 7 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2018 Round 7 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Cote D'Ivoire 2018 Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Ethiopia 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- India 2018 (Rajasthan) Round 4 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Indonesia 2015 Round 1 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who paid for family planning services the last time she obtained her current or most recent contraceptive method within the last 12 months.
- Indonesia 2016 Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who paid for family planning services the last time she obtained her current or most recent contraceptive method within the last 12 months.
- Kenya 2017 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Kenya 2018 Round 7 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Niger 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Nigeria 2017 (Oyo) Round 1 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Nigeria 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Uganda 2018 Round 6 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who currently use or have used family planning in the past 12 months but did not use rhythm method, LAM, withdrawal, or another traditional method.
- Burkina Faso: 2017-2018
- Congo (Democratic Republic): 2018
- Cote d'Ivoire: 2018
- Ethiopia: 2018
- India: 2018
- Indonesia: 2015-2016
- Kenya: 2017-2018
- Niger: 2018
- Nigeria: 2017-2018
- Uganda: 2018
Questionnaire Text
Enter all prices in CFA. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in CFA. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in FRANCS CONGOLAIS. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in FRANCS CONGOLAIS. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in FCFA. Zero is a possible answer.
Enter all prices in Ethiopian Birr.
Enter all prices in rupees. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Fee: _______
Enter all prices in Kenyan Shillings. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in Kenyan Shillings. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in FCFA.
Enter all prices in Naira. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in Naira. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.
Enter all prices in Ugandan shillings. Zero is a possible answer. Enter -88 if respondent does not know, -99 for no response.