This is a 3-digit variable that represents how long the woman waited at a facility to obtain her current or most recent family planning method in minutes or hours, except for the following codes:
900 = Logical edit - missing
995 = Not interviewed (female questionnaire)
996 = Not interviewed (household questionnaire)
997 = Don't know
998 = No response or missing
999 = NIU (not in universe)
FPVISITWAITVAL reports the amount of time a woman waited at a facility to obtain her current or most recent family planning method. Values are reported in minutes or hours.
Note that the codes in this variable are not reported in a specific unit of time i.e., minutes or hours. The variable must be used in combination with FPVISITWAIT (for women who visited a facility once) or FPVISITWAITLONG (for women who visited a facility more than once) to determine the unit of measurement.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
- Women aged 15-49 who are currently using a family planning method or have used a method in the last 12 months and who received the method from a government hospital, government health center, government health post, family planning clinic, private hospital/clinic, or NGO that they visited one time.
- Ethiopia: 2018
