Woman stopped using most recent method because she wanted to become pregnant.
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | No | X | X |
01 | Yes | X | X |
95 | Not interviewed (female questionnaire) | · | · |
96 | Not interviewed (household questionnaire) | · | · |
97 | Don't know | X | · |
98 | No response or missing | X | · |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
FPYSTOPWANTKID1 reports whether the woman stopped using her most recent method because she wanted to become pregnant.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
- Ethiopia 2019 PMAET Female and Household: Women aged 15-49 who used a family planning method in the last 2 years.
- Ethiopia 2020 Round 6 Female Follow-up: Women aged 15-49 who, along with their partners, used a family planning method in the last 3 years.
- Ethiopia: 2019-2020
Questionnaire Text
Ethiopia 2019 |
Ethiopia 2020 |
Ethiopia 2019
Questionnaire form
view entire document:
FFQ215. Did you stop using ${cs2_method_name} because of any of the following reasons?
Cannot select 'Do Not Know' or 'No response' with other options.
Cannot select 'no response' or 'Do not know' with other options.
[] Became pregnant while using
[] Infrequent sex/husband away
[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Side effects you experienced
[] Side effects you were worried about but did not experience
[] Husband did not approve
[] Other person did not approve
[] Wanted more effective method
[] No method available
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Fatalistic
[] Difficult to get pregnant/menopausal
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
[] Infrequent sex/husband away
[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Side effects you experienced
[] Side effects you were worried about but did not experience
[] Husband did not approve
[] Other person did not approve
[] Wanted more effective method
[] No method available
[] Lack of access / too far
[] Costs too much
[] Inconvenient to use
[] Fatalistic
[] Difficult to get pregnant/menopausal
[] Other
[] Do not know
[] No response
Ethiopia 2020
Questionnaire form
view entire document:
308. Why did you stop using your {methods_rpt_lab}?
Select all that apply
Cannot select 'no response' or 'do not know' with other options.
[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Reasons related to the method itself (side effects, became pregnant while using, interferes with body's processes, inconvenience, health concerns, wanted a more effective method)
[] Life circumstances (infrequent sex/husband away, husband/partner disapproved, fatalistic, difficult to get pregnant/menopausal)
[] Issues with accessing the method (Too far, cost, provider didn't have/couldn't provide)
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response
[] Reasons related to the method itself (side effects, became pregnant while using, interferes with body's processes, inconvenience, health concerns, wanted a more effective method)
[] Life circumstances (infrequent sex/husband away, husband/partner disapproved, fatalistic, difficult to get pregnant/menopausal)
[] Issues with accessing the method (Too far, cost, provider didn't have/couldn't provide)
[] Other
[] Don't know
[] No response