This variable represents a 4-digit year, except for the following codes:
9998 = No response or missing
9999 = NIU (not in universe)
ABORYR indicates the year when the woman last aborted a pregnancy.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
- Burkina Faso 2021 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have ever attempted to abort a pregnancy.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kongo Central) 2021 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have ever attempted to abort a pregnancy.
- Congo Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) 2021 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have ever attempted to abort a pregnancy.
- Cote D'Ivoire 2018 Round 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have aborted a pregnancy.
- Cote D'Ivoire 2020 Abortion Follow-up to Round 2: Women aged 15-49 who were interviewed in the Cote d'Ivoire 2018 Round 2 household and female survey who reported ever having an abortion and consented to be contacted again.
- Ethiopia 2020 Round 6 Female Follow-up: Women aged 15-49 who have ever done anything to try to end a pregnancy.
- India 2018 (Rajasthan) Round 4 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have aborted a pregnancy.
- Niger 2022 Phase 2 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have ever attempted to abort a pregnancy.
- Nigeria 2018 Round 5 Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who have aborted a pregnancy.
- Nigeria 2019 Abortion Follow-up to Round 5: Women aged 15-49 who were interviewed in the Nigeria 2018 Round 5 household and female survey who reported ever having an abortion and consented to be contacted again.
- Uganda 2019 Female and Household (R6 Follow up): Women aged 15-49 who have ever attempted to abort a pregnancy.
- Burkina Faso: 2021
- Congo (Democratic Republic): 2021
- Cote d'Ivoire: 2018, 2020
- Ethiopia: 2020
- India: 2018
- Niger: 2022
- Nigeria: 2018-2019
- Uganda: 2019
Questionnaire Text
Burkina Faso 2021 | Cote d'Ivoire 2018 | India 2018 | Nigeria 2019c |
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2021 | Cote d'Ivoire 2020b | Niger 2022 | Uganda 2019 |
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2021 | Ethiopia 2020 | Nigeria 2018 |
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time. Enter 2030 for "Do not know" or "No response".
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time. Enter 2030 for ?Do not know? or ?No response?.
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time. Enter 2030 for ?Do not know? or ?No response?.
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time. Enter 2020 for 'Do not know' or 'No response'.
Select the 'Do not know' checkbox for month and '2030' for year to indicate 'No Response'.
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time.
Enter 2020 for 'Do not know' or 'No response'.
Cannot be in the future or before respondent's birth.
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time. Enter 2030 for ?Do not know? or ?No response?.
If indicates happened more than once, specify most recent time.
Enter 2020 for 'Do not know' or 'No response'.
Cannot be in the future or before respondent's birth.
If respondent knows the year, but not month enter "Do not know" for month.
Select "Do not know" for month and "2020" for year to indicate 'No Response'.
Select "Do not know" for month and "2020" for year to indicate 'No Response'.
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
[] Do not know
If entering "2020" for No Response, must select "Do not know" for month.
Cannot be in future.