Questionnaire Text

Cote d'Ivoire 2020
Cote d'Ivoire 2021
India 2020
Niger 2020
Niger 2022
Uganda 2020
Cote d'Ivoire 2020
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
COV_15. During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, did you want to visit a health facility for any of the following services?

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

You selected no response with another option.

[] Family planning services
[] Abortion / post-abortion services
[] ANC
[] Delivery
[] PNC
[] Child's health
[] Immunization
[] Pick up of regular medications
[] HIV
[] Emergency services
[] General health services
[] Other
[] Did not want to access a health facility
[] No response

Cote d'Ivoire 2021
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
COV_15. During the past 4 weeks, did you want to visit a health facility for any of the following services?

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

You selected no response with another option.

[] Family planning services
[] ANC
[] Delivery
[] PNC
[] Child's health
[] Immunization
[] Pick up of regular medications
[] Emergency services
[] General health services
[] Other
[] Did not want to access a health facility
[] No response

India 2020
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
COV_15. During the Coronavirus(COVID-19) lockdowns, did you want to visit a health facility for any of the following services?

Read all options
Select all that apply

You selected no response with another option.

[] Family planning services
[] Abortion / post-abortion services
[] ANC
[] Delivery
[] PNC
[] Child's health
[] Immunization
[] Pick up of regular medications
[] HIV
[] Emergency services
[] General health services
[] Other
[] Did not want to access a health facility
[] No response

Niger 2020
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
COV_15. During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, did you want to visit a health facility for any of the following services?

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Family planning services
[] Abortion / post-abortion services
[] ANC
[] Delivery
[] PNC
[] Child's health
[] Immunization
[] Pick up of regular medications
[] HIV
[] Emergency services
[] General health services
[] Other
[] Did not want to access a health facility
[] No response

Niger 2022
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
COV_15. During the past 4 weeks, did you want to visit a health facility for any of the following services?

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

You selected no response with another option.

[] Family planning services
[] ANC
[] Delivery
[] PNC
[] Child's health
[] Immunization
[] Pick up of regular medications
[] Emergency services
[] General health services
[] Other
[] Did not want to access a health facility
[] No response

Uganda 2020
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
COV_15. During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, did you want to visit a health facility for any of the following services?

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

You selected no response with another option.

[] Family planning services
[] ANC
[] Delivery
[] PNC
[] Child's health
[] Immunization
[] Pick up of regular medications
[] HIV
[] Emergency services
[] General health services
[] Did not want to access a health facility
[] Other
[] No response