Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | No | X | X | X |
01 | Yes | X | X | X |
95 | Not interviewed (female questionnaire) | · | · | · |
96 | Not interviewed (household questionnaire) | · | · | · |
97 | Don't know | X | X | X |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For women who obtained a method of family planning from a health facility in the last 12 months, FPFACREPUTATION indicates whether they reported going to this facility because it has a good reputation. Note that the woman can report more than one factor for choosing the facility.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
- Women aged 15-49 who obtained a method of family planning from a health facility in the last 12 months.
- Kenya: 2016-2018
Questionnaire Text
Kenya 2016 |
Kenya 2017 |
Kenya 2018 |
PROBE: Any other reasons?
Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
[] Convenient to your place of work/school
[] Convenient operating hours
[] You can remain anonymous
[] Good reputation
[] Staff are discreet/maintain confidentiality
[] Services are free
[] It is more affordable
[] Provide good quality services
[] They provide desired services
[] Facility accepts insurance.
[] Providers treat patients well
[] Spoke with youth group
[] Referred by community health worker
[] Referred by another provider
[] Referred by a friend/relative
[] Loudspeaker announcements
[] Dramas / skits
[] Other
[] Don?t know
[] No response
PROBE: Any other reasons?
Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
Cannot select "no response" or "do not know" with other options.
[] Convenient to your place of work/school
[] Convenient operating hours
[] You can remain anonymous
[] Good reputation
[] Staff are discreet/maintain confidentiality
[] Services are free
[] It is more affordable
[] Provide good quality services
[] They provide desired services
[] Facility accepts insurance.
[] Providers treat patients well
[] Spoke with youth group
[] Referred by community health volunteer
[] Referred by another provider
[] Referred by a friend/relative
[] Loudspeaker announcements
[] Dramas / skits
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No Response
PROBE: Any other reasons?
Do not read options aloud. Select all that apply.
Cannot select "no response" or "do not know" with other options.
[] Convenient to your place of work/school
[] Convenient operating hours
[] You can remain anonymous
[] Good reputation
[] Staff are discreet/maintain confidentiality
[] Services are free
[] It is more affordable
[] Provide good quality services
[] They provide desired services
[] Facility accepts insurance.
[] Providers treat patients well
[] Spoke with youth group
[] Referred by community health volunteer
[] Referred by another provider
[] Referred by a friend/relative
[] Loudspeaker announcements
[] Dramas / skits
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No Response