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Contraception was difficult to access when became pregnant

Questionnaire Text

Cote d'Ivoire 2020b
Nigeria 2019c
Cote d'Ivoire 2020b
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
402. Now I will read a list of situations that describe some people. Tell me which of the following describes your situation at the time you became pregnant:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Did not need contraception because did not have regular sex
[] Did not think could become pregnant
[] Did not know where to get contraception
[] Contraception was too expensive
[] Contraception was difficult to access
[] Partner or others did not want me to use contraception
[] Did not want to use contraception
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had heard about from others
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had previously experienced
[] Other (Specify)
[] No response

Nigeria 2019c
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
402. Now I will read a list of situations that describe some people. Tell me which of the following describes your situation at the time you became pregnant:

Read all options aloud. Select all that apply.

[] Wanted to become pregnant
[] Did not need contraception because did not have regular sex
[] Did not think could become pregnant
[] Did not know where to get contraception
[] Contraception was too expensive
[] Contraception was difficult to access
[] Partner or others did not want me to use contraception
[] Did not want to use contraception
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had heard about from others
[] Fear of contraceptive side effects that had previously experienced
[] Other (Specify)
[] No response