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Prefer to have another child or no more children - currently pregnant

Codes and Frequencies

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For women aged 15 to 49 who are currently pregnant, FERTPREFPREG indicates whether or not the woman wanted to have another child in the future. A similar question was posed to women who were not pregnant (FERTPREFNPREG).

The question associated with this variable was included in the female questionnaire.


There are no comparability issues.

Comparability with IPUMS-DHS

FERTPREFPREG in IPUMS-PMA is similar to the variable FERTPREF in IPUMS-DHS, though FERTPREF in IPUMS-DHS does not restrict the universe to pregnant women. There may be differences in questionnaire text or the variable's universe; see the Survey Text and Universe Tab of the IPUMS-DHS variable for more information.


  • Women aged 15-49 who are currently pregnant.


  • Burkina Faso: 2014-2018, 2020-2022
  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2013-2021
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 2017-2018, 2020-2022
  • Ethiopia: 2014-2021
  • Ghana: 2013-2017
  • India: 2016-2018, 2020-2022
  • Indonesia: 2015-2016
  • Kenya: 2014-2021
  • Niger: 2015-2018, 2020, 2022-2023
  • Nigeria: 2014-2021
  • Uganda: 2014-2022