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Menstrual hygiene place observation: soap

Questionnaire Text

Burkina Faso 2016b Cote d'Ivoire 2018 Kenya 2016 Nigeria 2017b
Burkina Faso 2017 Ethiopia 2017 Niger 2016a Nigeria 2018
Burkina Faso 2018 Ghana 2016 Niger 2018 Uganda 2017
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2017a India 2017a Nigeria 2015a
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2017b Indonesia 2016 Nigeria 2015b
Burkina Faso 2016b
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Burkina Faso 2017
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Burkina Faso 2018
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
Place: ${main_mhm_label}

602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

Cannot select 'no response' or 'none of the above' with other options.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Congo (Democratic Republic) 2017a
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Congo (Democratic Republic) 2017b
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Cote d'Ivoire 2018
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
Place: [MAIN PLACE FROM 602a] 602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Ethiopia 2017
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Ghana 2016
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 503 or 504]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

India 2017a
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602a]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Indonesia 2016
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602a]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Kenya 2016
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Niger 2016a
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Niger 2018
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
Place: [MAIN PLACE FROM 602a] 602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place: Read each option aloud and select if yes.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Nigeria 2015a
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
51b. Main place: [Selection from FQ51a]
While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Nigeria 2015b
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
51b. Main place: [Selection from FQ51a]
While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Nigeria 2017b
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
Place: {main_mhm_label}

602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

Cannot select 'no response' or 'none of the above' with other options.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Nigeria 2018
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
Place: {main_mhm_label}

602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:

Read each option aloud and select if yes.

Cannot select 'no response' or 'none of the above' with other options.

[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response

Uganda 2017
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text 
602b. While managing your menstrual hygiene, was this place:
Main place: [Selection from 601 or 602]
Read each option aloud and select if yes.
[] Clean?
[] Private?
[] Safe?
[] Able to be locked?
[] Supplied with clean water?
[] Supplied with soap?
[] None of the above
[] No response