GIS Boundary files for PMA data
IPUMS PMA provides boundary files (shapefiles) that facilitate subnational mapping. The shapefiles correspond to the specific geographic variables in the IPUMS PMA microdata. The attribute table includes codes for the COUNTRYNUM (country ISO code) variable and the corresponding country-specific code that the GIS boundaries match (e.g. GEOET for Ethiopia regions).
Users should note that, shapefiles distributed by IPUMS PMA provide generalized boundaries and are not intended for precise geographical calculations.
IPUMS PMA provides a World map (60Mb) with national boundaries that match Large Scale International Boundaries (LSIB). LSIB is in the WGS84 datum, and boundaries reflect U.S. government (USG) policy and not necessarily de facto control. The attribute table in the world map lists the ISO country code for the PMA countries (COUNTRYNUM). Each national map listed in the table below nests within the world map.
PMA also provides a single global shapefile corresponding to the variable SUBNATIONAL, which combines all countries in the IPUMS PMA database. Download the global boundary file HERE.
The table below lists IPUMS PMA countries, the major unit(s) of geography identified in the samples and the corresponding shapefile.
Click here for information about displaced GPS data of the primary sampling units.
Country | Geographic variable | Geographic unit(s)/years | Shapefiles |
Burkina Faso | GEOBF | Region (2014-2022) | geobf IMG |
Cote d'Ivoire | GEOCI | Region (2017-2022) | geoci IMG |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | GEOCD | Selected provinces (2013-2021) | Not available |
Ethiopia | GEOET | Region (2014-2021) | geoet IMG |
Ghana | GEOGH | Region (2013-2017) | geogh IMG |
India | DISTRICTIN | Districts; State of Rajasthan (2016-2022) | districtin IMG |
Indonesia | GEOID | Province (2015-2016) | geoid IMG |
Indonesia | DISTRICTID | District (2015-2016) | districtid IMG |
Indonesia | BLOCKID | Census block group (2015-2016) | Not available |
Kenya | GEOKE | Selected Counties (2014-2021) | geoke IMG |
Niger | GEONE | Selected counties (2015-2023) | geone IMG |
Nigeria | GEONGZONE | Geographic zone (2016-2018) | geongzone IMG |
Nigeria | GEONG | Selected states (2014-2021) | geong IMG |
Uganda | GEOUGGEN | Region (2014-2018) | geouggen IMG |
Uganda | GEOUGDET | DHS defined regions (2014-2019) | geougdet IMG |
Uganda | GEOUG | Regions (2020) | geoug IMG |
Uganda | GEOUGSH | Spatially harmonized regions (2014-2022) | geougsh IMG |
GPS Data for PMA
PMA disseminates the displaced GPS data points of the geographic centroid of the primary sampling units (EAs) for select countries and survey rounds. The table below lists the countries and rounds for which the GPS points are available. Each row represents one GPS data file, and the corresponding survey rounds with which it can be matched. PMA periodically samples a new set of EAs and surveys households in the same EAs for several rounds.
IPUMS PMA does not disseminate these data. The PMA team at Johns Hopkins previously approved access to these data directly. With the conclusion of the project in late 2024, there is no current method to acquire these data, but IPUMS PMA will update this page if a new dissemination source is created.
Country | Years with GPS available | Rounds with GPS available |
Burkina Faso | 2017, 2018 | Rounds 5 and 6 |
2019 | Baseline survey | |
Cote d'Ivoire | 2017, 2018, 2020 | Rounds 1 and 2; Round 2 follow-up survey (2020) |
2020 | Baseline (Phase 1) of panel survey | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 2013-2018 | Rounds 1-7 |
Ethiopia | 2017, 2018, 2020 | Rounds 5 and 6; Round 6 follow-up survey (2020) |
2019 | Cross-sectional family planning survey; Maternal and Newborn Health panel | |
India | 2016, 2017, 2018 | Rounds 1-4 |
2020 | Baseline (Phase 1) of panel survey | |
Kenya | 2016, 2017, 2018 | Rounds 5, 6, and 7 |
2019 | Baseline (Phase 1) of panel survey | |
Niger | 2018 | Round 5 |
2020 | Baseline (Phase 1) of panel survey | |
Uganda | 2017, 2018, 2019 | 5, 6, and 6 follow-up |
2020 | Baseline (Phase 1) of panel survey |