2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
December 12, 2024
- The Maternal and Newborn Health module data from Ethiopia Panel Cohort 2 (2021-2023) is now available! See more information about this sample on our sample notes page. You can access these data by choosing the Infant unit of analysis in the online data dissemination system.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (8.2) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V8.2). We have preserved an archival record of version 8.1 of the data generated on December 12th, 2024.
Added data: new samples.
New Version Number & DOI.
April 29, 2024
- New cross sectional data in the Family Planning - Person unit of analysis are available for Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, India, Niger, and Uganda. Phase 3 data for longitudinal panel survey (also within the Family Planning - Person unit of analysis) have been released for Cote d'Ivoire, India, Niger, and Uganda.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (8.1) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V8.1). We have preserved an archival record of version 8.1 of the data generated on April 29th, 2024.
Added data: New samples.
New Version Number & DOI.
December 1, 2023
Modified data.
September 18, 2023
- Twelve new service delivery point datasets are now available for Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, DRC, Kenya, India, Niger, Nigeria, and Uganda from 2020-2022. Eleven new client exit interview datasets are now available for Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria and Uganda from 2021-22.
- For the Ethiopia 2020 Household and Female sample, the variables PREGENDYR and PREGENDMO contained incorrect values, and have now been corrected.
- In the Person - Family Planning unit of analysis, the samples Cote d'Ivoire, India, and Uganda 2021 had no cases of "No income loss" in the variable HHINCOMELOSSAMT in the original data. Using the variable CVINCOMELOSS, we were able to identify which women lived in households without income loss because they would have been NIU (not in universe) for CVINCOMELOSS.
- The variables NURSEMIDNUM and NURSEMIDPRES have been combined with the variables CERNURSENUM and CERNURSEPRES, respectively, and NURSEMIDNUM and NURSEMIDPRES have been removed.
- In selected client exit interview samples in six countries (Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria and Uganda), respondents were re-interviewed in a follow-up survey. These baseline and follow-up interviews can be linked in IPUMS PMA using CQINSTID. They are also available as longitudinal files: when selecting samples, choose "Longitudinal - Wide" to access pre-linked versions of these data.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (8.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V8.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 8.0 of the data generated on September 18th, 2023.
Added data: New samples.
Modified data.
Modified data: Combined variables.
New Feature.
New Version Number & DOI.
May 1, 2023
- Phase 3 longitudinal panel data on family planning are now available for Burkina Faso, DRC, Kenya, and Nigeria from 2021 or 2022. Phase 2 family planning survey data are now available for Cote d'Ivoire, India, Niger, and Uganda. See our sample notes page to learn more about the longitudinal sampling design!
- The variables ABORABTPILLFRND, ABORMETHABTPILL, and REGABTPILLFRND have been changed to ABORFPPILLFRND, ABORMETHFPPILL, and REGFPPILLFRND, respectively, to better represent that the method they reference are contraceptive pills rather than abortion pills (such as misoprostol).
- The variable ABORRECHTLHAGENT has been changed to ABORRECHLTHAGENT to be consistent with other variables referring to health agents.
- The coding scheme for RESIDENT has been adjusted to accommodate new categories.
- The coding scheme for HEALTH has been adjusted to accommodate new categories.
- The variable PARTDISCDECCUR has been combined with the variable FPTALKHUS and PARTDISCDECCUR has been removed.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (7.3) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V7.3). We have preserved an archival record of version 7.3 of the data generated on May 1st, 2023.
Added data: New samples.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Modified data: Combined variables.
New Version Number & DOI.
January 23, 2023
- New variables have been added for the abortion follow-up surveys in Nigeria 2019 and Cote d'Ivoire 2020 under the Person - Family Planning topic, including topics such as abortion methods and sources.
- Many existing variables regarding period regulation have been added to the website for the Cote d'Ivoire 2018 Household and Female sample under the Person - Family Planning topic.
- The coding scheme for the variable ABORYRSAGO was changed to incorporate new response categories in added samples.
- The variables ABORSUCC and COMPLETEREM have been combined and ABORSUCC has been removed. A similar combination has been made for REGSUCC and COMPLETEREG. A comparability note has been added to both COMPLETEREM and COMPLETEREG.
- The variables ABOREV_FRND1 and ABOREVFRND have been combined and ABOREVFRND has been removed. Additionally, cases in ABOREVFRND for "Yes, I think so" and "Yes, I'm certain" were switched in Burkina Faso 2021 Household and Female sample. This has been corrected in ABOREVFRND1.
- The variable ABORYR had incorrect data for Burkina Faso 2021 Household and Female samples. All values have now been corrected.
Added data: new variables.
Added data: new variable availability.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Modified data: Combined variables.
Modified data.
December 19, 2022
- New Maternal and Newborn Health panel data are now available from the Ethiopia 2019 cohort under the Infant - Maternal and Newborn Health topic. We've added more than 1000 new variables, including questions related to COVID-19 impacts on healthcare access, vaccination, antenatal care, and more.
- New follow-up surveys, focused on abortion, are now available for Nigeria 2019, Cote d'Ivoire 2020, and Ethiopia 2020 under the Person - Family Planning topic. Each of these surveys interviews women previously sampled by PMA. In Nigeria and Cote d'Ivoire, the target of the follow-up survey was women who had ever ended a pregnancy or regulated a period, and consented to be interviewed again. In Ethiopia 2020, the follow-up survey interviewed all women who consented to be surveyed again after Round 6 (Ethiopia 2018).
- The Phase 1 (baseline) data from Niger 2020 is now available under the Person - Family Planning topic. This sample is part of a longitudinal panel of women of childbearing age.
- Maternal and Newborn Health variables for the day, month, and year of vaccinations from the 2016 Ethiopia sample (such as VAXBABYBCGMON) now have the suffix "_6M" to denote that this variable comes from the 6-month follow-up survey.
- The variable BABYVAXCARD has been renamed to BABYVAXCARD_6M to indicate that it was collected during the 6-month follow-up survey.
- In the variables FPCURREFFMETH and FPCURREFFMETHRC for all Household and Female samples except in Ghana and Indonesia, cases that had been coded as 121 "Injectables (3 months)" have now been coded to 120 "Injectables" because the questionnaire does not differentiate between 3 month and 1 month injectables in these samples.
- For Niger household and female samples, an error in the variable FPPROVIDER was found and corrected. The codes 1206 and 1207 were reversed. Cases that were coded as 1206 are now coded as 1207, and vice versa. In the same variable, cases of "Family planning clinic, private" in Ethiopia 2019 were mistakenly coded as "Polyclinic", and this has now been corrected.
- In Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 service delivery point data, cases of the variable SDPOPENYR between 1900 and 1920 in the original data were discovered to represent years 100 years later. These cases were corrected.
- The variable FPLCHDESIRE in the Ethiopia 2019 Household and Female Survey contained responses from currently pregnant women who were reporting on whether they wanted their current pregnancy. These women have now been coded as not in universe (NIU) for FPLCHDESIRE, but their responses about their current pregnancy are contained in PGDESIRE.
- The coding scheme for the variable ABORMEDGIVEN was changed to incorporate new response categories in added samples.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (7.2) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V7.2). We have preserved an archival record of version 7.2 of the data generated on December 19, 2022.
Added data: New samples.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
Modified data.
Modified data: Changed codes.
New Version Number & DOI.
May 16, 2022
- New service delivery point data are available for Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda from 2020 and 2021.
- New client exit interview data are available for Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, and Nigeria from 2020 or 2021.
- A revised version of the Kenya 2020 Phase 2 household and female family planning sample was released by the data producers and integrated by IPUMS, which included fixes to HHSTATUS, HHOCCUPIED, AVAILABLEHQ, HHVACANTWHY, and HHMEMPRESP1.
- A revised version of the India 2020 Phase 1 household and female family planning sample was released by the data producers and integrated by IPUMS, which included fixes to ENUMID, and 3 additional observations were included.
- The coding scheme of HMISREPORTFREQ was modified to include additional potential response categories in Ethiopia 2020.
- A revised version of the Burkina Faso 2020 Client Exit Interview sample was released by PMA, and processed by IPUMS. Changes were made to FACILITYTYPE, FP1STMETHWANT, and LANGUAGEFQ.
- Some observations of interviewed women in the variables CP, MCP, and TCP were incorrectly coded as not in universe. They have now been recoded to No response or missing. This change effects every family planning - person sample.
- For some rounds of service delivery point data, the same facilities were surveyed more than once and are now linked in IPUMS PMA using FACILITYID and available as longitudinal files via IPUMS PMA. When selecting samples, choose "Longitudinal - wide" to access pre-linked versions of these data.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (7.1) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V7.1). We have preserved an archival record of version 7.1 of the data generated on May 16th, 2022.
Added data: New samples.
Modified data.
New Feature.
New Version Number & DOI.
March 29, 2022
- The variable EAID was 0 for all cases in Nigeria 2020 Kano and Lagos Household and Female samples. These observations now have values representing their primary sampling unit.
- An error was discovered in HHINCOMELOSSAMT where no persons were coded as having no income loss. This has been corrected.
- Cases in RESULTSQ that should have been labeled as "Other" had been marked as "Temporarily closed". This has been corrected.
- The facility-level identifier FACILITYID is now a string variable instead of a numeric variable to make it easier to link records of the same facility over time.
- In the variables PLACECURMOVEAGE and RESCURMOVEAGE, negative values were recoded to zero. A negative value represented the woman reporting that she had lived in her current place or residence longer than her reported age.
- POPWT is now available for household and female cross sectional files in 2020 and 2021.
Modified data.
Added data: new variable availability.
February 21, 2022
- Phase 2 longitudinal panel data on family planning are now available for Burkina Faso, DRC, Kenya, and Nigeria. Phase 1 (baseline) family planning survey data from 2020 is now available for Cote d'Ivoire, India, and Uganda. See our sample notes page to learn more about this new sampling design!
- A revised version of the Kenya 2019 Household and Female family planning sample was released by the data producers, which included fixes to MCP, TCP, ROOF, EDUCATT, COHAB1STSTARTMO, COHABLASTARTMO, FPCURREFFMETHRC, FPLIFE, FPMARRIED, FPONLYLIMIT, FPPROMISC, HHNUM, NHHMEM, PARTNERKNOW, and RESPONDENT. The variables FERTPREF and PREFTIMECH are now available. The universe for variables such as FPNOWUSCON have changed from "Women aged 15-49" to "Women aged 15-49 who are currently using a family planning method."
- A revised version of the Nigeria 2019 Kano and Lagos family planning samples were released by the data producers, which included fixes to FPLIFE, FPMARRIED, FPONLYLIMIT, and FPPROMISC. The variable PREFTIMECH is now available, but the variables MINORFQ, CABINET, CASSETTE, CHAIR, CLOCK, SOFA, SOLARPANEL, TABLE, DVDPLAY, and FPSTOPWHY have been removed. The universe for variables such as FPNOWUSCON have changed from "Women aged 15-49" to "Women aged 15-49 who are currently using a family planning method."
- A revised version of the Burkina Faso 2020 household and female family planning sample was released by the data producers and integrated by IPUMS, which included fixes to RESPONDENT and PLACE6REGIONBF. The variable FPSTOPWHY has been removed. The universe for variables such as FPNOWUSCON have changed from "Women aged 15-49" to "Women aged 15-49 who are currently using a family planning method." The variables PREFTIMECHNONE and PREFTIMECHSOME have been combined into the variable PREFTIMECHNPREG.
- Revised versions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2019 household and female family planning samples were released by the data producers and integrated by IPUMS, which included fixes to RESPONDENT, MCP, TCP, and FPCURREFFMETHRC. The variable FPSTOPWHY has been removed. The universe for variables such as FPNOWUSCON have changed from "Women aged 15-49" to "Women aged 15-49 who are currently using a family planning method." The variables PREFTIMECHNONE and PREFTIMECHSOME have been combined into the variable PREFTIMECHNPREG.
- In several female and household samples, observations in WALLS that should have been coded to "Stone with lime/cement" were incorrectly coded to "Cement with rocks". This has now been corrected.
- In the variables FPPLANWHEN and FPPLANVAL women report the months or years until they plan to use family planning. Some women report a year, such as "2030", instead of "8 years from now". Prior to this release, IPUMS recoded reported years as logical edits, but now makes them available in the data for researchers to conform to the month or year format of other responses. NIU and missing codes are now in a 4 digit structure.
- The variable ABORLEGHEALTH was renamed to ABORLEGLIFE to better reflect the content of the variable, and to differentiate it from a new variable that is now called ABORLEGHEALTH.
- The coding scheme for AGREEFPWPROMISC has been adjusted to incorporate new response categories.
- Due to changes in the geographic boundaries of data collection in Uganda starting in 2020, the variable SUBNATIONAL has new, spatially harmonized regions for Uganda to allow researchers to study the same areas from 2014-onward.
- With the addition of new estimation strata in the India 2020 Household and Female baseline survey, the codes for STRATA have changed.
- The variable INTFQDAY, or the day of the interview, has been added to available Client Exit Interview survey data.
- The variable PGRECDESIRE was combined with the comparable variable FPLCHDESIRE for Uganda 2019.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (7.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V7.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 7.0 of the data generated on February 21st, 2022.
Added data: New samples.
Modified data.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Added data: new variables.
Modified data: Combined variables.
New Version Number & DOI.
September 20, 2021
- Client exit interview data are now available! Data from interviews of women exiting family planning clinics after a medical appointment (which can be linked to SDP data of the same country and year) are now available for Burkina Faso, DRC, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. You can find these new data under the Person - Client Exit Interview unit of analysis. See our Sample Notes page for more details.
- The variable CONFLICTFP, which was available in Burkina Faso 2018 Household and Female Family Planning data, was combined with the comparable variable FPCONFLICTWOULD.
- The code values for the categories "Always" and "Visitor" in LIVEINRES have been adjusted to agree with the coding scheme for a similar variable, LIVEINPLACE.
- Values in the variables CANTDISTFAM, CANTDISTSCHOOL, and CANTDISTWATER were recoded incorrectly, and previously had zero "Yes" cases. This error has been fixed.
- A revised version of the Ethiopia 2019 Service Delivery Point sample was released by the data producers, which included fixes to AUTHORITY, STRATA, and EAWEIGHT, and two observations of facilities that did not serve the public were dropped. In STRATA, five regions are no longer separated by urban/rural status.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (6.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V6.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 6.0 of the data generated on September 20th, 2021.
Added data: New samples.
Modified data: Combined variables.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Modified data.
New Version Number & DOI.
July 29, 2021
- An error was discovered in HHDECDAILY for DRC (Kinshasa) and Nigeria (Kano) 2019. Cases that were not in universe were coded as no response. The data are now corrected.
Modified data.
July 12, 2021
- The variable STAFFALLHOURS, which was available in Nigeria 2018 Service Delivery Provider data, was combined with the comparable variable HLTHWKDAYPRES.
- A revised version of the Ethiopia 2019 Household and Female family planning sample was released by the data producers, which included fixes to RELIGIONFQ, STRATA, FPUSE2YR, and FPLCHDESIRE. In STRATA, five regions are no longer separated by urban/rural status.
- For Ethiopia 2019 Service Delivery Point data, SAMPLE was incorrectly coded as 23106, but has now been corrected to be 23108.
- An error was discovered in FPLCHDESIRE for almost all Household and Female samples. FPLCHDESIRE was being overwritten by PGDESIRE since our data release in October 2020. The data are now corrected.
- Also in the revised version of the Ethiopia 2019 Household and Female family planning sample are several new variables, including PARTNOPREGIPV, PARTRESTRICTFP, PARTTOLDNOFP, PARTTOLDNOPREGBABY, PARTTOLDNOPREGLEAVE, LASTBIRTHWKS, FPMETH2YR, and MISCODEDQ.
Modified data: Combined variables.
Modified data.
Added data: new variables.
May 17, 2021
- The contraceptive calendar data for Democratic Republic of the Congo 2019 was re-released by PMA to include an additional year of recall, and updated on IPUMS PMA.
- The weight variable for COVID-19 survey samples was renamed from FQWEIGHT to CVQWEIGHT. FQWEIGHT is still the weight variable to use for analysis using the family planning female questionnaire.
- An error was discovered in the variable POPWT for the Kenya 2019 Baseline female family planning sample which led to estimates that were too large by a factor of 10. This error has been corrected.
Modified data.
April 21, 2021
- COVID-19 phone survey data from Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, and Nigeria are now available! PMA contacted respondents from the most recent family planning baseline surveys in those countries by phone to ask about how they are impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, their sources of information about the pandemic, and other questions related to COVID-19.
- For Nigeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo samples when the same survey round is split into two samples by geographic region (for example, Nigeria 2015 Round 2), the variables HHID and PERSONID erroneously did not uniquely identify households and people, respectively. An additional digit was added to both HHID and PERSONID in these samples so that these variable do uniquely identify households and individuals.
- The contraceptive calendar data for Burkina Faso 2020, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2019, Kenya 2019, and Nigeria 2019 was re-released by PMA, and corrected on IPUMS PMA. Cases of women who either used the same family planning method for the entire observation period, or who were not pregnant, did not give birth, or use family planning in the observation period had previously had blank records. This has been corrected.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (5.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V5.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 5.0 of the data generated on April 21st, 2021.
Added data: new samples.
Modified data.
New Version Number & DOI.
March 9, 2021
- The variables CALENDARBF and CALENDARBFWHY were comma delimited in the original data, but the commas were erroneously removed in our processing. The original values have been restored.
- The variables LASTDURESS, LASTFORCE, LASTPRESSURE, and LASTNOTWANT have been removed in accordance with a decision by Performance Monitoring for Action. It was determined that certain protocols were not observed when asking these questions, and that these variables should not be used for research.
Modified data.
Modified data: Removed variables.
February 15, 2021
- Service delivery point data for 2019 samples are now available from Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda, and 2020 data from Burkina Faso. We have also released the 2019 Uganda household and female data.
- The coding scheme for the variable MVAFUNC has been changed to reflect differing levels of detail over time.
- The variables CYCBFEE, DIAFEE, EMRGFEE, FCFEE, FJFEE, FSTFEE, INJFEE, INJ1FEE, INJ3FEE, IMPFEE, IUDFEE, MSTFEE, NTABFEE, PROPILLFEE, PILLFEE, and SAYFEE incorrectly were coded to 999996 to represent facilities that were not interviewed. These cases are now coded to 999994.
- The codes in GEOID have been updated so that they range from 1 to 33, rather than the codes from the original data, which ranged from 11 to 94. Indonesia currently has 34 provinces, and PMA data has been sampled from 33 of them.
- The family planning household and female samples for Nigeria 2019 Kano and Nigeria 2019 Lagos previously had different codes for the variable SAMPLE. They have now both been coded to the same value in order to merge with SDP data for the same survey round, in which Kano and Lagos data are combined. The same change has been made for the 2019 Democratic Republic of the Congo samples from Kongo Central and Kinsasha.
- The variable POSTNTSERPROV has been renamed to PNCPROV.
- The variable ANCBTHIV has been renamed to ANCHIV.
- The variable ABORINOROUT has been renamed to PACPATIENTTYPE.
- The variable FPPOSTPT has been renamed to FPPNC.
- The variable CLUSTERWT was combined with EAWEIGHT, because for all samples, EAID or CLUSTERNG were the primary sampling unit, and it was not necessary to keep the Nigerian clusters of enumerations areas separate from other samples.
- For select samples of 2017 household and female data of the family planning surveys, the variable BIRTHEVENT was coded as NIU when it should have been coded as zero birth events. This error has now been corrected.
- In Uganda 2018 Household and Female and also Service Delivery Point data, the EA 3926, which was also sampled in 2017, was incorrectly coded as 3896 in the original data. This error is now corrected in the IPUMS PMA data.
- The previous data release provided access to the family planning household and female survey from Burkina Faso, and was published as Burkina Faso 2019. However, this has been corrected to Burkina Faso 2020. All interviews were conducted in 2020, and there is no Burkina Faso 2019 sample.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (4.2) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V4.2). We have preserved an archival record of version 4.2 of the data generated on February 15th, 2021.
Added data: new samples.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
Modified data: Combined variables.
Modified data.
Corrected metadata.
New Version Number & DOI.
October 14, 2020
- 2019 data from Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Nigeria are now available in IPUMS PMA. You can find these seven new samples along with hundreds of new and updated variables in the "family planning - person" as the unit of analysis.
- In the variable RELIGION, the values of 901 "None of the above" were recoded to 0 "None (no religion)".
- The variable FPIMPREMOVE has been renamed to FPIMPREMOVETRY to distinguish it from similar variables.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (4.1) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V4.1). We have preserved an archival record of version 4.1 of the data generated on October 14th, 2020.
Added data: new samples.
Modified data.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
New Version Number & DOI.
April 21, 2020
- The variables KIDBIRTHMO and KIDBIRTHYR originally had birth date information on the woman's record, but this information is contained in the variables BIRTHMO and BIRTHYR. Cases of women age 10-49 have been recoded to NIU in KIDBIRTHMO and KIDBIRTHYR in the 2018 Round 2 Nutrition samples in Burkina Faso and Kenya.
Modified data.
March 30, 2020
- Thirteen new service delivery point surveys from Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Kenya, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, and Uganda have been added to the online dissemination system. Four new household and female surveys from Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya have also been added.
- The Nutrition module data from Burkina Faso and Kenya are now available! See more information about this sample on our sample notes page. You can access these data by choosing the Nutrition-Person or Nutrition-Service Delivery Point units of analysis in the online data dissemination system.
- The variable FERTPREF was renamed to FERTPREFNPREG because the universe was women who were not pregnant at the time of the interview to be consistent with a related variable called FERTPREFPREG, which has a universe of only pregnant women. A new variable, FERTPREF, was created that combines both FERTPREFNPREG and FERTPREFPREG so that it contains comparable responses for all women surveyed using the female questionnaires. The same change was made to PREFTIMECH, PREFTIMECHNPREG, and PREFTIMECHPREG.
- The variable ANTESERPROV was renamed to ANCPROV to better match with other ANC variables.
- The variable series about family planning methods offered by community health extension workers were changed from a variable prefix of FPCHW to CHEW. For example, FPCHWPILL is now CHEWPILL.
- In variables LANGUAGEHQ and LANGUAGESQ, cases that had originally been assigned to Swahili (code 1901) were reassigned to Kiswahili (code 1102), after it came to our attention that Swahili is a cultural group and Kiswahili is the language spoken by that group.
- A new variable, FPUSPLAN, has been created by combining FPUSPLAN_NPREG and FPUSPLAN_PREG. These two variables separate non-pregnant and pregnant respondents for the same question. The new variable now contains responses for all women who answered this question in the survey.
- The variable CLUSTERNG was combined with EAID, because for all samples, EAID or CLUSTERNG were the primary sampling unit, and it was not necessary to keep the Nigerian clusters of enumerations areas separate from other samples. The same was done for variables in the Service Delivery point unit of analysis regarding areas the facility serves (EASERVED1-EASERVED32, EASERVED1WT-EASERVED32WT, and EASERVED1UR-EASERVED32UR).
- The variables WEALTHQ and WEALTHT are now available for all Household and Female samples. Previously, only WEALTHT was available for Burkina Faso and Niger samples, and WEALTHQ was available for all other samples. IPUMS calculated tertiles and quintiles using SCORE and HQWEIGHT.
- In samples India 2017 Round 3 and Ghana 2016 Round 5, non-interviewed household records originally had LINENO of 1, but have been corrected to be 0.
- The codes in TIMETOWATERDRYVAL for Not interviewed, Don't know, No response or missing, or not in universe were 2 digits long and between 95 and 99. However, values between 95 and 99 could be potential answers for how long water collection takes, so they have been increased to 3 digits, between 995 and 999 to match TIMETOWATERWETVAL.
- The coding scheme for the variable CHEWCON has been changed to agree with similar variables, such as CHEWINJ. Previously, 0 was "no method provided", 1 was "No", and 2 was "Yes".
- All livestock variables in the Agricultural Possessions variable group were recoded so that the missing codes (not in universe, don't know, etc) are all 5 digits long (99999, 99997, etc). Previously, the missing codes were of different lengths depending on the highest valid value in each variable.
- In the Service Delivery Point Ghana 2016 Round 5 sample, the variable HLTHRECPAPERF had one case that was originally coded as 2 "Not applicable". An additional variable was discovered that showed that this facility did have paper records, and is now coded as 1 "Yes".
- In the Burkina Faso 2016 sample, TOILETCLASS did not distinguish improved from unimproved sanitation facilities in the original data. IPUMS used other variables to reconstruct this variable to distinguish improved, shared, and unimproved facilities.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (4.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V4.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 4.0 of the data generated on March 30th, 2020.
Added data: new samples.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
Edited Variables.
Added data: new variables.
Modified data: Combined variables.
Added data: new variable availability.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Modified data.
New Version Number & DOI.
September 3, 2019
- An error was found and corrected in the variable SAMPLE. The household and female samples Nigeria 2017 (Oyo) and 2018 were mistakenly coded as being Nigeria 2017 (National).
Edited Variables.
August 6, 2019
- Thirteen new household and female surveys from Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Kenya, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, and Uganda have been added to the online dissemination system. From these samples, there are almost 600 new variables.
- The Maternal and Newborn Health module data from Ethiopia 2016-2017 is now available! See more information about this sample on our sample notes page. You can access these data by choosing the Infant unit of analysis in the online data dissemination system.
- The coding scheme for RELIGION has been adjusted to fit in new response categories.
- Codes for BIRTHUR have been changed to match URBAN, so that 0 is Rural. Previously, 2 was Rural. The codes for LASTUR have also been changed. Rural is now 0 (from 3), Town is now 1, (from 2), and City is now 2 (from 1), also to be more consistent with URBAN.
- The coding scheme for FPPROVIDER, LAMLEARN, and RHYTHMLEARN has been adjusted to fit in new response categories.
- The coding scheme for MHPLACE has been adjusted to fit in new response categories.
- The coding scheme for FPIMPREMOVEYR has been adjusted to fit in new response categories.
- The coding scheme for variables RATEQUAL, RATECLEAN, and RATERESPECT have been adjusted so that the Likert scale goes from poor (1) to excellent (5). Previously, the scale was excellent (1) to poor (5).
- The coding scheme for RATETRUST1 has been adjusted to that the Likert scale goes from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (4). Previously, the scale was strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (4).
- The variable INSTYPEGH has been disaggregated and merged with INSNAT, INSEMP, INSMUTUAL, INSOTH, and INSOTHPRIV.
- An error was corrected in STRATA for Ghana samples from 2013-2016. Cases that had been coded as 28800 have been corrected to 28801, and cases that had been coded as 28801 have been corrected to 28802.
- For the Ethiopia 2017 Round 5 sample, all in-universe cases for the variables FPSTOPMO and FPSTOPYR were originally coded as missing in the original data, and are now corrected.
Added data: new samples.
Edited Variables.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
New Version Number & DOI.
February 12, 2019
- We have now added the survey text tab for most variables. This allows you to easily access survey question wording for each variable and compare across samples.
- There are now 8 new service delivery point samples from Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, and India.
- In the SDP samples of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2017 Round 6, the survey software had an error that affected skip patterns in the survey. In previous rounds, hospitals, health clinics, and health posts were considered advanced facilities, but they were accidentally not included in advanced facilities for this sample. Questions meant for advanced facilities were not asked of hospitals, health clinics, and health posts.
- Due to a re-release of the Burkina Faso 2015 Round 2 Household and Female sample by PMA2020, the variables CAR, WEALTHT, and SCORE have updated values for some cases. The variable TOILETTYPES is now unavailable for this sample.
- An error was found and corrected in HIVFPOTH and HIVVISFPOTH. HIVFPOTH and HIVVISFPOTH were combined into HIVFPOTH (family planning methods other than condoms are provided to clients who come in for HIV services), and some samples were split into HIVFPPROV (family planning methods are provided to clients who come in for HIV services). These different questions were mistakenly combined into the same variable HIVFPOTH.
- An error was found and corrected in FPIMPREMOVE. For samples Ethiopia 2017 Round 5 and Kenya 2016 Round 5, this variable should have been FPIMPREMOVEYR. because the respondents were given a reference period of 12 months.
- In the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 Round 2 Kinshasa sample, the variable FJOUT6MO, which previously had 257 cases of "No" responses, has been removed from this sample. All 257 cases should be NIU, because no facilities provided jelly or foam in that sample.
- In the Ethiopia 2014 Round 1 SDP sample, DOCTORPRES was coded as -77 for 13 cases that should have been zero. This issue has been fixed.
- The variables IDEALKIDNUM and PREFERKIDNUM have been added to the Indonesia 2016 Round 2 Household and Female sample.
- The variable PREFTIMECHMONTH is now available in Cote d'Ivoire 2017, Ethiopia 2017, Niger 2017, Nigeria 2017, India 2017, and Indonesia 2016 samples.
- The variable IDEALBIRTHWAITVAL has been added to the Indonesia 2016 Round 2 Household and Female sample.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (2.1) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V2.1). We have preserved an archival record of version 2.1 of the data generated on February 12th, 2019.
New Feature.
Added data: new samples.
Sample Note.
Edited Variables.
Added data: new variable availability.
Added data: new variables.
New Version Number & DOI.
November 2, 2018
- WEALTHQ is now available for the Nigeria 2016 Round 3 and Nigeria 2017 Round 4 samples.
- IPUMS PMA has updated the version number (2.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V2.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 2.0 of the data generated on November 2nd, 2018.
Added data: new variable availability.
New Version Number & DOI.
October 15, 2018
- Service delivery point files are now available! Users can choose from 41 samples of service delivery point (SDP) data and more than 800 variables. In the extract system, choose service delivery point as the unit of analysis.
- There are now 8 new household and female samples from Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Niger, India, Indonesia, and Uganda. More than 110 new variables are available in the 8 new household and female samples.
- Due to the addition of new response categories, codes for LIVEINREGION have been modified.
- To accommodate larger response values, variables LOCALCATTLEHOME and LOCALCATTLENUM have expanded to 5 digits. NIU and other missing codes have changed to reflect this.
- In Water Use variables, cases that were originally coded as 95 were corrected to be 96.
- Cases of 99999 in SCORE were recoded to 99998 because they were missing, not out of universe.
- In the variables FPINSBPJS, FPINSJAMK, FPINSPRIV, and FPINSOTH in the Indonesia 2015 Round 1 sample, cases of "No" were disaggregated into "NIU (not in universe)", "No", and "Services covered by insurance not listed".
- An error was discovered in the variable CAR for the Burkina Faso 2015 Round 2 sample, in the original data. Too many households were recorded as owning a car. This error has been corrected with this release.
- Cases of 95 (Not interviewed - female questionnaire) were corrected to 96 (Not interviewed - household questionnaire).
- The variable POPWT has been added to samples Kenya 2016 Round 5, Ghana 2016 Round 5, and Nigeria 2016 Round 4, in addition to the new samples released today.
Added data: New samples.
Edited Variables.
Added data: new variable availability.
May 15, 2018
- Variables from the Primary Health Care module in Ghana 2016 Round 5 are now available.
- More than 70 new variables have been added to samples Niger 2016 Round 3, Kenya 2016 Round 5, and Ghana 2016 Round 5 on various topics, including challenges obtaining family planning (ie. CHALCOST), perceptions of and communications about family planning use (ie. FPPRONATGOV) and other topics.
- KID6DOBCMC and KID7DOBCMC are now available.
- An error was found and corrected in SCORE, FQWEIGHT, and HQWEIGHT for the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2015 Round 3.
- Added Kenya Round 5 to HORSEHOME and HORSENUM. Updated comparability to indicated that this sample asked about horses, donkeys, or camels.
- The variables for children's birth date in century month code (for example, KID1DOBCMC) for the 5 youngest children under 5 are now available for additional samples.
- The variables INTFQYEAR and INTFQMON are now available for the Democratic Republic of Congo 2013 Round 1.
- Changed SAMPLE, SUBNATIONAL, STRATA to use ISO 3-digit codes for each country instead of 1 through 10.
- In TIMEMENSTRUATEVAL, enumerators were instructed to code the total number of months or years since the woman's last menstrual period. However, in some samples, a select number of enumerators recorded specific years, e.g. 2005. We believe these cases were intended to represent the year in which the woman's last menstrual cycle occurred. IPUMS-PMA previously recoded these cases to "Logical edit - missing." These cases now have been recoded by subtracting the recorded response from the year of the interview to estimate when the woman's last menstrual cycle occurred. The universe for this variable was also changed for all samples. It previously read as "Women aged 15-49," and has now been updated to "Women aged 15-49 except those who are menopausal, whose last period was before their last birth, or who have never married." The width of this variable was also updated to 5, after previously having a width of 4.
- In PREFTIMECHVAL, enumerators were instructed to code the total number of months or years the woman would like to wait until a/another birth. However, in some samples, a select number of enumerators recorded specific years, e.g. 2017. We believe these cases were intended to represent the year in which the woman's would prefer to have a/another birth. IPUMS-PMA previously recoded these cases to "Logical edit - missing." These cases now have been recoded by subtracting the year of the interview from the recorded response to estimate the time the woman would like to wait until a/another birth.
- In certain samples, women who did not consent to the female questionnaire, CHEB were coded as "0 - No children." These cases have been recoded as "95 - Not interviewed (female questionnaire)." Additionally, in some samples women who have never given birth were coded as "99 - NIU (not in universe)." These cases have been recoded as "0 - No children."
- A select number of codes were changed in FPPROVIDER to a more intuitive organization.
- Changed labels for variables pertaining to the disposal of young children's fecal waste Child Health group page to increase consistency across variables.
Added data: new variables.
Edited Variables.
Added data: new variable availability.
Modified data: Changed variable names.
Modified data: Changed codes.
Modified data: Changed variable labels.
March 5, 2018
- IPUMS PMA has been released with the version number (1.0) and DOI (https://doi.org/10.18128/D081.V1.0). We have preserved an archival record of version 1.0 of the data generated on March 5th, 2018.
Initial DOI Version.