This is a 87-character string variable.
ABORBOTHYOTHERSP contains the exact string response of the reason other than those listed in the questionnaire why the woman could not use her preferred source and method to remove a pregnancy or regulate her period.
The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.
- Women aged 15-49 who regulated their period or removed a pregnancy using both a source and a method that were not preferred due to a reason other than those listed in the questionnaire.
- Cote d'Ivoire: 2020
- Nigeria: 2019
Questionnaire Text
Cote d'Ivoire 2020b |
Nigeria 2019c |
Select all that apply.
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response
506. At the time of the event we have been discussing, what prevented you from GOING TO THIS SOURCE?
Select all that apply.
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response
506. At the time of the event we have been discussing, what prevented you from USING THIS METHOD AND SOURCE?
Select all that apply.
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify "other"
At the time of the pregnancy we have been discussing, what prevented you from USING THIS METHOD / GOING TO THIS SOURCE / USING THIS METHOD AND SOURCE?
Select all that apply.
[] Inconvenient
[] Too far
[] Not private
[] Method not available
[] Provider had bad reputation
[] Partner encouraged use of other method
[] Family/friend encouraged use of other method
[] Provider refused
[] Provider not available
[] Side effects associated with method
[] Other (Specify)
[] None of the above
[] Do not know
[] No response
Specify "other"
At the time of the pregnancy we have been discussing, what prevented you from USING THIS METHOD / GOING TO THIS SOURCE / USING THIS METHOD AND SOURCE?